Femanons, have you ever sat on a guy's face? Would you?

Femanons, have you ever sat on a guy's face? Would you?

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>have you ever sat on a guy's face?
>Would you?

>Would you?
That's a good question. Getting a girl to sit on my face was my first fetish but I have no idea what women in general think about sitting on a guys face.

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Stop larping you fucking faggot, femanons don't exist.

i want a girl to sit on my face facing my body like that so my nose is right in front her bumhole so i can lean forward and touch it with the cold tip and watch her instinctivelly twitch away

It's a pretty Kino feeling. Then, making her fight against her own instinct to pull away and be ashamed, you get her to start pushing into you before she cums.
Man I do miss that feel.

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>used to make my ex wet fingering her, then she would sit on my face and then rub her wet pussy up and down it

Absolutely kino

the internet in general has made me too insecure of my roastie to ever willingly think about having sex

>have you ever sat on a guy's face?
Straddled but never sat.
>Would you?
I'd like to but I'd worry about hurting him since I'm fat.

literally only r9k talks about that shit, they did it just to find an easy way to pick on most women. it's an r9k and incel thing, not an internet thing, and definitely not a real life thing. your labia probably look normal. if there really is something horribly wrong with it (unlikely) it's also easy to get it fixed.

The opposite sex doesn't care about the appearance of your genitals

imagine actually being a white knight on Jow Forums

Yes and yes. It was fun and he really seemed like he enjoyed it. 10/10

all the guys posting roastie stuff are just trying to make you mad, pretty much all of them would eat and suck on your beefy pussy if it was in front of them because we're all horndogs

just have sex with the lights off like fat girls do

guys won't like it as much but they're not gonna turn you down

Internet roast beef defense force

this guy wouldnt even turn down hope solos pussy

i almost never reply to women here, the roastie thing is just so retarded

my female will never sit on my face like this. I want so badly though. Shes a fucking prude.

Females, what could i do to incentivize her?

why don't you just dump her and get a gf who isn't a prude?

no and no. that sounds gross as fuck.

also this. browsing r9k since the age of 14 has made me very insecure. fuck you all
i want to die a virgin anyway

because shes got dat ass. Im trying to train her, but my efforts are all for naught. Shes essentially retarded.

okay, thanks anons. it's sometimes hard to differentiate between sincere opinions and shitposting, but i admit that i too often let imageboards shape my views on men and their preferences/requirements.
when did i say i'd ever have it with the lights on hahhahahaha

>dat ass
which is worthless if you don't get to touch it when you want to

there are lots of girls out there, there's no reason to stick with one who won't fuck you

screencapped. showing to gf. thanks user

that only makes the experience better, femanon.

if i was your gf i'd leave you desu

how hangy are your lips

why is that? im the one that tolerates HER!

don't listen to that roastie

I'm not a woman-hating misogynist, but relationships should not be one-sided. Don't have faith that things are going to get better. They might not, and if you don't like it now just don't get stuck not liking it forever.

Like I said before, there are plenty of girls to try out.

>wanting to leave someone because she won't put her vagina in your face
men. you're all gross.

i mean it just looks like a normal outie, i think.

i trust a man more than i trust a woman. thanks user.

then yea its fine. the only ones i find kind of gross are the really hangy wizard sleeve ones

you need to learn that a relationship without sexuality is called friendship

>wanting to leave someone because he doesn't make x amount of money
women. you're all gold diggers.

gtfo larp faggot

most women aren't gold diggers. but most men solely care about sex. try again.

>most women aren't gold diggers
nice try gold digger

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