How do we stop the incels?

How do we stop the incels?
Seriously, like why are they so violent? Why can't they get laid? WTF? How do we stop this

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they should be rounded up in camps where we can monitor them
not like they work, so nothing will be missed

Society is the problem,not incels. Society creates them,a d galavanizes there feelings of being ostracized and the like.

it worked in the past

>actual fascists
Huh,neat. Never met one before but i guess every day is a miracle.

stop making fun of them for not getting laid and treat them like normal people, stop lumping every guy who has trouble with socializing under the same umbrella of "frog posting low IQ sociopath"
if you label them before they even begin to consider joining the alt right/MGTOW or whatever, you'll just push them further in that direction
also: you're not special for having sex, it's not an accomplishment and no one whose opinion you'd actually value would ever give half a shit.

stop hating them for getting laid and treat them like normal people, stop lumping every guy who gets coochie under the same umbrella of "chads"
if you label them before they even begin to consider joining a fraternity or whatever, you'll just push them further in that direction
also: you're not special for going on Jow Forums, it's not an accomplishment and no one whose opinion you'd actually value would ever give half a shit.

>meme culture negatively affected my life

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fuck off you idiot the biggest mass shooter was a normie with multiple relationships.

All women should be killed. just make death squads

Every post containing the word "incel" should automatically redirect to on submit.

why should we normalize white loser males?

nah incels can't get laid because they have shitty personalities and refuse to accept the fact that it's their fault and instead blame it on "fUcKinG fEmoIDs".

the problem will be solved once they recognize that THEY need to change and no woman has to have sex with them

normal people aren't obligated to be nice to you either, especially when you act like a blatant lefty/cuck shill

Whites cannot be incels sweetie, they're all just disenfranchised youths of color.
Fucking racist bigots, rounding up people for the color of their skin and denying them sex.

why does it have to be fascist eunuchism? give benefits and free vidya + weed to eunuchs. you've knocked out two groups of losers with one government program.

>How do we stop the incels?

You acknowledge that there is a problem with how women behave in 2019. Incels are just a reactionary movement to the dating scene in present day.

I had this conversation with a female friend a few months ago. She openly admitted that most of her friends are "fucking psycho" and refused to set me up with them. I then had an identical conversation with ANOTHER female friend. Behind closed doors most women admit that even their closest friends are completely undateable or just batshit crazy, whether it be perennially chasing after tyrone or being lying, manipulative sluts. This is BEFORE disorders like BPD, NPD, etc come into play that accelerate their insanity to life-destroying levels.

This kind of climate will undoubtedly lead to a group of men feeling extremely pissed off.

Education and stopping neetbux. Since almost all incels are neets and dumb, forcing them to get a job and educating them would make them disappear.

>Education and stopping neetbux. Since almost all incels are neets and dumb, forcing them to get a job and educating them would make them disappear.
don't suppress us
we have rights!

incels and Jow Forumstards are the greatest terrorist threats to Western civilization at the moment
Keep coming to these sites for your scheduled brainwashing, unloveable young men
The evil je--I mean brown people are the reason no one likes you (we worship jews now because the current administration does, but any scapegoat will do).

laugh at the jew

no no the jews are on our side now, they own our God emperor so we must bow to them

>How do we stop the incels?
Two words my dude: Have sex.

rape them, that will teach them

This is the only solution we have left.

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Stop treating them like they're convicts since all it does is push them to more extremes. This idea that they're monster because they're angry virgins is stupid.

>Marginalize them further,
>Create an "incel scare" in the media.
>Take away their spaces so they go further away from the public eye.
>Create the appropriate laws to form a public incel registry. (Unemployment and public shaming seem to work wonders when it comes to deradicalization).
>Watch the problem magically disappear.

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I don't know. I have a friend I lost to incels and he now radicalizes incels for terrorist attacks. He has sleepers in the high areas of tech companies and even government to proceed to push his pro incel agenda and make it so these incels run to his training camps in the UAE. But beware. According to him 1 and 10 Americans are incels and he has courted a very large number of incels. Beware because according to him these incels will be commiting atrocities that make Rodge look like a joke.

damn, are we looking at incel coup soon? will I be treated like a first class citizen after the revolution?

Unfortunately I believe it's something more sinister. He took me around his incel camp before and I saw something completely alarming i would never of suspected. There was a room of young incel men tied to chairs in a seacan. Curious I asked him about it and he told me it was for his "masters" request that these gentlemen where held in that cage. I asked him about his "masters" but he couldnt tell me much other than they're very powerful and use these young men that are specifically chosen from when he admits these incels into his camps. But I did have a encounter with one of them I won't say much but who his "masters" are is shocking and I can't really say who they where out of fear of my own safety.

>free vidya
im in, its not like ill ever get laid anyways, only normalfags care about sex

there were no incels back in the days of feudalism because ugly men considered themselves to be inferior serfs, and so on. but nowadays, men have this misplaced sense of personal value that creates cognitive dissonance when women devalue them. therefore we need to return to a feudal society

this post was a lot more clever in your head wasn't it

>why are they so violent?
Because they are socially ostracized and can't get laid.

>Why can't they get laid?
Because they are unattractive and/or socially awkward. Getting laid is not an exact science. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another.

>How do we stop this
Stop creating them. Consciously force yourself to genuinely consider ugly people and the socially awkward to be potential mates and members of your friend group.

Nah, ugly men in feudal society got wives just fine. No one was allowed to have multiple wives because it's un-christian, and women had to marry just to survive. Man takes care of woman, woman provides children in return. Simple rules.

Maybe you should leave us alone

Why shouldn't i blow a hole through your head with my shotgun?

Yup nothing better than forcing someone with nothing to live for to wage slave truly cementing the fact that he is worthless and doomed forever. Every second they were at work they'd be considering mass suicide

>public shaming
That's the entire reason I'm here in the first place

Low quality bait should have included something about Donald trump being involved

Fascism is Ethno Socialism. It works, giving social programs to the people, and seeing how your community grows makes you feel good.

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>I agree with everything leftists like
>Except I don't like brown people

Its a little upsetting, not gonna lie.

Having pride in your race, not implying hatred for others, is natural. You are making a presumption, in fact, have you ever heard of the Free Arabian Legion? They were Arabs who served in the Waffen SS, Ostlegionen were people who served in the Waffen SS from Central Asia. Indians also served in the Waffen SS

Give them a nation worth living, fighting, and dying for.
National Socialism is benevolent leftist politics limited to the ethnic folk of the nation. Sounds good to me. So long as everyone agrees to play by the same rules in an NS society, it works. Mono-cultures in Scandinavian countries have shown this.

>public shaming
>on an national socialist anonymous north korean transvestite forum

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Yea, but still I chuckled

How come women can have 'shitty personalities' and still have 8/10 sex? The problem is society more than ever

Teach women to behave.

Not sure who the biggest mass shooter is or if this is true but regardless, I agree. People aren't violent because they are virgins. In fact, the term incel literally just stands for involuntary celibate meaning they're just virgins but don't want to be. That's not to say incels can't be violent, but being an incel isn't the cause of violence, being a selfish narcissist who thinks that people owe them something such as women owing them sex is.

It's because men are the most hated people in society.
There is male shaming on the TV and media daily.
It teaches you to abuse men and put women on a pedestal.
It teaches women to use men as utilities and that men are immoral bad people.
I have gotten girls in the past, I'm not incel before you accuse me.
Women have the power in our society.
In the dating scene they are the oppressor.
If 150 years are 30% of women were incel, you can bet that it surely would have been blamed on the men too.

violent people are less likely to be virgins


Men are excluded from society
Lonely man lol what a loser.
Lonely woman I feel sorry for her, she's been through so much let's be her friend and take care of her.

>how do we stop incels
maybe stop shaming them for being virgin's you know that could work

In ancient times, the incel problem would be solved through warfare. Send your young male virgins off to die in battle. Nowadays it's a bit trickier. What do you do with us? It's not a massive issue in the west, thanks to our relative gender balance and the alpha fucks/beta bucks system, but in the east it's already borderline catastrophic and will only get worse. In China and South Asia, there are 200 million more men than women. Imagine the implications of that. Literally hundreds of millions of incels, with absolutely no hope of finding wives in their home countries for the simple reason that all the women are already taken. If they want wives at all, they need to be rich enough to entice foreign women, which is practically impossible given how low the standard of living is in that part of the world (literally below the global average across the board).

Oh, and if you put China, India, and Pakistan together, there are about 500 nukes to go around. Hundreds of millions of violent young male virgins, military dictatorships in 2 of those 3 countries, and weapons of mass destruction. What could go wrong?

Yeah it's a natural phenomenon always happened.
The men's fault.
30% of men.
Completely natural.

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>chart comparing 1989 to 2018
I was talking about all of human history, not just the last 30 years. For all of human history, the issue of young, unmarried, poor men was essentially solved with warfare. Recruit them into your armies, send them out to conquer new land (and either die or get new wives in the process). Why do you think Rome traditionally gave its retired professional soldiers plots of land in the provinces/conquered lands in which they had fought? More often than not they'd find some local girl to rape or sometimes even fall in love with, and settle down and have kids. Same goes for Islam, with its provision that it's ok for a muslim man to marry a non-muslim woman but not the other way around.
>The men's fault.
I'm not saying that at all. Either in ancient times or nowadays. It's not the fault of young men growing up in asia today that their retarded parents kept aborting newborn baby girls.

Remember, it's always men's fault. No matter what.

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe incels have shitty personalities or they need to be in camps or castrated. Inceldom is less of a plague and more of a symptom.
1. Being an incel is like being a homo; You are born into it, you cannot change it, the parents had no say in it, but it will happen. Personality camps, castration, etc etc will have as much of an effect on incels as they had gay people. The problem is not in the whay the are, it is them existing. And before you say, "just kill them all then", that won't stop them from being born, and if we're being generous and saying being a virgin at 18 means you're an incel, that's 18 years down the drain for society. Child costs. Public school costs. All wasted.
2. This mirrors an ancient phenomenon; vagrancy. Before agriculture, humans could not be separated from hairless apes. And in those societies, of hunting, gathering, and nomadic tribes, female hypergamy is as real is it is in nature today. it is only when you needed to stay in one spot(to farm), that there was a need for marriage equality. If early societies kept the 1 male:5 females families, the male vagrants that could not attract women wouldn't simply decay away. They still wanted to live. They would steal crops, tools, etc from farmer families, and would rape the women if given the chance. All whule not working themselves. There's a reason every ancient religion had a from of marriage(1 male, 1 female); society cannot exist without the production of beta males, and beta males will not produce without a woman.

Looks at marriage and dating today. Divorce and polygamy(a return to 1 male and 5 female families) are rampant. And, what a coincidence, the rise of incels once again.

>tfw will never be a chad having fun and making food with your gf and she will be proud to post you on her social media and show you to her friends

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