UNC Charlotte Shooting

>shots fired around 5:45 EST
>2 dead, 4 injured
>Trystan Andrew Terrell, 22, in custody
Thoughts on motives?

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Apparently he was a history major at UNCC that dropped out this semester

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Holy shit theres literally a shooting every single day at this point

The usa is now a shit hole and i dont even feel safe going outside idc call me a pussy this shit is absurd

>literally a shooting every single day at this point
In that case, post links to articles from yesterday's shooting. And the one the day before. And the shooting that happened the day before that one.

Shut up with your faggot narrator, faggot. Grows a pair of balls and stop being such a fucking weenie.

Murder happens everywhere and I don't think the US is much of a "shithole" compared to most countries
>every single day
Shootings in general, maybe, but "mass shootings" (although the count on this one is relatively small) are far less common compared to something like gang violence
And I don't care if gang members kill each other

Obviously i dont mean literally you dumb fuck. Its 2019 not 1960, no one uses the word literally the way it was originally made.

There are shootings very often nowadays, its a pretty normal reaction to feel a bit unsafe going outside. Its called self preservation.

please be an incel pls be an incel

There are 300 million people in America. America is a diverse nation meaning a lot of racial conflict. Everyone in academia hates our own country so most people grow up learning to hate the country itself. So many different things all lead to lots of mental health issues among the populace.

Still, the chance that you will be killed here as a white person living in a mostly white area is drastically lower than the chance of being killed in some African shit hole.

He's black. Its already too late. They aren't going to report this one though. I wonder why.

It was on the news for me, he looks kinda mixed with like Brazilian or something

i was less than 1/4 mile away from this
i didnt hear the shots but i did see the helicopters flying from my dorm and cops rushing in
i feel...nothing
is this normal? i know 2 people died fairly close by but i dont feel anything

Hes not particularly bad looking, but who knows

>babbies first introspective thoughts
People die near you all the time, retard

>They aren't going to report this one though
yep, radio silence here

Why would that be important to you?

He means they arent going to make it a headline on the evening news tomorrow night you nonce

omg sweety Another creepy white incel mass sh--

Just like the sri lanka bombings were ((breaking news)) for 5 minutes

No one cares including me. This shit is pretty rare. Statistically, you'll be fine.

lol I literally go to UNCC

I just didn't go today because I was too lazy, lucky!

>Chicago gun violence

Good for you, user. But if you didn't have any 5-6pm classes then you probably would've missed it anyway
Seems like a strange time to plan a shooting if you're going for numbers since campuses are far less packed at that time, but this doesn't really compare to Virginia Tech or Columbine as far as numbers fo
Maybe he was targeting a few specific people, maybe staff. Last I checked they didn't report who was killed/injured

he killed 2 people, that's nothing
>Just like the sri lanka bombings were ((breaking news)) for 5 minutes
because a day with brown people dying in bombings is just another day

>2 dead
Look man I dont encourage this kind of shit but if youre gonna go through with causing a mass shooting and go to jail alongside being seen as a monster for the rest of your life at the very fucking least get a kill count higher than 2 so you dont go to jail as an absolute laughing stock.

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Found this on mylife

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News Reader where I live claimed that the "Shooter Appeared to be White", didn't show his picture.

there are no motives. all shootings are a result of this these '''''''''''''''''medicines''''''''''''''''' that people with '''''''''''''''''''mental health problems'''''''''''''''''''' get prescribed

>Religion: Muslim


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>White mom
>Black dad

Not again
El atrocidad en el septiembre del uno!

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I haven't seen any specifics from mainstream outlets, just Heavy and some other local sources.
>Sources tell NBC Charlotte that students were giving a presentation when the shooting occurred in a classroom. The two dead are reportedly two white males, but their ages and names have not yet been released.

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o mio dios mio!
la creatura!

Rookie numbers originally

>white mom
>black dad

What the fuck is even going on anymore

>"I can tell you it has nothing to do with Muslim or immigrants, it was a random shooting like many other school shootings."

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it's the antichrist fellers

Race-mixing dropped his IQ by 10 points, but his mom's womb gave him white conscientiousness, so he was morphed into a ticking time-bomb.

Surely you're joking. He looks like the creatura version of adam lanza.

for the outrage of course