Tfw no pure Irish redhead gf

>tfw no pure Irish redhead gf

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they're too busy getting blacked

Actuallly black men are very rare in Ireland

They Irish are the ugliest people I have ever seen IRL

I never said she's pretty desu

she's so annoying in her show

the irish have black hair not red hair wtf

Irish, can confirm

>tfw no big dicked red haired Irish man to shove his thick deep into my boipussy and fuck me till I take his boicum

Thing about red headed Irish is either they are absolutely hideous disgusting brutes or absolute beours and theres no in between.

>t.Resident Paddy

>blue eyes on a redhead
fucking gross

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You're thinking of Scotland, not Ireland.

Stay the FUCK out of my country

She's Irish, dude. Amybeth McNulty.

You can tell by the size of her forehead. Most Irish people have big foreheads

Not talking about her specifically

ginger women are god's gift to the world sadly there aren't many of them left

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Well, I don't care too much about appearance anyway, so it doesn't matter.

gingers are disgusting
They'll be the 1st to go once global warming really hits and the sun reaks havoc on their skin

>global warming

>tfw no pure Irish gf

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that's the exact opposite of pure

nothing is purer than a Beautiful Angel

I wish, user, l wish