How did these go from being seen as hooker nails, to being seen as a cornerstone of femininity within American culture?

How did these go from being seen as hooker nails, to being seen as a cornerstone of femininity within American culture?

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Because whore behavior became the cornerstone of femininity in the west

idk about others but I have dermatillomania and I considered getting them to stop myself from picking at my skin. I don't have the money for it though.

That just how it all works
>pierced ears were once the thing of ruffians ans courtesans. Basically pirates and prostitutes.
From there pierced ears evolved into a feminine thing and we're so for a short time.
Today pierced ears are considered fairly unisex in general

just wear gloves you dope

>Today pierced ears are considered fairly unisex in general
Wait what? It still comes across as very effeminate unless you actually look like a criminal

That's because you don't leave your mom's basement

Nah i think hes right man. Theyre fairly unisex nowadays.

I mean some people might think inside that they're feminine for men to wear them, but they wont dare express that.

I know literally no guy who finds this attractive.
I feel like it's one of those trashy things that Jews promote to white women to make them less appealing to white men.

>women shouldn't do X because men don't find it attractive
Nobody gives a shit about what men want.

Sorry dude but your earrings detract from your masculine presentation. I'm not judging you for doing it, it's just how it is.
I know plenty of people who would say it looks girly or unmasculine, they just wouldn't dare say it looks "gay". Of course the people I know are mostly over 25 so many kids these days really are that unabashed about it.

so maybe*

This is another example of something, this time an attitude rather than a fashion, that Jews encourage to divide white men and women.

The world doesn't revolve around you, incel.

Lol my bro you sound like a nig blaming whitey for everything

I don't wear ear rings though. Just generally not going to view another guy wearing standard ear rings as feminine unless they're some fruity dangling ear rings or hooker hoops.
I repeat again, there was a time not so long ago in which ear rings were considered masculine as fuck. Pirates and shit. It was even considered masculine when the hookers did it but that didn't stop them. Fast forward with the help of time and stupid fucks like yourself a great many things which were in the realm of men are now all but lost to women.

>no jewelry
>no piecing
>no nail painting
>little makeup
Does this even exist

>Fast forward with the help of time and stupid fucks like yourself a great many things which were in the realm of men are now all but lost to women.
lol, not like I invented the idea by simply recognizing how it's perceived. In particular, either low class (hence criminal) or effeminate. Same with dudes who wear non-wedding or status based rings, especially in multitude.

Not him but My dude youre living in the 90s. No one gives a fuck anymore

I'm living in the "this is what my stratum of society thinks" like everybody else. Not everybody from the 90s is dead you know.

And to add to that, nobody giving a fuck is true. Plenty of people won't really give a fuck if you paint your nails but they will still think it's girly.

How old are you mate


You sound exactly like a pipe smoking, fedora wearing, pomade slathering turbo hipster desperately wishing he were living in grandpa's era.

There weren't a lot of fucks given in the 90's either.
Left ear only pierced was okay
Right ear only was super gay
Both was pushing the limits but still more than okay for chad.

>You sound exactly like a pipe smoking, fedora wearing, pomade slathering turbo hipster desperately wishing he were living in grandpa's era.
What the fuck are you even on about

I'm talking about those insufferable hipsters who are stuck in the past.
Always bitching about how it's not like the good old days you're too young to even know what the fuck.

The difference being I want complete separation from the kikes, not more gibs.

u daft m8?
>simply tell you plenty of people still see earrings as not masculine
>dude here's a convoluted description of a hipster that has nothing to do with anything
I'm talking about people from the present. That other fag was trying to hark back to the days of fucking pirates.

>I know plenty of people who would say it looks girly or unmasculine, they just wouldn't dare say it looks "gay".

sounds like you surround yourself with manchildren, no one older than 21 would give a shit about what others wear as long as it's not overly obnoxious
and if they're normies, I highly doubt it's true(pic related)

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And those people in the present don't matter. It's lost. Shit changes

Just because nobody really gives a shit doesn't mean they don't think of something a certain way. Using celebrities is pointless because dispensation is often made for them.

He obviously surrounding himself with a kind.

I can guarantee those people he's taking about don't even notice when another man has regular pieced ears. I'm sure they only.have an opinion on it when put on the spot about it

by nobody gives a shit I meant they don't care whether someone has pierced ears or not
>Using celebrities is pointless
it isn't, people follow trends set by celebrities and will change their opinion on said trends solely because of them

Not caring and having an opinion aren't mutually exclusive user. You are right about how some people follow celebrities, others just give them dispensation like I said. Like nobody cares if the dude in the band goes around with long hair and done up fingernails, they will still think it's faggy as shit when some other guys does it.
