Why do some humans get so insecure about the fact that dogs are more lovable than humans? This guy on Youtube went on this insane rant saying that dog worshippers are egomaniacal selfish people whose entire life is centered around themselves, and love dogs because a dog's entire life is structured around them, and hate humans because nobody they've met is willing to make everything about them. He even made the insane claim that for dog lovers, the hierachy is them, dogs, then all other people. Claimed we're regressing into Pagan animal worship.
It's just not true. The fact is, the dog is far superior to the human. FAR.
I know that you're baiting to get a reaction, but I just watched the video to see what the guy had to say. It was actually really sensible.
>dog worshippers are egomaniacal selfish people whose entire life is centered around themselves, and love dogs because a dog's entire life is structured around them, and hate humans because nobody they've met is willing to make everything about them. He even made the insane claim that for dog lovers, the hierachy is them, dogs, then all other people
This actually was really insightful. I could never put a finger as to why dog worshippers were always so nuts. This seems to be the perfect explanation.
Hard to tell if you're baiting because the average dog owner really is stupid enough to write something like this
Aaron Wood
Dog people are annoying af and retarded, just like their animal counterparts
Landon Howard
>regressing into Pagan animal worship Nothing wrong with that.
John Morales
Based retard, I love autist like him. None of what he says has a foundation. People love pets because they are great and bring comfort. The innocence and raising something from a pup or kitten brings immense pleasure. They are also great for depression and teaching children responsibility, and a plethora of other things.
Easton Cooper
i forget dogs exist until i see one. being obsessed with any one animal seems like a mental deficiency, like how teenagers still obsess over "celebrities".
Hunter Morgan
Dog worshippers are just incels that found an escape.
They are no different than, say, those hopeless otakus with their anime pillows
Jacob Richardson
he is not wrong, dogs are animals and should be treated as such, looking at people treating them like kids and calling themselves their "fathers" or "mothers" is just nuts.
John Taylor
to be fair as a dog lover I do indeed care more about my dog than other random NPC humans I don't know. You see the dog is a close member of the family and takes priority over filthy normies. I don't worship my dog or anything else though.
Humans in general are self centered and I actually find people with no pets to be the most self centered and people with cats to be more self centered than dog owners. The reasons for this are simple. Cats do pretty well on their own and need less affection or attention from people. Because of this their owners can fuck off and kind of let the cat take care of itself outside of feedings or cleaning the litter box.
dogs on the other hand are pack animals and more loyal. You get more love out of them in general (although I have seen some very dog like cats in my day) but on the other hand you also have to give them more love and they are harder to take care of more expensive and just more work.
People like this are just mad that people are giving attention and adoration to some filthy animal they do not like instead of to them. Its the same shit with why women hate video games. Because they want all the attention and if some guy is gaming that she means she isn't getting it. Either way this guy can fuck off. Its my life and I spend my time on the hobbies I want period. I live for me and those I love not random NPC nu-male soiboi trash like him.
Colton Taylor
Literally why should I care about some random person more than my pet? It's a companion that's there for me always, I don't give a shit about some NPC just because "hooman smwrter then animal xD"
Logan Campbell
Humans are also animals, except they are much less likable than dogs and cats, and should be treated accordingly.
>t. schizoid
David Roberts
My dogs have great personalities, love me, and improve my mental well-being to a great extent. Of course I like them more than most people.
Kevin Campbell
>Literally why should I care about some random person more than my pet? Hell man I care more about my fucking Nintendo switch than random NPC's and I barely even play that thing. Still means more to me than NPC #6128905534 though Hell at this point I care more about the shitty one sentence saying NPC's in old video games like Final Fantasy 6 than I do a breathing living NPC. To me there is no difference they are about the same level mentally.
Adam Parker
I dunno, I used to be what you'd consider a dog hater. I'd torture dogs and other animals as a kid. I used to torture my grandma's dog a lot. I was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, which is basically means psychopath. One day, I decided to take this pigeon with a broken wing to my house, and I started preforming an operation on it to fix its wings. I fed the pigeon and cared for it, after that, I set it free and it was stronger than ever. Ever since I realized that saving animals is much more challenging and stimulating than killing them, that's all I do now. Dog haters are fucked up, a lot of them are psychopaths.
Jordan James
I think he's pretty far off-base actually. He's making the common error of thinking of the issue in an isolated fashion and through a lens of thorough rationality. His assumption is that dog people looked at the pros and cons of human relationships vs relationships with dogs and then, in a state of total freedom, decided on dogs, revealing a terrible character, and he looks at the dog thing separate from the rest of the culture.
The obsessive dog (and cat) people I know strike me much more as people with a band-aid for other problems, and that band-aid is the pet. In many cases you're talking about socially awkward people who have trouble forming normal relationships, who would probably prefer humans if they could get them, but the dog is just the best they can manage. Or they might be a couple who, in reality, want kids, but can't have them due to financial pressures/mental blocks/fertility problems and use the dog as a substitute. There's also many more risks associated with human relationships that relationships with dogs don't share, including financial and legal risks. The dog dudes and cat ladies I know are all obviously compensating for something else that's gone wrong or is plain missing.
Selfishness of a sort comes into it but this is more the baseline narcissism of the culture rather than any individual fault. It's the product of living in a society that drives people to alienation and discourages having children early, leaving people without preoccupying personal connections for long stretches of life. People plugged into extended families having kids in their early 20s do not have time or space to end up like that.
If his assessment is that they have poor character, I think he just lacks compassion enough to see the situation from their perspective. I think the overall assertion is correct that dogs are not replacements for human relations, but I think it's a symptom of other issues.
oh shit I actually just noticed the dude was a basedboi to top it all off so that means he ranks even below trash because at least trash can be recycled and sometimes made into something useful.
Bentley Collins
no were are not, we are above and beyond instinct. a dog is not.
Owen Jackson
>humans are not animals >humans are above instinct