Would you date a 10/10 even if she was 5 cm taller and 10 IQ points smarter than you?

Would you date a 10/10 even if she was 5 cm taller and 10 IQ points smarter than you?

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in general yes
especially if she loved me or at least found me attractive.

>10/10 6'5" 155iq gf
would be stupid not to

Why not, a good nut will be had that's for sure.
It's also blindly obvious that she would be cheating almost instantly, but I got a good nutting, all that's needed, would have preferred if they were even taller though.

I don't care if she was 2x taller. If she's my soul mate

>If she's my soul mate
How very presumptuous

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So she doesn't already like me and I need to impress her despite her being my superior? I have no chance then

>185 cm and 140 iq

I like smart women and want to learn everything she knows so I can impress her.
Height is whatever but tall can be really cute.

I just want my Miss Sakaki

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I'm already short and stupid so why not?

she would be 5'11 and with an IQ of 165

My psychology would prevent me from recognising that she is smarter than me and 5cm isn't that much.

I would.
She wouldn't

Yes, good genes for my kids. They deserve a better life than I do.

Of course, that would make her a 20/10
Not ever going to happen though

>10/10, 5 cm taller,10 IQ points smarter than you?
Of Fucking Course i would

10/10 for me is at least 6 inches taller, so sure, any height more than mine is pretty good
>10 IQ points smarter
Fuck yes, most women I have to speak to are fucking dumb as shit. It's so off putting.
Now, riddle me this, why would she date me?

>implying a woman can be smarter than me

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No, I'm not attracted to tall women. I'm already 6'4". IQ, whatever. As long as she's not a career woman I don't give two shits.

>10 IQ higher
>a woman
Lets be realistic here.
5cm isnt too bad so why not, i would.

Yes, immediately, without second thought.

> Would you date a she


Was I supposed to be put off by those "problems"?

>6 1
>genius 150 IQ
What sort of an idiot would turn down these chad tier genetics?

Not to be pendantic
But she wouldn't be a 10/10 if she was taller than me.
But I would.
I'd rather her not be taller than me, but I'd be all in with a girl who's smarter