Why do normals lack discipline...

Why do normals lack discipline? Ive seen this meme on every normie social media site with thousands of likes and "relatable" comments

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Who knows? I lacked discipline right up until one day I didn't, what changed? I decided to do it on my own this time, not because other people think I should.

idk, maybe because shoving chicken into your mouth every day with the urge to kill yourself instead of just eating a delicious burger is more fun

Because they want it, they just don't want to actually do it. They see all this fitness shit on social media and think it's easily achievable and they soon realise it isn't, and they fail. They lack the drive and willpower that we have to better ourselves. We are in the midst of making it because we put the effort in and want it more than they do.

Why would they need to be disciplined? Nowadays survival is guaranteed, you can just sit and relax.

Only people who are disciplined are those who need it, be it out of despair or ambition.

>Only people who are disciplined are those who need it, be it out of despair
This one is me

The thing is the modern Average Joe can go through life just fine being a fat slob or stick man that can't lift 50 pounds without breaking a bone. Mental and financial resources allow for this, maybe people around them enabling they lack that too (neets)

Because of lack of directio. Normies think that in order to be shreded you need to go to the gym everyday for multiple hours, do lots of cardio, exercise every part of your body everyday and then when the doms come they start to lose all motivation.

people who don't have sex and have just two friends have much more reasons to lift

Because they have jobs you fucking spoiled NEET bitch

Found the DYEL

I have a job and I make time. Dedication is lacking because everyone has everything else at their fingertips, be it food or online shopping. Fitness can't be bought.


Fuck I'm going on a run now. Whoever gives me a (You) first, last digit will be the number of miles I run.

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When I was wageslaving, I barely had any energy left after work. Now that I'm back to college I have both time and energy to workout

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3 is is. I'm off, thank user!

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you can do it nigger

You're seeing this wrong. They dont lack discipline. They just dont know that what they need is discipline. They think motivation will carry them through.

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>Only people who are disciplined are those who need it, be it out of despair
Haha, not me. I'm lifting simply because it's fun haha

Have a 9 to 5, a wife and still go to the gym 3 times a week and run 8k twice a week.
No excuses fag.

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>train literally every day of the week for the last half decade, weight training and boxing, have impressive physique
>the thought of getting a wagecuck 9-5 literally makes me vomit, so I'm a depressed NEET
Do I lack discipline? Am i lazy?

Don't do this to me, bro. It hurts because it's true. I have nothing to live for.

Who is she?

Neither, you lack experience and are afraid of change.

>not exercising and dieting while also sitting and relaxing

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Mfw this nugget of redpill wisdom went unnoticed.

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This is one of the best explanations I think. For literally decades now media conglomerates have been pushing the idea of "easy" diets or "easy" fitness or whatever bullshit, and despite the internet having the potential of teaching the entire first world population CORRECT information, it tends to just spread false information. The inspirational bullshit, the "just do it lol" attitude, the vague advice, the fad diets, it's all just worse than it ever was because of the internet. It's a double edged sword obviously because I'm a lazy idiot and I only know what I know because of the internet, but you have to actually seek that information out and filter falsehoods which most normies can't do.

That’s how I describe when I quit smoking.

No pain no gain.

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>just two friends
That's two more than I have