How did you guys fucked up your life
How did you guys fucked up your life
Other urls found in this thread:
>dropped out of school because of bullying
>never had anywhere near the same drive or motivation as all the other kids
>got depressed
>anti-depressants permanently fucked up my brain
>everyone else in the family was just as fucked up as me
>amazed every day i haven't broken my dick from excessive masturbation
>in a state of limbo of wanting to do nothing more than simply exist
I'm just staying alive for the impossible chance of an apocalyptic event happening so I can do a hard restart in life, but knowing myself I know I will just fuck up again but it's nice to hope.
browsing Jow Forums from a very young age.
if there any underage anons out there reading this: LEAVE while you still can. it'll be too late someday.
Not getting a gf or even bagging some dating experience.
Feel developmentally stunted.
I would agree with this, although I wasn't on Jow Forums I was on some HTML only chatroom for the psp browser, back in like 2008 or so and later on I was introduced to Jow Forums by someone who claimed my humor was very much like someone from /b/. By then I was a completely immoral degenerate, and to answer OPs question, immoral degenerate desicion making led to my demise, now I sit alone in a cold and dark room with seemingly zero chance for redemption.
the truth is my life was fucked from the start
never had any friends, the ones i thought I had were only around because they felt bad for me.
I'm almost entirely incapable of change.
I was doing well, but there came a point where I just gave up entirely and now I can't deviate from my comfortable routine or else I kinda freak out and don't leave my bed for 2 days.
I dunno what happened.
I was so confident living comfortably with depression whilst having fun and doing loads of shit, but then I just broke and now I can't do anything without getting overly anxious.
Basically by being a degenerate retard
I got too lazy and settled for all the wrong things.
it's a mix of mental illness and experimentation with drugs and alcohol. Don't know if it fucked my brain more or if nothing really happened. Can't hold down a job for more than 3 months before breaking down. Before I was actually trying like "No user you ain't gonna be drinking mid week", but now it's just like fuck it who gives a shit ima end it soon anyways.
Teens were a fucked period, hurt alot of people, kicked the shit out of people and got the shit kicked out of me. Expelled twice, arrested twice before 18. Now I just drink and eat shit trying to cope.
graduate from school
>nobody from school ever saw me again
graduate from technical school with a degree in a field I lost interest in during the 1st year but sat through it so I can claim unemployment benefits later
>nobody from there ever saw me again
After I spent my early 20s being a failed normie still clinging onto hope of finding work
>get depressed and an existential crisis and shit
Now I know im permanent neet and dont give a shit anymore soon 29.
My penis is so large it does not fit in women
>flunked out of college
>constantly jerked off to increasingly degenerate and depraved porn during the most important years
>never really played any sports
>withdrew completely from socializing
i had a gf for a few months when I was in high school and even had sex multiple times. I am still a completely friendless loser with 0 hope for a relationship at all. Just saying, it might not have made much of a difference even if you did get that experience.
>I didn't, I'm a normie fag who's 6'1, a lawyer, married an asian qt and we own a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home in a mid-size U.S. city. I come here because it makes me feel better about myself, and grateful for all I've accomplished and have in my life. Coming here is a bit like visiting the zoo, and it piques my curiosity.
Pick related
I wasted my teenage years browsing shit on the internet while everyone else my age was outside getting drunk going to parties and having sex.
Also don't just gloss over and ignore what this guy is saying. This shit is fucking serious. This is no joke, Jow Forums can and will ruin your life if you let it. There is nothing to gain from coming here, your life will be much better off if you leave. Please take this seriously.
had the c*nnypull forced down my throat
>at friend's house
>wake up
>there's something warm and soft on my face
>his little sister was grinding her puss and ass on my face
she actually wound up becoming a pretty decent adult, and in a different timeline where I didn't move out of town I imagine we got married
When my mum took alcohol and heroin while I was in the womb
get on welfare, it was over before it began. Any chance of inheriting anything from her? Or is she broke, rents, no property?
Treating my life like an extended prank I played on my self turned out not to be very funny.
Are you being serious about this
Died when I was 6 so I live with my aunt now
I let my ex girlfriend of five years stay in my life for two years after she cheated on me. I continued to give her the same amount of attention after she left me and went on to new relationships while I stayed home and attempted to date. I still miss her. Everything about her. I think of her daily. It's been three years and I've had a few flings, but no relationship with anyone. I come home to an empty room, sleep alone, and the only people who text me are the friends I have from work. I ditched her, but only after I removed her from my entire life. Guys, please move on once she's hurt you.
wanna hear some stories
this is a satire board mr. fbi agent sir
It isn't Jow Forums to blame. this is a symptom of a bigger underlying cause.
/lg/ will ruin your life. never EVER EVER visit that site ( doubt you will find it, it is very secret sex dungeon)
I dont even understand what that means. I can't leave this place, I begin drowning in a feeling of dread every time I try to leave this place. It's the only thing providing me solace in this world right now and I dont see how that's a bad thing.
By entering university instead of following my passion.
I learned the hard way that your education level is not important. What's important is that you do something you're passionate about and work your ass off to become better at it. (unless it's something terribly irrational like dancer or singer) I spent the last decade in uni and currently doing a worthless PhD because I lost all perspective in life. I'm ruined.
That's precisely why it's a bad thing, if you never face your life, if all you do is run to the comfort this place provides then your life will pass by and you'll find yourself ill equipt to deal with it. You will suddenly be in a place you do not want to be in.
I'm saying this cause it happened to me, all I did was run from my problems all I did was escape on the internet but in the end it only made my problems grow bigger.
i married someone when i was 18 and now i regret this but i don't want to hurt my husband
born deep in middle america and i'll be over 25 by the time i get the chance to leave
pretty much the same thing for me, user!
By not ever trying to get a gf. Now Im 25 and feel like shit for being a kissless virgin. Really tho, what leaves me surprised the most about myself is that I manage everything else in my life quite well. I have a secure job, several friends with which I do many activities, good relationship with my family, savings, a car etc..
As soon as the word "woman" is mentioned I become the biggest loser.
The trifecta of not getting psychological help, substance abuse and dropping out of school.
i did not enter university and started doing something i love instead but i feel like a dirty, useless hippie rat that isnt important in society at all. i feel like shit every day.
Same asf originally
My family used to bully and abuse me , since I was a 5 year old fucking kid
-Im very lazy,sad,depressed and too fucking despaired to do anything for myself or my future , I just want to solve my problems and live in peace, but it won't happen, not at least before 2 years from now, so I just wish for death
Join the military, friend. You'll learn valuable skills and wont have to live like a vegetable. Also, in the event of an apocalypse you'll actually know what to do instead of just thinking you'll know what to do
I have no clue. I was never good at making friends on my own. My self esteem has always been low. Probably due to my abusive brother. Also being put on adderall in 2nd grade probably did something to me. But I don't really know where it all went wrong.
>Tfw started browsing Jow Forums when I was 12
>join the military
not the user you replied to, but FUCK I wanted to join so badly. My body is in alright shape, but multiple mental illness diagnosis' prevent me from joining. I was so hyped for ROTC, but my medical record fucked me over
Not really my fault my dad was an alcoholic and beat my mom, my siblings bullied me and i would hear my mom screaming she eventually divorced and thats when shit went downhill im recovering tho
My life was always fucked up. Physical and mental abuse at home. Drinking and drugs from an early age. Of course I dropped out of HS.
That being said. After 5 years of neetdom I'm actually going to go to uni and try to get a masters in economics and business administration. I don't know how this will shake out. If I'm to extrapolate on the basis of my previous 25 years of life I'd say it's probably gonna go to hell. Idk. Anyway. If any of you "old" motherfuckers feel hopeless let me tell you this: It's honestly never to late. Keep failing until you can barely look your own mother in the eyes. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't quit. Keep trying and failing.
>picked a shit major that i was interested in but whose field had weak job prospects
>graduated and didn't pursue what few opportunities i had or tried to network at all
>didn't invest in bitcoin even though i had friends begging me to when it was cheapish
>didn't chase girls because i wanted to be relatively settled before i did that
>stayed in the right lane with the dumb redhead who wasn't paying attention to the road right behind me
>be me, 6 years old
>parents fighting all the time
>father drinks and threatens to kill mother
>mother files lawsuit against father which lasts years
>father ends up going up to jail for some months
>almost gets beaten to death and sent to the hospital
>mfw when caught in the middle of all the shit
depressed, gave up, just spend most days in my room doing nothing
started doing heroin to block out the troubling feelings that I was doing nothing with myself and life was passing me by
that was 6 years ago
I'm in the same boat, I fucked up my back working my first job out of highschool.
My late father decided to study economy at uni at around the age of 28. He finished and made a name for himself in economy during his life. It's never too late.
Good to see you're a lawyer.. too bad I'm a local politician running for federal parliament ontop of it. Go act condescending elsewhere, you're not that special.
read up. no one ever taught you how to act around women unfortunately, BUT that doesnt matter because there is a wealth of information put together by men who have conquered numerous women...consider pic related an introductory guide on attracting women
> be in the 3rd grade, diagnosed as borderline autistic (PDD-NOS and ADHD), teacher tells my mom I'll always need living assistance and she can "forget about college"
> get placed in special ed, feel worthless, start making suicide attempts at the 5th grade; get tested to see if I'm retarded, but have advanced math ability, and verbal skills at the high school level, so I'm actually high IQ. Get treated like a retard anyway
> cry that I just want a normal life
> go to middle school, literally no one expects me to succeed, so I slide by with zero effort as a mediocre student
> continue as a mediocre student through high school, never putting effort in; advisor tells me to go to a shit-tier school but I ignore her and only apply to the best public school in the state; get accepted and go there because no debt
> afraid to try, and unbelievably lazy because at this point I have no concept of how to work hard; don't study biology because I'd have to take hard science courses and stay an extra year; don't study creative writing because afraid of being judged; graduate with bullshit international affairs degree
> graduate, go in the Peace Corps, go to possibly the best Peace Corps program on the planet; don't know how to organize myself, so rush all my projects at the end, and work with other volunteers on their projects
> apply for a Fulbright, don't get it, as a fallback go to a top 50 university for grad school in international bullshit (didn't bother applying for Ivy leagues because I still think I'm a piece of shit, but now I realize with my GPA and Peace Corps, I probably could've gotten in)
> graduated, been searching for a job since January, still unemployed, no social skills so bad at networking, can't get a fucking job, considering suicde
> I should've just let everybody think I was retarded since the 3rd grade and collected autismbux
I didn't you incel.
Why are you even alive>
You look like a cuck origami
>one shot at life
>born black
it was over before it began
Can't fuck up what you've never tried.
>didn't brush teeth enough cavities bad breath and yellow teeth
>didn't play guitar enough ended up dropping it
>didn't play soccer enough was bad at it
>didn't draw enough was bad at it
>stayed up late playing fucking runescape and wow, got shaky hands
>was lazy and got fired from literal shelf stacking job for being late
>spent years after high school sitting around playing wow, not developing
It's fucking over I hate myself too much for this bullshit I CANNOT develop as a person I'm just tired, my sheets are filthy the flaws are endless.
Your wife is ugly and you look autistic.
What kind of legal work do you do?
lol what the fuck is going on with your tsunami wave hair?
early childhood abuse. everyone called me a bad person when i acted out because of it. learned to hate myself and distrust people. became a mmo addict. and now a drug addict who is in recovery. so pretty much fucked i guess
I'm saying this as a complete outsider to your problems, but it seems to me that if you take recovery seriously, you could go get a therapy/counseling license and then have a pretty easygoing life with an easy, rewarding job.
I left Las Vegas. NEVER leave Las Vegas.
Your first mistake was dating that hooker and drinking yourself to death
Going NEET.
Got a job after 2 years but those 2 years ruined my fucking mind. Rotting the mind through self-hatred. Indulging in self-hatred. Don't do it. Don't go NEET. Malefic energies will take root in you. It was the wrong thing to do.
What was your life like before you went NEET?
What's your name, party, and country?
> skipping school and stealing in adolescents
> parentsdivorce.jpeg
> excessive drinking and pot smoking in early teens
> pot smoking advances into meth, mdma, prescripts basically whatever I get my hands on
> selling meth in high school, surprisingly never get caught
> held back half a year because I do the bare minimum, and just get by 50's.
> graduate high school, quit drug use
> become a full blown alcohol going on 4 years strong now that I'm 23
> knock up a girl who I had a fling with in high school... start dating for 2 years
> Find out she's cheating on me, break some of her electronics in apartment we shared
> Get arrested, move back to fathers
> Not allowed to see my child because she gets police to enforce a no contact order
> Drinking becomes worse
> Try to kill myself by hanging
> Fail.exe
> Sent to psych ward for a weak get prescribed anti depressants
> Quit job because I'd rather sit home alone and drink all day blacking out till I fall asleep and repeat
> Knock up another girl, break up with her, she's now about 2 weeks prego
> So far in my life I'm an ex junkie, lonely alcoholic who can hold down a job, live with my 50 year old father, and want to die everyday.
Mundane. Somewhat normal. I had friends. I knew I was weird but there was a white lining in the clouds of me transcending the weirdness early-on and getting better. But I let the shit settle in and allowed it to consume me. I cut off all my friends, my family too. All out of pain and idealism. I gave in to psychotic, evil energy. Now I get confused about what's right from wrong. An accurate way to describe my life path is through this video, I'm very interested in esoteric astrology analytics.
If anyone is having a spiritual trip as of late- within the past few years, consider the concept of time as your teacher. Right now I'm going through a painful learning process. I will emerge a healer according to this guru.
>Parents divorced in middle school
>got caught in the middle of all that bullshit
>started being less trustworthy of people
>Stopped talking to kids at school (not that I said much to begin with)
>Isolated myself
>Grades started dropping
>Isolation made me develop social anxiety and depression
>In highschool took the hardest courses because me my mom forced me to
>Started failing every subject
>made me more depressed
>was completely mute throughout highschool
>being a friendless failure made me even more depressed
>started smoking and drinking
>started harming myself
>lost all motivation to do anything
>stopped going to school altogether
>Dropped out due to too many absences
>became suicidal
>Now an alcoholic smoking depressed and social anxious hikiko with no one in his life that cares about him (including myself)
>Constantly thinking about suicide
it all fell to pieces in highschool really
all of my social efforts failed, i became more and more withdrawn and eventually gave up on everything.
currently 21 yr old NEET hs dropout virgin with zero friends irl or online, the only social contact i've been getting for years is through Jow Forums and i barely even consider that interaction because i mostly just post memes.
my social skills are dogshit and it often feels really hard to articulate my thoughts even if i do try forcing myself to socialize, and also i have no natural urge/inclination to socialize. feels very forced if i have to do it, like i really don't give a shit about what the other person feels or says and just want to go back to being alone.
im at a complete loss how to fix myself at this point, i think i'm just fucked up beyond repair. i don't even want to fix myself. if society didn't require me to go out interact with people, get a job, etc, etc i would just stay inside and rot until i'm fully dead as i've been doing.
Oneitis combined with slave morality of Christianity
I hate to do this, but this is pretty much my life's story - does anyone have any thoughts?
You married a gook
>got kicked out of university for violent behavior, weapons possession and destruction of property
That place had so much opportunity.
I could have made it if I had not gotten kicked out
Read Mein Kampf, would help you
While im not your friend either. I empathize with you.
Have kids? Are you my wife?
t. sexpat who married a flip
I ruined my life without even leaving my room. I was really mad at the world and I'd stay up all night thinking about how I wanted to actually kill my parents and everyone around me, then myslef. I'd think about mutilating myself, ripping off my limbs, I had the worst, most un-ending, boundaryless anger anyone could ever conjur. So, this all fucked me up psychologically, and now that I want to live a functioning life and be at peace, I can't. I have constant intrusive thoughts of attacking those around me and ripping my jaw open. I keep wanting to walk up to a psychward and check myself in but I just don't have the energy to do it.
I used to be such a happy kid. I used to love coding and be able to create these wonderful little programs at my computer. Now I'm completely insane and better off hanging by a rope.
Basically I'm a huge pussy. Nearly had to drop out of high school because I didn't ask my partner to print out my copy of a group project. I never had a job because I'm too nervous about interviews to even apply.
Socially as well, I had a chad friend who would invite me to parties all the time back when we were like 19, and I was always too nervous because I wouldn't know anyone. I ended up going to my first party at 22, and had fun but now he graduated so I don't have a link to parties anymore. A couple girls have asked me to fuck and I actually said no because I never did before and didn't wanna fuck up, lmao. Or they give me their numbers and I never text them because I'm bad at it.
Because of this I'm a 23 year old who has no experience with work or women. I'm a 13 year old boy in a man's body.
>reddit spacing
Calm down, kid. You sound lie a pretty average college kid with some anxiety issues.
Holy hell that sounds awful. Being told your whole childhood that you're a retard. Aside from being socially stunted, do you think you are retarded in some way? Or was it all bullshit?
It was all bullshit. The thing that did fuck me up, though, is I never really had any self-respect because of it growing up, and I think people always picked up on that and kind of treated me like shit.
I went neet for two years. It was fine. I had savings so i did stuff. Traveled a bit. Went to lots of concerts. But it really is a big gay waste since you're not making any money or working twoards your future at all.
you're obviously not entirely content with your pathetic existence or else you wouldn't come here at all, enjoy your shitty life!
Well i think its safe to say that everyone in this thread (hopefully) has some sort of peronality issues. Probably a good mix of self hatred since were all willingly in thia thread.
Sucks that all that happened to you user. Im sure you've tried getting better. But i know even after trying a ton, it still might not work out.
Fried my brain with a bunch of "research chemicals" when I was 15. Got kicked out of my home by being a massive piece of shit. Whole body is permanently fucked by self mutilation scars. Isolated myself and played Warcraft.
>graduated with international affairs degree
uhh..... are you sure you aren't retarded?
I was an autistic retard all my life. In school, i tried, but failed at socializing. Started doing stupid, things to get validation, but it backfired and my reputation through my school years was shit (le weirdo). So I got no friends. I just do not have a drive in life, not at all, i give up from an early age, and know i gave up on my dreams and NEET.
The ironic thing is that my life was handed to my on a silver platter. My parents were nice decent people who wanted me to be happy. I had endless attempts to better myself and i did not take them. I gave up on everything that i did. I flushed out all the people who care about me, and today, i'm an emotional husk. Unlike other robots i have nothing to blame, all is my fault.
im a fat fuck thats the only thing ive fucked up so far
*emotionless husk
Been stealing food from supermarkets to feed myself a few days a week for a while now. Fuck are they gonna do, have me arrested so I get three square meals a day?
i have people for that.
I never did something else in my free time than playing video games and i'm not even good at it. And I'm reaching wizard status soon. And I'm an ugly scarface.
you'll belong here someday, i can see it in your eyes.
also your wife doesn't love you, she's in it for money and status.
I crashed my car into a tree while drunk off vodka a year and a half ago, at age 19
I'm 21 now and am still dealing with this shit, not being able to work but have to pay a bunch of stupid fucking court fees. I didn't even hurt anyone but the state just decided to fuck my life up for two years
this is what god put you on this earth for op do what you know you want to do
this and then alcoholism, doing ok now tho
Move to Alaska, learn to live off the land or take a job doing something outside. A big change in environment is almost like restarting your life.
>be me 12 y/o
>literal golden child, smart, athletic, good looking, popular, the whole 9 yards
>get injured in sports accident
>face slightly deformed from accident, messes up my vision as well so I'm no longer athletic, deformity also makes me average looking instead of good looking
>this makes me lose my confidence and thus also my popularity, friend group as well as girls shun me since then
>only good attribute left is smarts but even that is dumbed down by constant brain fog from injury and failed surgeries after
I was so close anons, I was always a secret cyborg but I could still blend. if that one freak incident didn't happen I'd be a literal chad, fml.
>Used weed in middle school
>used to grope girls in middle school but I didn't go far enough
I didn't socialize until it was too late. Granted during my childhood it wasn't entirely my fault as my parents were overprotective. So I was just on the computer during my free time when my peers were out at parties.
By the time I was 18, I had no social skills developed and I just stuck with what I knew. When I wasn't at school or work, I would spend most of my time at home online. I did try to become a little more social during that time by going to a few college clubs and shit, but it never went anywhere because my skills were so underdeveloped.
I'm 28 years old now and it's basically the same. I work 40 hours a week and then spend most of my free time at home. Sometimes I do try Meetup groups or equivalent type shit, but I always wind up figuratively on the outside in these groups as no one wants to do more than small talk with me. They all either have already established friendships or only want to talk to the girls.
At least I wasn't abducted by a scary man in a van as a child, though, so that's a, plus I guess.
I should have studied harder