Where do the stars of alternative age pornography come from...

Where do the stars of alternative age pornography come from? Sometimes I'll see semi-professional lewd photos posted on Jow Forums or someone will post the name of some teen starlet that they fap to and it just makes me wonder, where do they get these kids? I'm not talking about the amateur molestation stuff, I'm talking about the weird Russian shit that seems like a real studio made it.

I'm not asking for young porn, I'm just genuinely curious and I know google won't give me an answer.

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Not sure, maybe Motherless_com ?
Better question: Where the fuck did all these jojoposters come from?

not sure about professional stuff, but there are tons of Russian teens on instagram.

Most of them post under the guise of 'models' or 'dancers' or some shit but they're actually just turbothots

OP you mean c.doll or s.mouse type stuff, right. It's a mystery. There was an old board on infinitychan that got taken down that might have been able to help, honestly I've been lost ever since

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There are many rich pedos out there. I was recruited by one when I was 16. He invited me to a "party" where he said lots of popular celebrities like Miley Cyrus would be. He even had photos of himself with said celebrities that didn't look shooped and that I believe to this day were real. He was a lawyer for children who want to be hollywood celebs. Later when we spoke more he revealed to me that the parties were nude parties and that they'd "love someone as young and fun as you to be there". From this experienced I gathered that there really are groups of elite men who can pay for anyone who would've spoken up to protect these childrens' silence, gain complete access to children through idiot parents and slimy contracts + positions of power, and who want to abuse children

So you think a porn site is supplying children to pornographers?

If you're telling the truth, how did you physically get to this party? Did someone take you? Did your parents know you were hanging out with old men?

>rich pedo
too old yo, by that time girls are basically roastie women and boys aren't cute anymore

> I'm talking about the weird Russian shit that seems like a real studio made it.
elaborate. I guess you talk about siberian mouse, but its like 1 movie of these sort that i know. I saw 2ch treads about her, she became your average girl with boyfriend and shit, nothing interesting.

>she became your average girl with boyfriend and shit, nothing interesting
Seems it happens to some of them at least. My little mara is all grown up now :( so sad

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Wow fucking time goes by fast. There is like no way to even find s.mouse nowadays can't believe she's grown up though it feels weird

>Wow fucking time goes by fast
2009 was a decade ago. It really does.
There's always new girls, but we can never reclaim the ones we've lost
new girls are increasingly hard to find recently

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I have no clue, I'm not a fan but you know the pictures I'm talking about. The ones with the barely dressed preteen girl with a watermark in the corner. I've seen clothed photos and nude ones posted in the past.

Again jannies I'm not trying to get anyone to post anything.

If she did nude or semi nude modeling as a youth, that's what I'm talking about. How do these studios get ahold of these girls

Now you gotta pay some sort of a fee to find it or go on a torrent site and pray not to get pic related

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Since you know so much about it, how do these studios get these girls? Through what methods? Slavery? Prostitution?

So no one actually knows? I'll just assume the girls are just thots and their parents have no idea they're shooting cp

Where did all my marabros go
/tv/ cunnyposting is dead
/b/ rejects 3d
krautchan and /hebe/ have been gone for years
We need a LG renaissance! Viva flat chests!
Mara would never have done something like that... but as for the others, I guess their parents sell them out

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Child exploitation like the other user said promises to make them big and shit like that. Other ways like threatening parents. Smuggling. They get bigger in the "industry" by human trafficking (selling and buying children) and selling cp. Which they of course make bank off of. Then with all that money they can afford studios and studio quality cameras and shit. (Example: studio 1)
They get away with all this shit by bribing the fbi and shit like that since they get bigger and bigger. I know all this info because my father does cyber security shit. He's seen many cases of shady ass companies that bribe the business he worked at to not be a whistle blower.

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The parents usually dont give a shit after they see the heaps of money they're making. Yes the child stars make money sometimes.

Jannies are more strict now and also the internet is getting more scary for cunnyfags

I didn't go when he told me they would be naked. He offered to pick me up though and said he was a part of some private jet group that was basically like uber for jets. He was an omegarich jew

Look, I don't care about your disgusting tastes but he said he provided services for children much younger than me and got them "great opportunities", and given his track record i can put together the dots that it means the 8 and 9 year old kids he spoke about were probably getting sex-trafficked and invited to these nude orgies just like I was.

>I didn't go when he told me they would be naked. He offered to pick me up though and said he was a part of some private jet group that was basically like uber for jets. He was an omegarich jew
Your parents though what about your parents? You ignored that part. Did your parents know you were friends with some old Jew and did they care

fuck the jannies, even moot wished to be the little girl
>getting more scary for cunnyfags
this desu, there is no obvious way to fight back either - they won't like it when some of us feel too cornered and lash out not that I ever would, so I don't get the strategy

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My parents never knew about him. How we met was semi-convoluted. I met his son through school at a sporting event. The son invited lots of kids from my school to a pool party at his house because he was an aspiring DJ and also had a giant house

I arrived at the party early, and his dad tried really hard to fit in and be cool with the kids who went (should've been a warning sign but we all saw him as the "Cool Dad", he was kinda Dan Bilzerian-esque). Also, I was weird and didn't really fit in at this ultra-normie party so when he spoke to me I kept him company for a lot of the evening.

When the night ended he gave me his number with the guise that his son was busy but that if I ever wanted to "party with them again" I could just give him a call. He got my number by asking me to call him once I entered it. From there he texted me more, and that's when he started telling me about all the "other parties" he liked to throw.

So tl;dr my parents didn't know anything about him, I would've said no anyway since there's no way they would've let me go anywhere with him, but I can see plenty of other kids whose parents are less protective or who work with him professionally getting ensnared.

Its all these zoomers and other fuckers that make cunny and cunnyfags seem like scary monsters

pics or it didn't happen
I hate the jews as much as anyone but elite pedos is too far fetched, you must be larping

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You are all disgusting monsters who should die

I wish I had taken more pictures or evidence so I could have brought him to justice but unfortunately after realizing what I was I found him really disgusting and blocked him and his son on everything. Dont have great evidence but this is not a LARP.

Also I am black so I dont think it was a goyim thing per se

>who should die
You too cyborg, get the fuck off my board now bye

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Get off the board moralfag

Nobody even likes you here. Not jannies, not even most other posters. You are a sick degenerate who should never have been born

Not having morals makes you a defective human being

Well if it is all true then, damn son, you really dodged a bullet there. Do you know anyone who did go through with it all? They might have evidence to get that guy locked up, esp with the MeToo thing going on. Hopefully he's not all you think he is and its just nudism, but if he is still raping kids he must be stopped.

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I have morals nigger your just to much a faggot

>You are a sick degenerate who should never have been born
Look around you, moron - do you not see where you are? if you don't fit that description you probably don't belong on r9k jfc who's letting all these normalfags in these days. You're probably underageb& anyways desu

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Yeah, with that image I'm totally convinced you just want to know for the purpose of locking up a pedo

I know what it's like to be one of those kids as I've been raped before, that's why I've ended up here. Anyone who is willing to hurt a kid as I've been or enjoys it deserves to die.

>I'm not bad because other people exist who are bad hurrdurr

>I've been raped before
First of all nobody will give you sympaphy do you know where you are? This isn't reddit nobody cares. Also I'll never hurt a kid you fuck

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Speaking in text message linguo...I think I spotted the normalfag. Try harder next time