Why can't some people ever seem to change?

Why can't some people ever seem to change?
Despite apparent willingness, or at least expressed desire.

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Because they're true to themselves.

If they were they wouldn't have expressed desire to change, would they?

Cowards are too afraid to change, fools are too foolish to change, and the lazy are too lazy to change. Essentially, it's like if all health problems were cured by walking it off, but then getting broken legs. If you could, you wouldn't have to in the first place.

It's not that easy to avoid social pressures and such, even basic survival imposes changes.

There's no worse act than betrayal of yourself, radical changes are akin to death of the soul.

most people don't have the ability to change, and the small percent of people that actually can change are just very vocal about being able to do it.

I am one of those people. For me, it likely stems mostly from fear of failure. I can't make any decisions for myself because there is always the possibility that they will result in my life being worse, even if the odds are 99% that they will lead to a better outcome. Consequently, I am carried away by the waves of destiny to wherever they lead me, unable to take control of my own fate.

When what I wanted and what I "should" do didn't align, I just became alienated and gave up on everything. Even if I sometimes could force myself to the gym, the motivation soon died when it wasn't really me.

I'm starting to be able to change but it involves distancing myself from society even further. It's the only solution.

And retards think they need to change. Change is the only thing in this world that is morally bad. Change is why bad things happen, change is why we suffer.
The natural and ideal state of everything is in total stilness.

The rest of nature isn't totally still and will consume those who are.

Total stillness is impossible, your argument is flawed

>I'm starting to be able to change but it involves distancing myself from society even further. It's the only solution.
In what way are you changing? Like negatively?

>The natural state of everything is in total stilness
That's the most retarded thing I've heard all week.

I distance myself from society

>I'm starting to be able to change
>but it involves distancing myself from society
??? Are you retarded

It's difficult and will take time. That's the "but".

What is difficult? Change? You said you were changing, in what way are you changing?????????

I resent the fact that I need to change in order to achieve success in this life. So I just don't try.

Distancing myself from society is difficult

Yeah, its way better to just wallow in self pity and excuses hahah

meow meow meow nigga

Because we are all prisoners of our own identities.

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What is success though?

It has its moments. I'm probably going to kill myself one day, so why not live life the way I want to?

Because it's not really living, you act that way because your anxietyes and fears are limiting you. And you can live that way

That's a good question. For me, it would align pretty closely with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. At a minimum, success would be making enough money to pay for your own housing, bills, food, etc.

Attached: maslow-5-1.jpg (900x670, 103K)

So you don't want to change, enough to be able to sustain yourself? Literally kys you need to be 18+ to post here kiddo

Not him but lots of 18+ NEETs here are so fucked that they don't want to change even to survive and thrive as individuals.

Lol are you new here? I would bet that at least 25% of robots have similar experiences.

>Wahh wahh being a big boy is haard mommy waaaaaaaaah

big boys dont come to r9k honey

>This post was made by the original gang

>People don't want to change because they're babies
Mentally probably, but what can any of them do about it? Seems like your advice is the only solution: Suicide.

Yeah, you can't do absolutely anything, like nothing at all. Fuck life guys everything sucks

>You can actually do something, life isn't that hard, just change

There's honestly worse endings than suicide. Ending this all by my own resolve sounds pretty comfy

Lol I know what'll help! Sarcasm and condescension. Get that normie shit out of here

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They say resilience is often a genetic trait and browsing this board couldn't make it more obvious. I have suffered some of the worst fucking shit in life and kept pushing on. Meanwhile faggots who are barely out of teenagehood are already giving up on themselves because they are virgins.
My virginity used to complex me all the way to 28 years old when I actually lost it and even then it was never enough for me to feel sorry about myself all the time. I always felt like I had so many more important self-issues to care about instead of no gf and no sex.

I mean why the fuck is it so important to you? I don't fucking understand. No, it's not a rite of passage. Yes, it does feel amazing. No, not to the point where your entire existence should revolve around getting it and getting attention from girls and I speak as an actual former orbiter.

>life isn't that hard
It can be hard
I don't really, it depends on your situation and can be and probably would be very hard, it's not easy and nothing comes overnight.
But it's not imposible. I don't know what to say really but not everything is black and white

Cause everyone is having sex but you. So it makes you think there might be something really wrong with you.

Imagine being a kid and going to school. Kids are being taught how to multiply. Everyone can but you. It'd feel shitty wouldnt it? But then it's been five, ten years and everyone's out there multiplying like it's nothing while you're still a fucking dumbass who can't multiply. You'd feel like a legit fucking retard and have a solid argument to back that up.

Its kinda the same shit. Eventually other humans will start to reproduce and form families while I'll be lucky to get laid. Just like the kid who got stuck at multiplying and his classmates became doctors and engineers.

>just change
You can't just change

I don't follow? Being true to yourself does not mean being true.

>I always felt like I had so many more important self-issues to care about instead of no gf and no sex.
You don't think anyone else here feels that way? There are people who want to change for that and many other reasons but find it exceedingly difficult to even muster up the will, let alone actually make it all a habit or have any positive habits whatsoever.

>But it's not imposible
It may not be, but going through with those changes could involve betraying yourself in the most fundamental ways, or separating you from what you hold the most dear. Is survival even justified then, for its own sake?

>Kids are being taught how to multiply.
Kek, took me several sentences to realize you meant the mathematical procedure, not procreation.

>betraying yourself in the most fundamental ways, or separating you from what you hold the most dear
Like what? Being able to sustain yourself wouldn't really fundamentally change you unless you count jerking off to hentai 16 times per day an important core trait of your personality

He almost definitely meant it both ways.

If you're stuck in a wagie position, coming back home too exhausted to do anything, neglecting both your friendships and hobbies while slowly but surely becoming an empty husk, then was that survival worth it?

I understand, but social pressure can be disregarded even if it's hard.
As a matter of fact, if you really want to change and strenghten yourself, it becomes mandatory.
I said this in anpther thread. Here, we think that normalfags and robots are worlds apart when they are not. There is just one definite difference between a robot and a normal and it's not the sex or social life, it's how they deal with social pressure.
You and the normal endure the same base ammount of social pressure on the day to day. The normal lives his life to fullfill all expectations because of a deep fear of judgement. When a normal sees someone who either struggle with or outright reject social norms, expectations and pressure, the normal becomes terrified. The reason is simple. The normal does EVERYTHING to fit the mold, polish his/her image and make sure they can be judged asityle as possible even though, ironically, no matter how perfect you are, some motherfucker will always have some dumb uselesz shit to say about you. It's a neverending struggle, but the normal abides and does not question. He/she has sex because it is expectex. He/she builds a career and family because it is expected. Etc, etc.

When they see someone struggle, they start comparing themselves to that person because it helps them validate their success and they will try to help that person because it helps them ease their doubt. If someone applies yoyr advixe and succeed just as you did, then it means they were right and on the right path. It appease their performance anxiety.
If they see someone outright reject social norms and fail in appearance, they berate the person and call them a bum.
If they see someone outright reject social norm and succeed, they become envious and start talking shit.

Tldr is just don't compare yourself to others, it's totally useless.You will never appease them. If you want sex, get it fir yourself and the good the experience will do to you. Don't do it to be normal.

>Having a job
>Making you an empty husk
You realize not every person on the planet are empty husks and most people have jobs

All wagies are, you don't have any time or energy left. I've been there as well.

Not him, but it might help to think of a walkway.
There's a path nearly everyone needs to walk to have THE experience. There's pits on this path filled with painful things that hinder or eliminate chances of having THE experience or outright diminish the joys of THE experience.
For people not on the path, it seems that up to 80% of the time the people who go on fall into the pits. The alternative to going on the walkway is as bad or worse over time.

If you had this view of the walkway, does it not make sense to forsake THE experience and all others? In Jow Forums terms this means NEETing it up and killing yourself when you no longer can.

also, to go back to the topic of the thread, even if it were possible to be part of the 20%, how are you ever going to change yourself to make that possible? How are you ever going to have that will? How come robots almost never find it?

It's not true. I work in the aeronautics, one of the most stressful and soul crushing environment there is and I manage to do what I want and find ways to recharge myself. Of course, there are periods where I am too exhausted to even care about cooking a meal, but generally speaking, I manage.

>The concept of working depresses me

>20 percent of the population is normal

There isn't anything normal and natural about the modern lifestyle, it is as unnatural as it gets.

Now you are just drawing straws

Why do you think that depression and suicide levels are through the roof? Why do you think this board exists?

What are you talking about? NEETs think that up to 80% or more of working people have pretty miserable times. That's what I said, not that this is actual fact or anything.

I hate life and everything is depressing I don't even have will to type this out thank God my mom is here so she can help me, if I had to ANYTHING else other than jerk off and waste every single day not wallowing in self pity I would definitely take my own life

>Why do you think that depression and suicide levels are through the roof?
I guess you are right it is because of the economy and the job market, I guess I just didn't see it that way but it makes sense

It's not just the economy, the societal decay is also a big factor.

Yeah, people didn't have jobs before and humans aren't used to having to do something in order to survive. It's kinda funny how people made a whole kinda artificial ways of living in modern times that is kinda dehumanizing, it goes in a way againts evolution and human built in instincts I can see why that would make an individual depressed or not "normal"

Yeah and we are not used to adapting or changing

Some problems are to do with a person's lot in life, an uncontrollable force. My own recurring issues stem from how other people perceive me. I'm an adult with no adult milestones, I need a person who has a driver's license to teach me how to drive. I need someone willing to hire me or purchase my services. But when nobody helps or indulges, with the assumption that we are able to do these multi-party activities by our lonesome without support (despite living in a society that depends on each other), or with the expectation that someone else will do it, it all results in people getting left behind.
Not being able to do anything about this, it causes learned helplessness, general depressive tendencies, and so on. A myriad of negative effects. The longer it goes on the more it sticks and weighs like cement.
I've approached people with confidence and candor, with genuine curiosity and willingness to listen. However: the second anybody digs into my personal life at all, it doesn't matter how gracious, accepting, or desperate I am. I am an adult with no milestones, I am not relatable, and I am regarded as not even human at times.
I don't necessarily mind being alone, or not belonging to social circles, but this has effects on my ability to survive. And it's all within the hands of other people.

What do you guys think could be done to solve these problems?

I've spent a considerable amount of time on this board claiming that I can't change, and lately I've wasted much time talking about how I plan to. I sincerely hope I can. And if I do, I hope I stick with it. There are many aspects to my personality and mental health I feel I have no control over that I believe hinders my progress. But a lot of it is in my control, I just can't bring myself to do it. I can't continue living this way.

i don't think there is any way to solve it. it seems like once you get too far away from basic survival needs, everything goes to shit. just go watch some documentaries on captive animals like orcas. their basic survival needs are taken care of, they do stupid tricks for treats, and they are all completely fucked in the head. we're kind of doing something similar to ourselves with the way we are living, just on a more advanced level.

Stopping the whole focus on "growth" would be a good start. It's like a tumor at this point.

>What do you guys think could be done to solve these problems?
What problems?

Good luck user hope you make it like originally