Alright virgins listen up, here's how to win over a fembot

Alright virgins listen up, here's how to win over a fembot.

>first, you need to go places were they will be present
>local feasts are a good place to check, they normally come along with their family
>now you need confidence for the next part so keep your head up
>don't fuck about or be a pussy, straight up tell her that you admire her
>if you've won any recent competitions you can even dedicate it to her
>now to wait, don't be needy
>if she was impressed, she will message you to meet up again
>learn some poems n shit. Ladies love poems. Just make sure you tell her the kind that she's into
>if all goes well, you'll have yourself a fembot waifu in a couple of months of doing this

That's all there is to it guys, you can do it

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this is the gayest shit I have ever read
fucking poetry?

>they normally come along with their family
Not exactly a fembot if she had Tyrones baby
Also this post was mega gay

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You're both fully retarded, congratulations

Do I bring copious amounts of butter or do I talk about how I mass genocided the Khergits?

>mass genocided

Maybe it's time you took a break from games, because reading that was painful

What said. It's only called genocide if you kill people, and not some horse fucking savages.
Also horse archers are shit, Rhodok Crossbowmen are better.

No, the problem is that "mass genocided" is a retarded way of saying exterminated, annihilated, committed genocide on, massacred, destroyed or eradicated. Not only is genocide not a verb, but saying "mass genocide" is like saying "deadly murder". It's a pleonasm.

>being this much of a wet blanket

it's pretty obvious what he was saying in RP game talk, lighten up ya virgin.

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Listen op. I know the ddlc girls are cute and all but sadly they are not real. Poetry aint gonna do shit unless she is mega into it

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Depends on the fair maiden you are proceeding to court. Some like a tale of might, others will prefer you to lather them with riches

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>they don't get it


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>try to win over some pussy in m&b warband
>they tell me to sneak over
>get there, repeatedly
>she still gives me the cold shoulder
what the actual fuck is this game

Can't win over what does not exist

I'd date any robot who wasn't born a filthy swadian desu.

>tfw Bannerlord will never come out

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Fuck you, roastie! kingdom Swadia is the only kingdom that matters.

> her brother is a total spas and hates me
> I beat him in battle all the time and even take him prisoner
> he won't stop throwing a fit

>not based nords
you are LOWER than an incel

>>first, you need to go places

You've lost me, sorry

fuck off rhodie, your women have bigger cocks than your men

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They exist, you just have to accept that there's a 50/50 chance it also has a penis

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>nay grinding 50+ swadian knights and laying waste to every foe you come upon

Neck thyself filthy knave

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