I seriously don't get it. There a lot of incels here and others who cannot get laid male or female. Others just feel alienated from society and have low self worth. The only reason this happens is because we allow it to, because we play by their rules and their morals. Why can't we stop wallowing in self pity for a moment and think? I seriously don't get it. There a lot of incels here and others who cannot get laid male or female. Others just feel alienated from society and have low self worth. The only reason this happens is because we allow it to, because we play by their rules and their morals. Why can't we stWhy don't we turn Jow Forums instead of a hub of outcasts into a sect of life affirming people who refuse to play by society's rules and have their own set of superior morals. Hell we can get laid by fucking each other robots and fembots hand in hand into a new dawn of independance and glory. As I said, we won't follow their rules, nut we will make ours and live as one big family.
The antidote to modern society is Judeo-Christianity.
Oh don't be an idiot. You're supporting a belief system which actually opresses your rights and seeks to control as many people as it can. Doesn't seem very far from the normie model of society. I prefer to live as I please and with no kind of authority.
Not Jesus you retard. Not Satan. No one but the self. We'll live according to what the Self wills and hold it above all other rules and conventions.
wtf are you talking about user
The actual words and logical underpinnings of the teachings of Jesus are based on the Torah. The Torah is only for those who accept it, and the Messiah is only relevant to the people that have accepted the Torah.
The two core teachings of the Torah are to love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus) and to love the LORD with all your heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy).
It's not more complicated than that.
Isn't that similiar to what some small sects of Satanism believe? That man's banishment from Eden was ultimately freedom?
Interesting if so, tell us more about what you're about OP occult stuff usually keeps me entertained
And yet you are here meaning that you loved your neighbours but your neighbours didn't love you back. Kek, they laughed at you like some kind of freak and yet you are protecting their rules.
Maybe, but my message is clear: We lose because we play by their rules. Let's make ours which we will consider superior, stop following theirs and stop being miserable losers ( We're only losers by their perspective)
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'"
Matthew 7:13-4,21-3
Are you fucking retarded? If nothing else Jesus was a pretty cool social reformer in his time.
Ok dude listen I'm only presenting some ideas. If you don't like them and you want to believe in your iron age belief from which you haven't benefitted one bit, just do it. You are free to believe in whatever you want.
Unsure if i'm on board with uniting under sexual frustration, seems like that is just another form of slavery and people should be trying to rise above their base urges.
What makes you feel you're a loser? What would make you feel successful?
>which you haven't benefitted one bit
This is subjective, in abstract theory your only gains could be abstract, how would you know if you've benefitted? Angels aren't going to tell you if you're doing it right or not
"Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh."
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. "
Well the things is angels don't exit.
>stWhy don't we turn Jow Forums instead of a hub of outcasts into a sect of life affirming people
that would deffet the purposes of this board you faggot norime
>Hell we can get laid by fucking each other robots and fembots hand in hand
fembots don't exist you newfag
Also fuckers I will never reveal my name. I'm not doing this for my egoism. I'm doing this for the board that has become a hub of miserable virgin losers(me included by the way).
>fembots don't exist you newfag
You're the fucking normie. You haven't seen what I've seen.
>Also fuckers I will never reveal my name.
nobody gives a shit about your name
>I'm not doing this for my egoism
sure sounds like it
>board that has become a hub of miserable virgin losers
we like it that way
>your a fucking norime
>You haven't seen what I've seen.
what are you even talking about
So you are saying that you'd rather remain a miserable virgin loser than "fight the power"?
That's not endorsement of slavery as an institution but simply a way of dealing with the reality of the time. Also Jesus did not say it.
>miserable virgin loser
I'd be that no matter what I do
>fight the power
fight what power
The normie power you fucking idiot. Trust me It's all about rules. Rules is the medium through which society operesses us. If we rise above it, then we are free. But you seem like the lazy kind who likes to keep whining and indulging in self-pity.
>angels don't exit.
The typo prevails again. Shalom.
YEah! I am white german Brit American.
I got intelligence. Highest IQ in world.
I own six firearms and I can do ten pushups. My Pa got scrapyard and when we overthrow deep state in name of Jesus Christ. Prosperity of only true idea like capitalism takes over earth and take us to stars! Also fuck muslims, black people and jews.
>angels don't exist
>materialistic thread
Why are you so small, weak and narrow-minded? You talk about breaking the chains, yet you are bound to the same materialism that binds the rest of society.
This makes me sightly think that this board is run by jews and I'm not even that OP cunt. But you know, your reply is a little bit suspicious, you're eaither trolling or jews control this board to keep us weak.
Yeah yeah whatever, I'm a materialist yeah but only because It will take a shitload of time before I find those angels you're talking about if they truly exist. We should be realists if we want to survive in this life. If all you're looking forward to is "the other life" (if that fucking exists), then you have already lost and you have no place on this thread.
you dumbass robots are ment to hide and escape from society not make one themselves how can you make a society when you have no women and can't even look people in the eyes when you talk to them
I'm not looking forward to another life, just considering there's more to the one I'm living in user. What's your dream? What do you want to achieve?
Independance? Wealth? A career? A bigger house?
I think i was clear in my initial post so I'm not taking your bait.
Then take your insane ramblings somewhere else, and maybe next time you start dictating to people expect to be questioned on what it is you're all about, cunt.
yet here we rare cunt
Oh fuck off and your judeo-christian crap. You questioning never counts as questioning because you never questioned your initial faith in the first place retards.
>here we are
yes hiding from society on a anime imagine board you are kind proving my point for me
No I'm not you idiot you'e only twisting things to fit your opinion so that you feed your ego. Yes nad yet here we are but this time we are ready to rise above our condition. Seriously how can you be this stupid and think that you have the slightest grain of intelligence.
>WE are ready
>7 posters
>most of which think your a faggot
555 come on now
That moment when you lose an argument so you pretend to be someboy else to give credibility to yourself so that you can feel better once in your miserable life
>that moment when you realize you have no talking points or arguments and your just a retard on the internet screaming about society and rising up
Literally not an argument You already lost christfag Go back to your hiding. Anyboy whith the slightest shred of logic will know that you have lost. With this post you did nothing but copied me. Lol fuck off and praise Gabriel Satan won't rape your ass in hell (of course if that exists). Lol "We live in a society" You know you sound exactly like a court jester You're acknowledging the same rules that opress you and licking normie boots like a dog. I'll sleep now and try again tomorrow to preach liberty. I'll be waiting for you illogicalfag who thinks he's smart for being retarded and backwards because he hates the kardashians (oh by the way we all do) Hahahahah thanks for the before bed laugh.
>u dumb me big brain
ok retarded
You said only materialism, I never specified my beliefs, only that I consider there to be more to life than materialism.
You made the blanket statement, it's you who can't question his beliefs, I questioned my beliefs the second I asked for more information about yours and why you held them, which you couldn't answer, being a materialistic NPC.
Isn't that image Lucifer? If you're proposing that gamers rise up, what exactly are you saying that we should dissent against? It seems to me like you're mad you can't get laid. Someone has to lose for someone to win user. Don't pick the wrong side.
Robots are already at each others throats, I don't see how this could work OP