What is your biggest worry right now?
What is your biggest worry right now?
Ever making it to a decent job so I eventually can afford retirement
best friend cucking me with my oneitis
Decide between my current good paying IT Computer engineering job or follow my dreams from childhood and take the recent offer to work as a traindriver.
I like a girl. There's another girl that I think digs me. There's also a couple of girls that might or might not like me.
I'm worried about not getting any. Not because I particularly like any of them, but because being single for too long fucks up with my mood too much and i wanna do well at my career. Obviously I've never not been single, so even if things worked out I might find myself in an even worse emotional hell, but a change is needed. As things stand, I expect a meltdown around late June or so.
Best suicide method once I burn through all my savings.
If my laptop will be delivered soon
don't wanna fail any exams
Being able to get in the army before 25.i am 22 right now. I hknestly probably wont and will do something just as drastic with my life.
deciding which brand of $2500 laptop to buy next
Me too. I also want to get married ASAP so my family will stop keeping such a close eye on me.
Good luck with your exams!!
My health. The migraines are back and I don't understand what's causing them. When I diet, I have low blood sugar and get migraines. When I eat unhealthy food and I gain weight, I get migraines. Shit sucks.
He's not your friend anymore. Don't try to pretend he is or you'll regret it. Neither is she.
Finding an opiate drug stronger than tramadol. I asked on drugfeels but no one bothered to answer.
not ever being able to move out, dying of health complications in some homeless shelter months after my closest friends and family have given up on me when I was barely even a burden to begin with and was able to pay for my own shit
i'd be lucky if they just kept my body and hid it so they could keep taking my neetbux
Not being able to quit Jow Forums. I'm giving myself an ultimatum that I must quit Jow Forums or else I have to get a job at a fast food restaurant. Probably neither will happen though and I will continue to spiral downward into mental illness and addiction.
Getting a job, being overweight, not having a good gaming PC. Also I'm sick today but still at work which isn't helping
A train driver? As long as it's like actual freight trains then that's an easy choice. I've heard that those jobs pay really well
You probably have diabetes(the type 1 one). Go to a doctor
I mean thats not hard. The deepweb is easy as fuck to use, I buy drugs every week from it. Never got robbed or into trouble. Would you be willing to try heroin? Its fun as fuck, and I could tell you how to get it on the street or off the deepweb. What state?
I want to make some money and I thought that making a 2d android game and publishing it on google play would be a good idea. I am famliar with programming but i dont have much experience with developing games so im not sure if i will be able to do it and its my only option so im pretty scared
I do use the dm's however I'm not willing to make the jump to heroin yet.
no one to communicate IRL except family
I start my first job ever today after years of neetlife and Im nervous Im gonna fuck something up or sperg out.
??? Then what are you looking for? More tramadol? At that point just buy kratom. Black tar heroin can be smoked and its loads of fun. If your too pussy to try that then try opium, oxycontin, or even suboxone. One 8mg pill of suboxone costs ~$20, and half a mg will get you fucked for 24 hours. Literally high for over a week for $20. Are you willing to try anything other than tramadol? Its not even a narcotic.
Dying alone originally
user, nothing is ever as scary as it seems. You may be nervous at first, but you'll soon get over it. Even if it goes poorly (which it probably won't) it will be a useful experience and you'll eventually get better at it. All the best!!
I can't find a decent job or any friends. Every good job is occupied, and everyone already has all the friends they need.
Having to accept the fact that I'm worthless and will never be good at anything/accomplish anything
Some retarded bitch who keeps being weird
eczema is consuming my face
Struggling to find a reason to live
Losing my best and only friend. He means alot to me.
Trying to find myself a career as all my friends journey into theirs. I'm being left behind and it terrifies me.
That I won't be able to live in my room forever without working.
Fucking asthma. I can't even leave my house without getting throat fucked by pollen and whatever else.
i'm in caracas, venezuela, so a civil war and not having enough money to leave and live somehwere else. got me $1000, what will be of me...
Have you ever listened to GORGOROTH?
i have not. didn't know it was a band
My gf getting sick of me and leaving. I don't think she will but it's something I worry about nonstop. I'd probably off myself if it ever did happen, but we love each other and I shouldn't doubt her. Nobody else makes me feel happy like she does and I also worry she doesn't need me nearly as much as I need her.
i just wanna graduate man
i spent 6 years on a 4 year biomedical engineering degree (meme tier i know)
and even then i don't know what the fuck i'm gonna do afterwards
My thesis and presentation AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH fuck
I need a job fuck I need money landlolrd called and is pissed, threatening eviction I DO NOT want to be homeless again robros. I'm also worried about my health, I lost 15lbs this month and been sleeping too much, running out of food again.
Gonna have to start selling my furniture to make it fuck fuck fuck
If you are willing to sustain a wall of dicks (or use clever tags), Omegle is a great way to find humans to talk to
I'm about to get kicked out of college for a second time
I know how you feel. I wonder if the still think about me anymore
I will enter med school again with 20y/o
Hang in there. What is it like on the ground? Have a lot of people left already?
If someone will release a good game that targets the same audience while I finish mine.
Being in my 30s and never having experienced reckless, carefree, drama-filled, passionate love with a girl. Never experiencing love in general. Even if I got a girlfriend now it would be two people in their 30s, putting up with the adult world, and I'm already dead inside completely.
it's ok now. it was just one of those crazy days in caracas that happen from time to time and tomorrow i think everything will be back to normal
yeah, a lot of people have left already. all my friends but one have left. they're all over the world
That i never meant anything to her and never will. I just wanted to have a nice future with her. It kills me that i can never be with her. It hurts. something's are just never meant to happen
My consciousness being ripped from body and being placed into a state of eternal unimaginable torture
I'm worried I won't have weed money in a few months. my parents are retiring soon and they're who I get money from
Dude train drivers can get paid insanely well. I say go for it
YOU CAN DO THIS! you're gonna make it bro, you'll find a way to slip in that crevice and make it out.
I had a truancy officer show up to my house today. i have to appear in court in a week. Haven't been showing up to school all that often, my motivation is depleted.
Worried that my parents are going to flake and not take me to get a license or a car. Worried that I won't do well in my classes. Worried that my only friend won't text me back.
having the human population be wiped out by nuclear war, but in a thousand years after all of the fallout is gone, have it start over again because everyone forget the north sentinelese islands existed
If there's a nuclear war the North Sentinelese are absolutely going to die with the rest of us. They're an agrarian society, and nuclear war = nuclear winter...