Is drinking water make you less of manly? i dont never drink water because it dont taste good...

is drinking water make you less of manly? i dont never drink water because it dont taste good. i always drink cokes and somestimes beers. when i do try to drink water its just makes me not feel satified unlike cokes or beers.

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Don't know if you're actually retarded or a 4th level niggermancer.

Water is fine. but what's NOT manly is gaining 200 pounds because of all the beer and soda you drink.

Are you fucking stupid?


water doesn't even have any electrolytes in it

When I read your post out loud, I sounded like I had down syndrome

You have an addiction

>i dont never drink water because it dont taste good
Is this the universal sign of a poor nutritional upbringing?

Water is one of the top 3 best things in the world

Hey op I found your daughter

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no men cokes and beers only bad menly
water only good menly
care to your self men

My grandfather is like this, it's not a great idea. ONly drinks coffe. I guess if you drink milk instead and get water from other stuff it could work but nah

I personally only drink gatorade and eat only goldfish because i am a big man

>4th level niggermancer
almost sent my sides into orbit there for a sec

This is unironically how many people are. "Water don't taste good". I can understand that tap water is disgusting and full of chemicals, but you need to drink water from a bottle or something. "Why do I have a headache? Why do I feel so sick?" Drink fucking water retards

>less manly
>drinking water

are you retarded, its fucking water

You're just addicted to sugar and that's the opposite of "manly".

water contains a ton of dangerous chemicals.
Especially the toxic complex compound mu-oxido-dihydrogen.

>only drinks coffee
that's pretty based actually

Water? Never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it

I've been drinking strange amounts of sparkling water lately. I've drank four litres of it in two days. I don't know why I just can't get enough of the stuff.

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Water is literally fucking life. It isnt a matter of how it tastes but the fact its important for bodily functions.

>dont never drink water because it dont taste good
I never understood how these people live past childhood.
How the fuck are you not drinking water?

We men but we fren?
Beer gud.

This thread actually has me laughing pretty hard.

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why do you care? you some kinda faggot plant or something?

>muh chlorine in muh water
state of conspiracy anons

>water doesn't even have any electrolytes in it
user, water readily dissociates and releases electrolytes.

every time it starts to get warm out i just start drinking lots of seltzer it is just so much more refreshing than water is.
I usually go through one of pick related every 3-4 days

Attached: seltzer.jpg (225x225, 9K)

The weed that I smopked made me feel that I smoked the smoke the niooooooooooooooo

>i dont never drink water because it dont taste good
Coffee is better than cokes and beers by a longshot.
If I start drinking stuff like that I just stick with tonic.

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Based and redpilled grandpa i bet his breakfast is just a dark coffee and a cigarette

You know what's really not manly? Asking a website full of internet virgins if you can drink a fucking beverage.

Yeah dude drinking water is gay AF

so is wiping your ass

only fags do that XD