Did ya do anything interesting today
Schizoid general
I posted a backwards heart lol
I just kind of.. sat around I guess.
Yeah I had sex with your mom
Are paranoid schizos allowed to post in these threads?
You're not schizoid. If you'd be schizoid, you wouldn't even be posting here because you wouldn't care enough. Schizoid personality disorder isn't just "boohoo I don't like people". Schizoid people are the ones who stare at the wall for hours and are fine with it.
I am schizoid because I match the DSM-5 criteria to be schizoid you gatekeeping fag
what are the criteria for it?
Neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family.
Almost always chooses solitary activities.
Has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person.
Takes pleasure in few, if any, activities.
Lacks close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives.
Appears indifferent to the praise or criticism of others.
Shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity.
You need to match at least four of these on the long term
tfw i have 6 of them
OP here, sure why not
You can read symptoms of cancer while having flu and believe it's cancer.
Some of those symptoms also occur in depression and social anxiety which is much more likely the case. You don't know anything about psychiatry if you think you have something just because some of the symptoms are written in DSM-5.
Well then perhaps I don't really have the actual disorder, but the definition of the word "schizoid" still describes me perfectly, so I will continue to use it.
"Denoting or having a personality type characterized by emotional aloofness and solitary habits."
Is "schizo/schizoid" different than schizophrenia (which I understand to be the symptom of hearing voices that aren't there)
They are completely different yes. Schizo is more often used for schizophrenia.
schizoid personality disorder is like the name implies a personality disorder, while schizophrenia isn't, hearing voices is in most cases simply hearing voices and can but doesn't need to be a symptom of schizophrenia. It also had nothing to do with dissociative identity disorder, multiple personality.
schizophrenia means a split from reality. It's the whole package. Imacting your thinking, your feeling, your behavior, all kinds of sensations you're experiencing in form of audible, tactile, visual etc. hallucinations, are all way out of the norm, and is accompanied by delusions, delusion of reference where you take everything you encounter in direct reference to yourself, delusion of grandeur, paranoid delusions, and more.
Basically take how you experience the world, all you know about it and yourself, your view and experience of reality you know (not that neurotypical know of anything else) and into the trash it goes and imagine something completely different.. it's really hard to get the schizophrenic experience across, cause there are no words or concepts for it really, it's so far off the way we ordinarily experience everything. Can be a pretty mystic experience but drugs can also do that for you of course.
i went to the gym, exercised
i went to chipotle. ordered extra meat, but didn't have to pay for it
slowly counting the days until i have to start my new [programming] job. savoring the last moments of happiness before the inevitable misery
schizophrenic here, still blogposting about my day in schizoid thread because it sounds alike and this was a good day.
>work in the morning
>go get some lunch
>acute psychotic qt wants my change in the supermarket
>I give her the 20 cents and she still asks me to give her more
>I say what do you want more, you already got what you asked for?
>replies with "the great love"
>I say "don't we all" or some crap and move along
>she breaks down on her knees still with a begging motion
>turns to the cashier and attacks her
>she fends her off
>I come back from buying my samwich
>cashier is in tears and don't knows what to do
>I say call the police
>she doesn't know the number
>she asks her coworker for the number
>she also doesn't know
>psychotic chick attacks old man
>sandnignog appears, asks me whats going on
>say him this chick crazy
>he manages to separate chick from old man who are fighting with each other
>meanwhile police still isn't called, chick moves over to the flowers they sell there
>she gets angry with the flowers, starts to throw them around
>cashier who was strangles by psychotic qt starts to rapidly move towards her
>call her off, qt becomes calm again
>I have to call police cause no one else is able to apparently
>no one knows the street number of the supermarket
>go outside, check number, tell the police
>still want to eat lunch before getting back to work
>now there's a huge crowd around the chick who's calm and on her knees praying now in a bed of flowers
>police is on the way
>some people thank me for the help and I finally fuck out of there to eat my sandwich
Just sat at home alone like usual. It's nice because my parents are away so I've basically just had things to myself.