Online friends

How do people do this? I've tried for so so long but now I'm just tired. No matter what they always fade away. The conversations are shallow, there's no connection. I have no friends irl so I thought I could make some online but honestly it's even harder than real life. It took me years to realise this. Im so lonely but I've finally lost hope that I'll ever have any kind of friendship with anyone. Fuck this world.

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i know how you feel, user
it fucking sucks

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i'll be your fren if you want user. i always end up getting ghosted anyway

Stay away from people who say ''fren''

Even if I say yes and give you my discord or whatever, it doesn't matter unless there's something that connects us together. At least irl you meet people who might be in your class, job, or the like so there's something that you can bond together with. How would we bond? Unless we play games for hours a day it's impossible, and I don't even play games so that's not possible. Even if we have the same interests, there's a limit in how much we can talk about, it'll soon sizzle out. It might work if for example we play sports together, or paint together irl, but online it's impossible.

t. someone who doesn't know how to make frens

I've had a few online friends over the years. The problem is that quite a few of them also had IRL friends and their online presence was just to give them something to do while playing a game or doing schoolwork or anything involving a PC.

Gradually these friends stopped appearing as much because they managed to settle into careers, find a partner or have kids. It's depressing but that's pretty much the reality.

at least I'm not the only one in this misery. haven't had friends irl for 3 years now. tried the 'online friend' thing on and off for the last 2 years and it just doesn't work for me idk. like you said op, i fear i will be alone forever now.

Attached: feels14.jpg (601x508, 49K)'s kind of true user. most of my online "frienships" end up fizzling out eventually. i guess we both need to try and find people irl

It's not impossible, it does require big effort as you say to keep things alive, and not shallow

Good thing is you, and other people here are aware of it, so there's no reason why you couldn't bond

But who am I to talk I'm also a complete failure at making online friends lol

Online friendships will almost always start and die as relationships of convenience. You both play some game and it's convenient to play together because you know that the other person is competent and/or you "know" the other person. The only way these relationships can ever move passed that is if you manage to talk to each other about things not related to the convenience that is supporting your friendship. If you can manage that then you won't have all of your eggs in one basket.

How would you make friends then, assuming no playing games together. Most people on Jow Forums befriend each other through games. I don't see any other way other than that.
Of course, even I would most likely abandon any online friends if I miraculously managed to make some irl friends. Online socialisation feels far too cold compared to the warmth of being together with irl friends.
I've personally not had irl or even online friends for 10 years, and I'm currently 25.

>No matter what they always fade away. The conversations are shallow, there's no connection.

It hurts a lot more when you actually make a genuine connection and they still fade away, OP. Having that happen has made me pretty much avoid making online friends since

online friends suck anyway. they're all up to no good. all they do is talk about how retarded you are behind your back, always trying to get you to say something stupid so they can make fun of you. it's all just a big months-long ruse

Of course they suck, but it's still better than having no one at all. At least when you feel lonely you can talk shit to them or the like, even if you know they think nothing of you. It's the trace amount of human contact that can keep you going, even if it's through text alone.

I've never done that to internet people I've talked to. Although i wouldn't be surprised if they were doing it to me

Making friends has never really worked for me, but if after a few hours you find you share interests and also some part of your personality with the other person, I'd bet you could set up some sort of shared activity to do online together. If both sides want to make it work it can.

if anyone wants to add me we can talk about whatever or you can invite me to active servers

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This assumes that both sides have no other online friends, as that's the only way that both sides would try hard enough to make it work. People on Jow Forums aren't kind enough to put so much effort to befriend someone when they already have a network of friends, they'll stop trying and retreat to their old friends.

what games/anime/other things do you like op

You're right about that. I think one tall hurdle is the effort towards making it work not being equal from both parties. People who don't have any friends are likely to be more submissive in a conversation I think, and if the person they're talking to has friends that person will probably give up from having to do all the heavy lifting and not thinking it worth it. This can also cause an attempt by two friendless people to fail from both of their fear to send a message. Also, I think sometimes introverts will have short outbursts of passion and try hard to make a connection, but in a matter of days lose interest and want to be alone again, causing a death to the attempt and making the other person feel like they did something wrong. A problem with trying not to let introversion kill the process, will be to act overly eager, and that for a number of reasons will often make the other person back off. Its all ridiculously difficult, and I dont get how to some it all comes naturally.

You are likely an extremely boring person likely absolutely 0 social skills. I find making friends online really easy, I just suck at doing it irl

I don't play games. My main 'hobby' is anime and weeb stuff. I watch seasonal and a wide variety of anime though recently I've been reading LNs and only watching a few anime episodes a week. Other than that I like walking, painting, gardening, but my 'work' keeps me busy in the day and makes me tired in the evenings so I don't do a lot besides anime.
I have to admit that often when I start talking with people online I'm very cheerful, energetic and playful but after a few days I lose interest in them and in talking to them. Most likely because they aren't putting in much effort but I'm not entirely sure why I get bored of them. I don't think I've ever met anyone who was very fun to talk to.

I highly doubt you make friends easily, maybe you're disillusioned into thinking they're your friends because they respond to you? I wouldn't call that friendship. Do you play games with them? I don't class that as friendship either. Talk me through how you make 'friends' please.

Online friendships always fizzle out for me too. The disposability of online relationships make me wonder how important irl ones really are. We really are alone in our own heads.

irl ones matter more, online ones count too. The only difference is purely the fact that you're forced to physically see someone regularly irl is why irl friends tend to form/bond more. It's so much easier talking when you're irl around things/events rather than just on some software program. There's much more context to learn about each other more.

I honestly think it's just a matter of finding things to talk about, it might seem forced at times but things will eventually click

so you're warping the definition of friends?

Do you think talking to someone or doing something together with someone magically makes them your friend? Do you know what a friend is? Well I suppose if you believe you have friends that way it's better for your mental being. I wish I was so naive.

The internet is full of 2 sorts of people. Normals who have lives and will only be around sparingly for maybe an hour or 2 a day, if that, and the depessive lost, damned souls who seek refuge in this cyber universe. In the case of the latter those people are so jaded and damned that even though they long for company, they will eternally never find the will or genuine need to make such a thing a reality in their lives. Life is purgatory.

Go outside and get a life, incel.
>durr you're only a friend if you're xyz and do xyz
It's not that fucking complicated to know what a friend is

Don't feel bad dude you're not the only one with this problem

i see people making online friends on discord, kik and steam. you have to share a common interest.

I'll talk shit about movies all day. Books too. Drugs aswell. A wee bit.

does anyone want to listen to my favorite album? It's around 40 minutes. I don't use discord or anything else. I don't know.

play it here

what's the album?


sorry seems gotta register for it

im liking this m8

am glad. It was made 43 years ago. If you have anything you want me to check out, music or otherwise, post and I'll have a look when I get home

Wish I had a neet robot friend to talk and watch anime all day with.

If you want to try again even with past experiences souring your hopes, I'd like to make a friend. quibinary#2938

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I'm not that into music and my taste is kinda lame but here's some songs I like anyways

I've had a online friend for about 3 years, we used to talk about everything, any bullshit we would message each other, I mean anything really. Sometimes it was even kind of annoying, but I loved having someone at all times. It made me feel alive, that I could actually interact with someone with no pressure, that I had a friend who cared about me. We had some fall overs, one time I seriously considered suicide and then deleted her, came back 6 months later. Almost every day she would send me friend requests at Steam. She even told me she was stalking me in social medias. It made me so happy. Same thing happened to her, didn't want to drag me down. About 6 months or so she tried added me back. Eventually I noticed that I loved her, and so I told her. She told me that at one point she did love me, but not anymore, and since she wouldn't love me anymore, she wanted us to just separate, as to not hurt me. She's stupid. I know I shouldn't, but I would still be happy if she decided to come back. I loved that little gremlin Yon. I don't know if most robots are like this, but people usually have a reason to act the way the do, so try to be empathetic. It's not easy being this bad at socializing.

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Talk with my friend, I will devote myself to talking to you. I have nothing else to use to pass this life with.

those are nice, I think I like the last one best. First video looks pretty. They all seem like something you'd listen to on a summer evening

If you're gonna devote yourself to a social life, disperse it over several people at least. Otherwise too many eggs in the basket

What anime are you watching? and what do you work on?

i kinda wanna be the therapist to someones problem i wanna care about someone and try to help them

I would love to disperse my attention over several people, but I don't have anybody else to talk to.

What have you been up to today or lately?

Well, I went to my classes, then I did some studying for a few hours, and then I posted on this thread. I laid with my pillow for about an hour, though. I don't have a person to lay with, so I make do.

How was class, what are you studying? Take a nap when you go laying down, it's very cozy

I was mostly studying for Physics at University. Its my first University class, but its pretty easy.

Posting again; you're pretty nice. Will you be my friend?

Creep on insecure nerd girls and make them feel good about themselves when they talk to you. Gradually turn the creep level down. Friendship achieved.

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>t. only has internet friends

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You're not replying. Was that a weird thing for me to say? I did not mean to be weird, simply looking for a friend.

Being someone how has several really close online friends, you have to do things with them, voice chat, play games, watch stuff together. It needs to be as much like a real friendship as it can or else it will always fail.

Not him, someone else. but I will be your friend

Sorry I wasn't at the computer for a bit. Physics seems difficult, am not a math person, so good on you if you have a mind for it. How are you liking uni so far? Settled into student life?

making friendships with "deep" connections and daily hours of bonding still doesn't do anything for me. it all feels like a chore

Please do become my friend! I would love to have one!
Well, I am not at uni full time. I am "too young" to take more than one class there, but at the start of the next school year I start 4 uni classes, because that will be all that I am allowed to do at that age, and next January I can start a fifth!

You play any vidya, user? My favorite game is Fallout: New Vegas.

I do play some vidya, but I don't have many. Nobody wants to hire me, so my only source of income is working with my family during the summer. I have ~20 games on Steam. I think I have the most hours on Borderlands 2, though.

Borderlands 2 looks like a lot of fun. Haven't tried it unfortunately, maybe I could play co-op someday. You have discord?

I do have discord! I am Zack # 1520

am i too late to make frens here
i dont even know what I'd do, i dont play many mutiplayer games so I guess I just shitpost about memes and anime.

I'm in the same boat pretty much, sucks to be me

> might be in your class, job, or the like so there's something that you can bond together with.

I hope you don't think people bond over work/homework, but you're right about not being able to bond online
only way to bond online is by making music together or playing video games, honestly; if all you do is talk about nonsense, it's just pointless
with that said, online friendships are crutch, if you can, I'd suggest you -and other lonely anons- take up a social hobby or just give up on social interactions