What are your reasons for being a NEET?
What are your reasons for being a NEET?
working sucks
I'm bad at talking to people
>slaving my life away so the government can steal 60% of my earnings that they are gonna spend on importing people to replace me
>dislike people
>have what I need, more would just be extra shit
>no gf
>would never accept one who wouldn't love me as much as a NEET as when working
What even to work for?
All of the above
I'm also lazy
Too afraid to leave my home
Parents ditched me and I'm lazy as fuck. Doing drugs and jerking off all day is fun anyways.
applied to jobs, no one ever got back to me
Every time I get a job I have a panic attack on the first day/at the interview and then give up for a while and repeat process.
Happened last a couple of months ago, will try and fail again in the near future.
I can't stand people for long periods of time (more than 2 minutes)
Severe social anxiety. Been neet for around two and a half years now
Anxiety is the worst. I know how you feel. What amps your anxiety up the most? Answering the door sets my anxiety off. Just writing that made me feel like a bitch.
I think phone calls are probably the worst for me. Talking to someone in person is already bad enough but having to rely solely on words with no physical cues or body language is worse. It feels like the possibility for misunderstandings and shit is higher because of that so it makes me overthink everything even more than usual.
I was bullied. I'm antisocial and lazy and see no future i'd enjoy living.
i have a major psychiatric issue and cash disability bux
Why do you care about being replaced if you hate people anyways?
Can't get a job, basically
very bad stutter, hate working, get angry too easy with dumb people
I'm weird and I know people notice.
and I get tired easily
and schedules are hard for me
nobody will hire me
I don't even live in a shitty country
Your supposed to brute force until you get one, or you drive/walk around looking for help wanted signs.
I believe in this tactic (even though I've only gotten interviews and thankyous from it)
you're supposed to lie your ass off if you don't have experience. say you had a 4.0, write down fake references for a fake job and just say they went out of business
I am investing on myself, studying and working out, barely. I've saved enough money to go around without having to worry about getting a job for almost three years, i will use this time to improve on my physical condition and study.
>have enough money to not work at all possibly for the next few decades even when worst-case scenario inflation into account
>by the time I run out of money, I will have received an inheritance, UBI will be a thing or both
>autism and schizophrenia
are you sure or are you just meming? their rates of co morbidity area pretty low from what i understand.
not a NEET myself, although i occasionally will take months off of work if my finances allow.
while i don't agree with everything about NTGOW, I think their reasons are fairly obvious
Not memeing. Asperger's and schizoaffective, actually. Schizophrenia and related conditions have symptoms that can be similar to autism so it is possible that the Asperger's was a misdiagnosis and I only have schizoaffective.
>What are your reasons for being a NEET
i loved the feeling when i stayed home from school and watched tv knowing that everyone else wasnt
27 now and still love that feeling
probably not sustainable but whatever
>don't like talking to people
>working sucks dick
>can get money from neetbux
They're importing the people to provide a taxable population to fund your retirement.
I agree it's short-sided (since eventually they, too, will be developed and stop reproducing as much). However, it's ultimately benevolent.
I'm bad at taking to people
I don't know how to market myself
I don't see my true value as a worker even though I'm sure I could contribute I don't know how to get my foot in the door.
I don't want to be a manager but I want to get paid well. Is that even possible?
I'm afraid of succeeding in school because if I do there is no reassurance that anyone knows what they're doing. I don't want to be the smartest guy in the room.
>mentally ill
>not born wealthy so opportunity is not thrown at me
>ostracized by society from a young age so no real surprise I have no desire to part of it
I mean at this point being a working "productive" member of society is like helping my enemy. They should just be glad I am not burning shit down and pray I never change my mind
I have a full time job. But when I have to social talk to my coworkers, I am so awkward and apparently an alcoholic. I don't get invited to go have drinks anymore because they are "scared of me" when all I do is drink a straight shot.
I try to fit in, but I just can't. I haven't been in r9k in a long time.. this feels nice kind of...