How do i cure my ass burgers?

how do i cure my ass burgers?


Attached: aspergers.jpg (800x1149, 181K)

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Question: are you diagnosably Asperger's, or are you using the term colloquially?

>are you diagnosably Asperger's
i could get diagnosed but i see no point in it. it would possibly backfire, so i avoid such things

there's no point in doing that

I have the kinda of burgers that has gotten me into a PhD program. It sucks day to day, but it seems to be paying off.

fellow aspie here. you just have to surround yourself with people who are willing to understand you and coach you through conversations. i'm still working on it, and only got diagnosed last week. i've been blessed to have helpful friends.

you don't have a disease. You're just a whinny faggot. And you already know the cure. Why are you asking normal people? Walk into traffic. That's your cure.

>Familiar routine very important
>Eccentric, unusual behavior
Yeah, those are two opposites chief. Glad this fake disorder got tossed by the docs. It's just an excuse assholes and weirdos use when somebody finally calls them out on their shitty, peculiar behavior.

wow, someone is triggered. did an aspie take ur gf? yep

>Yeah, those are two opposites chief
no they are not ... is english your first language? doesn't seem like it

>Glad this fake disorder got tossed by the docs
i wouldn't call it a "disorder" more like a personality type

>It's just an excuse assholes and weirdos use when somebody finally calls them out on their shitty, peculiar behavior.
literally what is so "shitty" about it? i don't understand

lol how the fuck would it "backfire?" Either it would confirm you have Asperger's or reject it, and it might come away showing you have something else. There are a number of things that are easily confused with Asperger's, including PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), high functioning autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizoid personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, ADHD, etc.

>lol how the fuck would it "backfire?"
i could lose my rights, such as my gun rights

>Either it would confirm you have Asperger's or reject it, and it might come away showing you have something else. There are a number of things that are easily confused with Asperger's, including PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), high functioning autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizoid personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, ADHD, etc.
i either have schizoid or aspergers. neither has a drug cure. it's pointless. i don't want that label on me, something which simply wouldn't benefit me at all, which could excuse them taking away my gun rights in the future

All this autism aspergers shit was created to give lazy faggots something to blame for being fucking cringe and retarded

Neither of those things would lead to you losing your gun rights, because neither are intellectual disabilities, nor are they directly related to violent disorder, the way something like antisocial personality disorder is. Because of that, trying to strip their 2nd amendment rights would be a huge civil rights issue. Further, because of doctor-patient confidentiality, no one would ever find out about the diagnosis unless you personally decided to tell people.

Every autistic/aspie that I've known has been a huge asshole. They lash out inappropriately at the expense of others whenever they become frustrated due to their own inability to comprehend socialization.


how does it imply someone is lazy? i just don't understand

why do you cringe?

score above average on IQ test

>Neither of those things would lead to you losing your gun rights, because neither are intellectual disabilities, nor are they directly related to violent disorder, the way something like antisocial personality disorder is

you're correct, they wouldn't NOW. but you can not predict the future. gun rights are being slowly widdled away

first they had legal prescription weed. then some people got their scripts filled. THEN AFTERWARDS they started making it illegal for weed smokers to have guns

anyway, that is how these sorts of gun laws get changed. they say "we need to keep the guns out of UNSTABLE people's hands"

you know, the guy who ran over a fat girl at charlottesville was schizoid. so if i got certified as schizoid, and some schizoid shoots up a school, and another schizoid shoots one up later ... they might add that to the list.

their ultimate goal is to take EVERY PERSON's guns. they are quite clear about this, they don't even deny it.

>Further, because of doctor-patient confidentiality, no one would ever find out about the diagnosis unless you personally decided to tell people.
so you're saying u can be declared anything by a doctor and still get guns? there is no diagnosis that will cause you to lose your gun rights?

florida, which has really chill gun laws:

>Upon receipt of a request for a criminal history record check, the Department of Law Enforcement shall, during the licensee?s call or by return call forthwith:
>>Review any records available to determine if the potential buyer or transferee:
>>Has been adjudicated mentally defective or has been committed to a mental institution by a court, and as a result is prohibited by state or federal law from purchasing a firearm.

>Every autistic/aspie that I've known has been a huge asshole. They lash out inappropriately at the expense of others whenever they become frustrated due to their own inability to comprehend socialization.
those people sound like subhuman pieces of shit. i'd hate them too. that's totally childish

however obviously not all aspies do that. a lot of this "socialization" stuff doesn't come easy to me, but i mostly just avoid it. i'm nice to people if they try to talk to me, but i don't go out of my way to socially interact with others

not all of us "lash out inappropriately at the expense of others"

i have literally never hurt anyone. the majority of assholes i have met weren't aspies. to be fair i might have only met 1 aspie though

Being one point above the minimum score can get you the label. It's not worth it.

Every attempt I have made has failed except for being able to make small talk but only with select few people.
Study psychology, become ultra aware of every little thing you do, and also study what normal people talk about.
>Music, usually rap, force yourself to enjoy it, normies might actually like you suggesting obscure not well known rap, might get you known as "the music guru" or some shit
>Movies, honestly haven't been able to get into these unless they're informatics or documentaries, normies love serial killer docs though
>Video games, very iffy, very hard to really know which ones are cool or not, generally I look at twitch to know what is popular, but the downside is that they're pretty much trends and dedicating yourself too much to one game turns around and is embarrassing unless it manages to stay popular
> Celebrities, never really got into these either, only really twitch streamers and nobody a Tually knows any twitch streamers besides ninja and other very popular streamers

These have generally gotten me by for most of the time, and you can sometimes be a sperg about it. Only music do I enjoy the large part of the time, sensory overload in a good way.

>>Music, usually rap, force yourself to enjoy it, normies might actually like you suggesting obscure not well known rap, might get you known as "the music guru" or some shit
oh god i fucking hate rap. also people that like it generally are intolerable

>Movies, honestly haven't been able to get into these unless they're informatics or documentaries, normies love serial killer docs though
i do like movies

>Video games, very iffy, very hard to really know which ones are cool or not, generally I look at twitch to know what is popular, but the downside is that they're pretty much trends and dedicating yourself too much to one game turns around and is embarrassing unless it manages to stay popular
i don't really play video games

> Celebrities, never really got into these either, only really twitch streamers and nobody a Tually knows any twitch streamers besides ninja and other very popular streamers
disgusting. totally uninteresting

Have you considered diet?

There is a lot of recent studies linking the gut microbiome to the brain and mental health and autism/asperger's symptoms.

This is bad advice. Don't pretend to like shit you don't, it will make you look weird.

The best thing you can do is like what you like, but expand what you like so people can relate more to you. For example, I'm obsessive with music. My favorite genres are probably crust punk and bebop. Anybody who's really into jazz likes bebop, so that's a good conversation starter for that niche. Nobody gives a shit about crust punk, but it's closely related to indie rock, so I can talk to plenty of normies about indie rock.

The other thing is, you don't need to know that much about normie interests. You need to know just enough so that THEY are comfortable talking to YOU about it. People like talking, but they don't want to listen to you autistically rant at them. So show that you're generally aware of the show or music they like, and then let them talk at you about their favorite stuff, saying just enough to encourage them to keep going. Don't do it cynically, either - be engaged with what they're saying. Usually I'm not really interested in the subject they're talking about, but rather I'm interested in their own passion for it.

Tbh, it's actually best if we're talking about something I'm only mildly interested in. If we did get on one of the topics I'm really fascinated with, like old punk bands or Zen Buddhist philosophy, I'd probably just start ranting autistically at them without noticing. But if we're just talking about something I'm vaguely interested in, like politics, current events, popular music, sci fi, or something, we can have a pleasant back and forth.

you have to use your big sperg brain to figure out how to be social.

>Have you considered diet?
>There is a lot of recent studies linking the gut microbiome to the brain and mental health and autism/asperger's symptoms.
yes, but maybe these are better

>figure out how to be social
but how to enjoy it? that's the real issue. you can certainly be decent, or even very good at something and not enjoy doing it

it just feels like a chore even more annoying than work

You poop out most probiotics and it's not a one time fix, without fixing your diet it'll just return to its original state.

Also there's better shortcuts.


Roughly 30-50% of all people with autism have chronic gastrointestinal (GI) problems, primarily constipation and/or diarrhea that can last for many years. That chronic discomfort and pain can cause irritability, decreased attention and learning, and negatively impact behavior.

the issue is that "Autism" is so all-encompassing. i don't seem to have any health issues. i did growing up, but i started eating better once i became an adult and could choose anything i want. i ate a very horrific diet when my parents decided by food

also those aren't probiotics, they are viruses that kill certain bacteria types

you don't have to do it if you don't enjoy it you know

>you don't have to do it
unfortunately i do.
similarly, i don't have to work... but the alternative is starvation and homelessness

there are things that make work less miserable: tobacco, amphetamine, etc

top tip of the day: alcohol makes you more social
make sure you don't get addicted though, only use it when you need to

If it is the actual condition it is totally incurable because it is an inborn birth defect in the brain, all you can do is get therapy so you are less weird to others.

People with the condition always have at least one co-morbid mental illness as well which will need to be dealt with properly as well. Don't worry too much though, you won't be expected to do shit but get neetbux. The reason is because 14% ever get any job (including fast food shit) and the average life expectancy is 36 because most off themselves or die from an associated medical issue. The super successful smart autist with a good job is one percent of one percent of people with the condition. They are unicorns. You are likely to die alone as well, have fun.

>huge asshole
They don't have one form of empathy and have a severe impairment regarding theory of mind, so they can not understand how others feel unless told or the feeling can be inferred via pure logic. The ones whose parents didn't believe in medicating their children or getting them therapy are the worst at this, and it generally is the parents fault for not actually getting their kid medical intervention.

>top tip of the day: alcohol makes you more social
honestly it does the opposite for me. it makes me stay up all night arguing on the internet. it doesn't enhance real life social interactions

alcohol DOES make people more social when they WANT to be social, but have anxiety

>make sure you don't get addicted though
i literally couldn't. because beyond the undesirable mental effects, i hate how it makes me piss constantly and feel extra hot, and get dehydrated

alcohol is trash tier honestly

>The super successful smart autist with a good job is one percent of one percent of people with the condition. They are unicorns.
i thought a lot of aspies had jobs?

i got the highest SAT and ACT in my high school, went to the top university in my state, and now work as a programmer

i did have trouble getting other jobs though. a few times i was turned down because i "didn't seem excited" -- well why the fuck would i be? it's work!

this job i got from a recruiter

Asshotdogs instead?

you do actually have to be in a social situation for it to have any effect

>i thought a lot of aspies had jobs?
Nope, the overwhelming majority can not work and the ones that can more often then not are screened out by the interview stage.

But yeah, STEM attracts lots of weird ass people who act fucking autistic. I am talking about people actually diagnosed, not the ones who are just weird people who you think (or they themselves think) are autistic.

i've gone to clubs and bars and drank with other people. it doesn't help to enhance social interaction for me. not everyone reacts to alcohol in the same way

it works for people who love and crave social interaction, but are too anxious or timid to engage in it

it doesn't actually make a person want to socially interact with normies

>the overwhelming majority can not work
perhaps for people who are diagnosed. but plenty of people who have it do not get diagnosed. what is the point? there is no drug or medication they prescribe for it

and not all people with "autism" have aspergers

>I am talking about people actually diagnosed
if a person could be diagnosed, but isn't, they still have it. they're just not diagnosed
even people who are diagnosed did have it prior to the point in time in which they were diagnosed

there's plenty of people on here are depressed, but have not been diagnosed. you don't have to be diagnosed with something to actually have it

>and not all people with "autism" have Asperger
All people with Aspergers have autism, 100%. Aspergers is a milder form of autism that comes with a few differences but most of the core issues. I was only talking about high functioning autism spectrum disorder in that statement, which is what Aspergers was re-classed as, because again Aspergers is a form of autism.

>if a person could be diagnosed, but isn't, they still have it.
It is so noticeable that the amount of people diagnosed as adults are rare, the odds are almost nil that you have it if there were no signs growing up that warranted medical intervention. It can happen but it is extremely rare. Self-diagnosing doesn't means that you have shit. The overwhelming number of people who self-diagnose autism have social anxiety, and it has turned them into bitter assholes. I see it used interchangeably for social awkwardness and social anxiety all the time, which is like saying you have cancer when you have cold.

>All people with Aspergers have autism, 100%. Aspergers is a milder form of autism that comes with a few differences but most of the core issues. I was only talking about high functioning autism spectrum disorder in that statement, which is what Aspergers was re-classed as, because again Aspergers is a form of autism.
yeah that's what i'm saying. all aspies have "autism" but plenty of people are "autistic" but do not have aspergers

>It is so noticeable that the amount of people diagnosed as adults are rare, the odds are almost nil that you have it if there were no signs growing up that warranted medical intervention.

why would it warrant medical intervention? there's no danger, you can't die from it. it's a personality type

>The overwhelming number of people who self-diagnose autism have social anxiety, and it has turned them into bitter assholes
i certainly do not have social anxiety though

> I see it used interchangeably for social awkwardness and social anxiety all the time, which is like saying you have cancer when you have cold.
yes but i don't understand why you think people would need "medical intervention" from regular aspergers. that makes little sense unless you think it's tantamount to shit-smearing-on-the-walls retardation. it isn't though

see this list of people:

>from regular aspergers
Regular Aspergers isn't shit smearing retardation, but it is still debilitating at times and it shows signs that would worry any decent parent. There will be major social and behavior issues in childhood, inability to self care, sensory issues, odd speech, odd movement, and obsessive behavior. It is not simply a socially inept child. A decent parent would be worried about their kid and haul them off to the doctor, especially if they don't eat because of the textures of food or they flip their shit if interrupted. Normal or low functioning autism the kid would be retarded, seizure out, and be mute. If you are diagnosed with asspies and you didn't have major childhood issues you won the lottery.

>it's a personality type
It's an inborn disability in the brain. Hence the co-morbid psychiatric issues, damaged theory of mind, emotional processing issues, sensory processing issues, movement issues, speech issues, seizures (uncommon in aspergers but common in normal aspergers) that can come with the package. Schizoid personality disorder would the closest thing that mimics aspergers that is a personality disorder, they are very close.

See what I said about unicorns, these are unicorns of unicorns. If you fall under the unicorn definition you got blessed, and if you have a job or dated ever you are exceeding all expectations and should be proud of yourself.

>but common in normal autism*
durr hurr.

>it is still debilitating at times and it shows signs that would worry any decent parent.
what signs specifically? if you keep your grades up and don't get in trouble at school, most parents aren't going to be worried
"he'll just grow out of it"

>There will be major social and behavior issues in childhood
like what?

>inability to self care
you mean aspergers means you are physically incapable of bathing yourself? nah. i don't like the feeling of water on myself like that though, i don't like how showers feel. i still take them, like once a week

>sensory issues
like what?

>odd speech
lots of kids have "odd speech"

>odd movement
how odd?

>and obsessive behavior
i definitely had this but it was just me on the computer, how would they know?

>A decent parent would be worried about their kid and haul them off to the doctor, especially if they don't eat because of the textures of food
well i definitely was an extremely picky eater

> they flip their shit if interrupted.
is this a general autistic trait, or specific to aspergers? do ALL aspies flip their shit? i think you're exaggerating here

>Schizoid personality disorder would the closest thing that mimics aspergers that is a personality disorder, they are very close.
i might have this, but peopel always said i was a little aloof. i was totally incapable of talking to people "normally" in school. however, my parents were focused on one thing: grades. i did exceptionally well in school, so they didn't see much of an issue
i think schizoid can be an adaptation for 3-digit IQ aspies

> these are unicorns of unicorns
and they weren't diagnosed

i think a lot of people who are "functional" aspies (have jobs) simply did not get diagnosed because there wasn't any big issues.

you're looking at the list of possible symptoms, and saying aspies have all of them. really, a sperg will have like half or so of them.

i have had a lot of practice talking to people (like 1000s of days in a row) still don't like it

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I wish autism was fake. I wish I could change. You think I like being weird and people shunning me for it. You think I like having a difficult dating. Any idea how many times I considered suicide because it is incurable? The expected age of people with Asperger's is 32. Think about that for a second.

Psychology does help me understand people better. Unfortunately I am still very weird. The difference is I can now analyze and predict what people will do better.

I hope it will offer a cure into the future. I really dislike being an autist.

I can understand how others feel. I just never do or avoid the situation.

And the worst thing is in and a lot of countries the government refuses to help. You are physically ok and mentally ok for them. I have had 7 jobs in 3 years. 7 fucking jobs. And I have no choice but to keep trying.

It all feels so empty for me. Who do I work for? I am unhappy because it is hard for me to form close social relationships. So I work just for money. I am have started putting everything into stocks. Hopefully I can retire a tad sooner that way.

>I have had 7 jobs in 3 years. 7 fucking jobs. And I have no choice but to keep trying.
did you try programming?

i was "weird" at my old job, but i was just so good at it that they wouldn't have fired me unless i fucked something up

i applied to 1000+ places and just got a job a week ago (about to start monday). i got turned down from a few for "not being excited" (codeword for assburgers really) but this one i got from a recruiter

i like being NEET but my parents were terrorizing me over it

I'm very socially avoidant but I think I can speak well with people and only start having problems talking when I'm in a social situation and my anxiety makes it harder. I get told I'm weird a lot but "weird in a good way" which I guess is good?

I've asked several therapists if they thought I was autistic and they've all said that based on how I've interacted and spoken with them that they don't think I meet the criteria. Several different therapists that were independent from one another.

I believe I have avoidant personality disorder.

>All people with Aspergers have autism, 100%
Person, this is Jow Forums, not Jow Forums. Moreover, you must be 18+ to utilize this website and post contents to it.

THanks for the mind to mind "texting"

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>what signs specifically
My response to everything that follows should give you an idea.

>you mean aspergers means you are physically incapable of bathing yourself?
Most can't until later in life without being prompted to do so, that is the norm that most do not shake. It was definitely the case for me as well until I turned 19, and I was the highest functioning of the other high functioning children I was forced to interact with.

>sensory issues
Greatly diminished or increased ability to feel pain (diminished is more common) from things that would cause pain in the normal person, you can get cut and bruised and not notice when it happens. Increased light sensitivity, sharper hearing, easier to spot details in things visually are common as well. Senses that would be normal can cause discomfort or even severe pain as well, for example I couldn't eat anything but chicken nuggets from ages three to five because of the texture and to this day wet cotton feels like very coarse sand paper grinding in my teeth if I touch it with my hands. Sensory issues vary wildly, and the lower functioning you are the worse they tend to be.


>odd speech
Generally weird pronunciations, repeating words or word patterns, or using highfalutin language in place of more common words. Generally the words used are beyond typical similar aged childrens reading level making it unusual.

>odd movement
Some walk on their tip toes only, some limp or have bizarre gait. This again varies case to case.

>obsessive behavior
Having vary narrow interests, but knowing everything about it, obsessing over it, and bringing it into every single conversation and refusing to converse about anything else. Sometimes ritualistic actions or hording.

>is this a general autistic trait, or specific to aspergers
Autistic meltdowns are general in all ASD conditions across the board as children, a good portion but not all people with aspies learn to manage it though and don't do it as an adult.

>i think schizoid can be an adaptation for 3-digit IQ aspies
Aspies tend to be in the 110+ IQ range despite many of them being functionally disabled in other life aspects or socially retarded. Schizoids tend to be as well. Normal Autism and lower tends to be below 100. IQ results for people with ASD tend to not be too reliable though as they have high spikes in some categories.

>i think a lot of people who are "functional" aspies (have jobs) simply did not get diagnosed because there wasn't any big issues.
It is possible their symptoms were so mild that was the case. I am speaking of the typical life outcomes of the diagnosed, which is very bleak statistically. I am offically diagnosed and have been since childhood yet have a good income in a stem career, everyone else I mentioned prior about being forced to interact with diagnosed with the condtion are on disability. Some have offed themselves and some live in group homes from what I have heard, I don't like interacting with people in general so I don't really have touch.

Chris Chan is your typical person with Aspergers, he has high functioning autism.


>medical fact is Jow Forums
Lol k, have your (you).

Avoid talking in paragraphs

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Have fun being normal now! I mean I never really do anything im hikki.

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Me :) !! I'm hikki

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>Most can't until later in life without being prompted to do so, that is the norm that most do not shake. It was definitely the case for me as well until I turned 19, and I was the highest functioning of the other high functioning children I was forced to interact with.
so what was so difficult about bathing? you couldn't stand in a shower, turn on the water, and then turn it off?

i don't like showering either, and my mom used to whine at me to do it. but it's not a very difficult thing to do

>Greatly diminished or increased ability to feel pain (diminished is more common) from things that would cause pain in the normal person, you can get cut and bruised and not notice when it happens. Increased light sensitivity, sharper hearing, easier to spot details in things visually are common as well. Senses that would be normal can cause discomfort or even severe pain as well, for example I couldn't eat anything but chicken nuggets from ages three to five because of the texture and to this day wet cotton feels like very coarse sand paper grinding in my teeth if I touch it with my hands. Sensory issues vary wildly, and the lower functioning you are the worse they tend to be.
yeah i am a picky eater. can't eat eggs. can't eat fish.
also i am light sensitive, and prefer to sit in the dark for the most part. sunlight is OK, but artificial lights will give me a headache, especially compact flourescent bulbs. incandescent lights aren't as bad, but i will always choose to have the lights off

>Generally weird pronunciations, repeating words or word patterns, or using highfalutin language in place of more common words. Generally the words used are beyond typical similar aged childrens reading level making it unusual.
i kind of have this

>Some walk on their tip toes only, some limp or have bizarre gait. This again varies case to case.
i think i walk fine. i used 2 stamp my feet when i ran (my parents forced me to do cross country) but i practiced

Oh no. I know I'm flabbergasted

>Having vary narrow interests, but knowing everything about it, obsessing over it, and bringing it into every single conversation and refusing to converse about anything else. Sometimes ritualistic actions or hording.
i have this, but i do not bring it up in conversations with normies because it never ends well

i have basically been researching the same topics for 10 or so years, almost every day

>Aspies tend to be in the 110+ IQ range despite many of them being functionally disabled in other life aspects or socially retarded. Schizoids tend to be as well. Normal Autism and lower tends to be below 100. IQ results for people with ASD tend to not be too reliable though as they have high spikes in some categories.
i have 135 IQ tested

>I am offically diagnosed and have been since childhood yet have a good income in a stem career
and how did being diagnosed help you? what did they make you do, since there is no drug

>what was so difficult about bathing
It wasn't the act of bathing but knowing when to do so, though the texture of water felt weird as well.

>how did being diagnosed help you? what did they make you do, since there is no drug
I do take lots of drugs because co-morbid psychiatric condition(s) are the norm. In general though it got me neetbux that I used to go to university after being a neet for years.What they make you do is see a psychiatrist to deal with the mental illnesses that are co-morbid with the condition (and give pills for those), make you see a psychologist, speech therapist if your speech is bad, a therapist to teach you to not act like such a fuck up in public, a social worker to get you into your community, and they make you forcefully participate in groups. At that point it is your own effort and how severe you got it that determines if you end up in a group home when you parents die or not.

>It wasn't the act of bathing but knowing when to do so, though the texture of water felt weird as well.
aversion to something is different from an inability

i also am averse to bathing. fortunately i don't sweat very much, or stink all that hard. or if i do, i just don't care

>they make you forcefully participate in groups
yeah, sounds like no fun LOL

what was your
>co-morbid psychiatric condition

>co-morbid psychiatric condition
I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder with obsessive compulsive traits, psychosis-NOS (might be re-classed soon to schizophrenia), major depressive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and as a child I had oppositional defiant disorder which I am no longer classed with.

tl;dr. I have a stem job that makes decent money, but at the same time I am a societal reject who lives in total isolation outside of the rare email at work, online conversations, and when forced to buy something at a store because I can't get it shipped.

gun rights are getting fucked regardless. do what I do and dont talk about your guns to people.

either way, the way you write seems pretty fucking assburgers. the best way out of it is to emulate people. don't emulate people you respect and have some weird sense of superiority about it, no one likes the burger emulating gandalf. just try stay quiet and watch the way your friends act and emulate something semi normal. dont standout, ever, because any type of standing out will never register as awkward as fuck to you, but to everyone else it probably is.

Aspergers is an interesting thing

The answer is poop. It's literally poop.
>Autism symptoms reduced nearly 50 percent two years after fecal transplant

>tfw prolly have a femmy variant of this