Does being former military increase your sexual market value or not?

Does being former military increase your sexual market value or not?
assuming you stay fit even after getting out

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it depends, if the girl knows anything about the war you're in or the country you're fighting for she'll decide if it increases or decreases based on her political stance
it will decrease by default because you're enlisted and could be sent away to die at any moment

Yeah I think it does. Mostly cause you've got a shitload of interesting and funny stories to tell, and you're also stronger than most people, but it doesnt show. You're lean, not like a bodybuilder, so it kinda blows people away when you can handle heavy weights like its nothing. After I left the navy I could do planks with a girl sitting on my back for several minutes without breaking a sweat. That's obviously great.

>muh stronk
t. 100% grass fed faggot

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It increases your psychopath value, thats about it

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>into girls

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Cringe abd. Lue pilled basedboy faggots.

>haha no u r the faggot

People are just jealous as fuck of the military all the time since its obviously the best career out there but they dont dare to chose it. You get paid to be tough, fire weapons, go on adventures, shout at people and wear a sexy ass uniform. Nothing will ever top it.

t. would never serve for ethical reasons
but yes. it will.
if you are capable of coming out financially ahead by using your time not-serving; that would be the smarter option

>sexy ass uniform
holy s h i t

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the Marines have the best uniform
that's why they would be my branch of choice if I did join

When you're on the streets with your uniform all girls look at you. They dont even try to hide it. Wide puppy eyes all over you. I'm not even that handsome, but I felt like a movie star wearing that shit.

Can you do a single pull up?

can you get a real job?

It's a lot less about "wow he sexy" than "wow look at this retard, can't even dress in normal clothes."

Yeah. I have skills that are valuable to society. Why do you think someone who has been in the military has no such things? Did a kid in jrotc bully you in highschool? Move on. Clinging to terrible past emotions arent good for your health.

how to tell when someone has no experience with the military

generally uniforms are only going to attract the wrong kind of girls

You dont understand the minds of normalfaggots do you?they are patriotic as fuck. Or atleast they know how to fake it. They actually think highly of the people who do serve. Atleast where i live.

maybe in butt-fuck, TX they are but try leaving the country and see how your faggy power tripping and gay ass uniform work for women who didn't go to public school in burgerland

Uniforms attract the hot kind of girls. That's all that matters.

You can look good in both, but a uniform is always going to be dropping panties and making people like you seethe.

>people like you
you mean non-normalfag people with 3 digit IQ?

I dont know anything about you other than a deep jealousy for those who serve in the military.
Dont worry tho you're not alone. That applies to most normal people.

>low tier army retard thinks the looks he's getting are a good thing
I stare at people wearing their mcdonalds uniform in public too kid.

Why are you being so agressive with me because of my life choices? Im not op by the way. I dont want to join for girls. But considering what board this is youll just call me a raging faglord anyways so whatever. Personally i want to join because my dad did,and so did his dad and his dad etc. Its tradition. Anyways,i hope you have a nice day.

You dont have to be a women pro to distinguish between a scowl and puppy eyes.

No. Women have no appreciation of what you've done, or what you've been through.

i'm only making fun of soldiers user, why do you care what civvies think so much? why is it such a big deal if I point out they're a bunch of posturing faggot welfare queens

Apparently you do, since you can't seem to tell that it's not a good look.

nah its more like sluts and dependas

>Cringe abd. Lue pilled


Its insulting to compare us to blacks. You just lack the understanding,or the will to understand,the blood sweat and tears to be in any form of military not just american military. You are just being an edgey kid.

>Its insulting to compare us to blacks.

yet accurate...

lmao that isn't a comparison to black people

Next time you see a young man wearing a uniform in public, look at the way women stare at him. Then you'll have proof of what I'm saying.

>Its insulting to compare us to blacks.
it was intended to be an insult
>any form of military not just american military
why do you think there aren't many men joining the military in other countries? they don't live in a place that's been bankrolling overseas gangs for 18 years

>it will decrease by default because you're enlisted and could be sent away to die at any moment
nah. I belive chance of you die is pretty low but army makes a man out of boy. There is no chance of being autistic virgin for you. Maybe taxi driver style but even he was dating someone.

>risked life for Israel
>looks down on others
You're the retarded nigger here, don't even try to say otherwise

Yes. The downside is you could die fighting sand people for a country that wants you dead. Pro tip that country is not America.

>risked life
Lmao peacetime vets ww@?