Did Tinder really cause the incel epidemic?

Did Tinder really cause the incel epidemic?

Was it something else?

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yea. the 1%ers love for shitskins and open borders lmao

A generation raised on the internet comes of age. Also it is just around 10% more than previous, hardly an epidemic.

>young men driving the decline in sex

Smartphones and social media have pretty much eliminated local competition when it comes to dating. Instead of having to be one of the better males in a specific neighbourhood/school/workplace, now you have to be one of the better males in the entire city you live in. So yes, the average male has been absolutely fucked over in the last decade

Tinder has definitely fucked over regular guys. And not in a good way.

Being fucked over is always not in a good way

It was social media, tinder is just a symptom.

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Its not just tinder, I think men are becoming less masculine/attractive overall because of modern society and its comforts/strangeness, while woman remain valuable because of lower expectations.

Based and breadpilled

Capitalists get the guillotine

It's two things.

Tinder made it impossible for the average dude to get laid, because women can boot up a people version of auto trader and browse through a list of 4,500 potential mates rather than take a chance on the geeky guy that made milk come out her nose at work.

The second is social media. In being able to share stories with millions of comrades online, men have learned that the average woman is completely fucking evil and not worth their time. A lot of men are simply opting to not play at all.

Tinder is part of the problem, but not the cause. Here's what I think happened to create the modern resurgence of not just incels but isolated, sexless males in general:

1) Hormonal Birth Control changes what women are attracted to in a fundamental, primordial way so long as they're taking it. This is why some women report no longer being attracted to their partners after getting off it. It can also cause sexual dysfunction in women. Both of those things could corrode seemingly stable relationships. It can also cause mood issues. Women weren't meant to be pseudo-pregnant all the time.

2) Bias in the family courts made men cautious, some too cautious for marriage/ltrs/casual dating. It also doesn't help that the State can, on a superficial level (i.e, financially), be a better father than many guys.

3) Mobile dating apps made casual sex so convenient to arrange that there is no longer any constraint on someone who just wants to fuck. So anyone who had no interest in building a shitty relationship just to fuck and not feel lonely every now and then has found their final destination.

4) Women were unevenly pushed into higher education. I found it hilarious the media tried to spin this in some cases into guys being shit on campuses, conspiratorial oppressors who rigged dating against college women. Sure, that can happen, no doubt about it. But why would women be willing to push themselves into wannabe-harems if not for a lack of men to choose from? This brings me to my next point.

5) Women don't like to date down, they like to date up. Although it's not a law, it is a pretty good approximation of what women prefer when they look for a partner. So with not enough male representation in higher education, there's a lot of unhappy women who feel like they're in a dating desert, albeit an artificial one.

6) Technology isolated people. Most of the sites on the internet are fundamentally designed to be addictive.

Wow, a good post on r9k! I happen to agree with you. In your opinion, is there any way out of this mess, or is our culture in a death spiral that will only end in total collapse?

it's a complete fucking mess and all of it is being compounded by how low wages are.
you could cure a lot of the bullshit if people had more money, but without money, you can't even play women's game, you can't fucking do anything at all.

America needs to relax on charging money for everything. there needs to be more state funded gatherings for people who can't afford all this bullshit these greedsters are pushing, more state fairs, more state parades, state funded community centers with really low costs of entry, free parking, get these bums and crime out of the parks.

real life right now is looking a lot like WoW. you don't talk to anyone unless you really have to, you just use the internet to get everything you want and invisible forces gift it to you and everyone worships their invisible internet and streaming forces.

How does this all end?

Population reduction

Oh, I wasn't really expecting anyone to reply to that post. Well, that is the golden question of this era, in my opinion. I don't doubt there is some solution to the isolation facing modern people. I don't think the culture is totally doomed, if anything I look at it like it is still developing. The first thing that I listed, which I think is most important to dating/sex/marriage, would be a nonissue once male birth control (NOT VASECTOMIES) finally blossoms in the West.

The Parsemus Foundation has been pushing hard for this end in the form of RISUG. It would be so much easier to have family planning if men had a reliable birth control method and the burden were no longer be solely on the woman. It is very hard to talk a man into getting snipped, there's a great deal of stigma around it. But an injection that lets you have kids in the future later without the risk of invasive surgery? That could be negotiable.

Isolation in general though, I honestly think there needs to be a cultural shift on the technological front coming from consumers. Silicon Valley has had too much leeway in freely deciding how to seduce people into continuing the use of their products. And perhaps some kind of government intervention to rehabilitate people who feel they have become isolated in an unhealthy manner. I don't mean this to say we need Big Brother to waste a lot of money treating the isolated as some kind of nutcases in a ward. I just think that the government actively taking steps to help promote existing real world social gatherings could help. There are so many hobby scenes even around me that I am only faintly aware of, because I would actually need the will to look for more information about them to know they exist. But it's hard to ignore well placed posters, banners.


of course

everything is mens' fault

welcome to the generation of the roastocracy

All of the things you mdntioned get swamped by non-whites, vandals and hobos. Pretty much everything public in the US is a trash heap

Non-white here, and this post couldn't be truer, sadly.

you're absolutely correct. which leads us further into why it's also a cultural problem.

can't go out and mingle at the state faire if it's flooded to the brim with stinky ass trashy beaners.

It's porn that is making men weak

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Cope, porn is something for men who can't get women to calm them down.
This whole situation has been socially engineered by the TV sets.
I was watching a movie in which this little girl, wouldn't talk to this little buy unless he gave her something she wanted (cookies). The government puts all this brainwashing in the TV sets to turn women into picky psychopaths. The problem won't be solved, it was created deliberately to reduce populations. In fact it will only get worse.

Tinder is just a symptom. The problem lies with women 100%. As with most societies, they are everything wrong with civilization and singelhandedly responsible for all of a civilization's problems. Despite this you still have some people retarded enough to think they should have rights.

Did they aliens transmit that little snippet of wisdom to you through the satellite dish they hid in your teeth? Don't forget to warn us of the dangers that come from a non-vegan diet. And of course, real men never touch alcohol.

the tranny/cross dressing shit was pushed in movies too. it's randomly shoe horned into movies so much you stopped noticing it.

Or maybe he stopped noticing because he's on Jow Forums. Since fucking when did we watch TV and movies? Fuck off back to rebbit with your weird normalfag bullshit

>since when did we watch movies and TV
since before the internet and streaming devices came along? i'm not 12 years old like you are apparently lol.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you watch tv, movies, and use 'streaming devices', you are definitely 12 years old.

and what does that have to do with my post? oh, nothing? okay, cool.

what will be the fallout from this?

surely this isnt sustainable

You know I think I have a take on this that's different from the standard "redpill" explanation that's being repeated in this thread and has been for half a decade or longer as well
I don't think I can cram it down into a single shitpost though, whenever I post an unusual opinion or "hot take" without all of my reasoning it just gets completely misinterpreted (sometimes so wrongly I feel like it's being done knowingly)

I know this post isn't contributing to the thread at all, check my fucking blog if you want an interesting response fags

Good take, this

Probably South Sudan or Rio de Janeiro.

Fuck me, this eloquent snd exhaustive post is a /thread if I've ever seen one

What's your blog? I'm interested.

chads will have 2-4 wives or more, polygamy will be legalized within the next decade to normalize this. all other men will die alone and dejected, probably from suicide

Imagine basing your entire identity and belief system on a bunch of meme graphs on the internet. Sad.

this only works with automation and a Post-scarcity economy right?

>he thinks it need to work
If women can get Chad at the cost of economic and social collapse they would do it in a heartbeat

Hmm, well I was joking but if you're going to give me a reason to shill I'll take it
No promises I'm definitely going to talk about this specific issue, I don't talk about Jow Forums/ incel/ redpill/ etc. things all the time it's more of a miscellanious blog
Here's some of my posts that I think robots would find interest in however







did the name chad become what it is now because of the 'Lincoln park chad society". When I look in the archives I don't see any clear indication that people on this board where familiar with that site when they started memeing "chad thundercock" but it may be that the archives just don't go in time far enough. yuki.la/search.html?boards=r9k&startdate=2011-01-01&enddate=2019-05-03&sort=ascending&postext=chad#page=1

Honestly, Tinder proved to me that the 80/20 rule of men and women is true, where the top 80% of women go for the top 20% of men and the bottom 80% of men fight for the remaining 20% of women
I started swiping right on girls I don't find attractive, and it ended up that the number of girls that aren't attractive on Tinder is about 20% to me at least. And now I'm actually getting matches

Thanks bud! Gonna read it now.

Holy shit nigger, this blog is /pol9k paradise

You see what you want to see. Everyone knows the 80/20 meme is just that, a meme. But you want it to be true so you look for anecdotes that agree with you.

>swipe on ugly girls, which end up being a minority of women on tinder
>get matches
>swipe on girls I actually like, which are the majority of women on tinder
>don't get matches
Yeah I doubt it's exactly 80/20 but it seems pretty fuckin close
And when I was swiping on girls I found attractive I still ignored probably the top 20% of them because I knew there was no way in hell they'd swipe on me, didn't know I'd have to lower my standards even more

I'm glad you're interested, it's been a nice little hobby/ project of mine the last 6 months, but I rarely get an opportunity to see what people think.

I'll sign up and join you there, we perceive things similarly

reminder that this is going to keep getting worse and worse. if you think this trend will reverse youre completely delusional.

anyone else notice a huge change in tinder matches the past few years?

when tinder first came on the scene I was matching with cuties left and right. now for the past year or two it's exclusively fat girls. my profile is essentially the same as well

photorealistic VR will completely detach betas like us from reality.
real life will consist of harems

How is it that it is so universal then? It's a fucking law of the universe. Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't make it any less true.

>Did Tinder really cause the incel epidemic?
No, Tinder and social media in general only twisted the knife in an already existing wound.
You will find a girl for you unless you're butt ugly or borderline disfigured, but you need social skills for that.
Also let me remind you that incels are vocal about >tfw no gf but that is not their main problem. You can cope with the lack of pussy just fine provided you do get enough social interaction elsewhere.
Now, remember that kid in school that everyone picked on? The one that got constantly bullied and beaten up and had his lunch money stolen? This is nothing new, of course, for as long as underage gatherings existed there was always one that got the short end of the stick.
Before the birth of social media this kid never really was completely alone, either because the parents were more involved with what the hell was happening with their kid or because he could find someone that wouldn't be an ass to him.
Unfortunately a lot of 18-25 yo guys nowadays went through school with no friends and nobody to stand up for them and on top of this their parents didn't give a flying fuck what happened at school. And since social media removed basically any incentive to interact with the quiet kid, these kids grew up to be incels, neckbeards, robots, you name it.

>the geeky guy that made milk come out of her nose

Lmao fuckin incel fantasy. I can tell youre still in high school at least mentally. Milk, bro?

>they don't drink milk where he lives
Are you perhaps an American?

Thats not what statisticians mean when they say you fuckin crybabies

Developer here
Tinder new algorithm rates you based on the people that found you attractive, if you score low it will only show undesirables because (You) are undesirable, so logically there is a higher chance to match between undesirables, than a hottie and an average/below average guy, also they risk to lose the extremely valuable stacy because they only want to swipe through above average or chads if not they will delete the app.
As you can see this networks are EXTREMELY complex to manage and monetize.

Really? Bumble has always been that way, and now Tinder is? Im glad I got a GF who im gonna marry on that app before that bullshit hit

Fuck yes bitchboi come suck my dairyfree cock

bad baby boomer parenting and the appeal to emotion mindset of the 90s onward is what caused it. Tinder is more a byproduct of that bad environment than the cause.

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>lacks the cheese manufacturing equipment
The absolute state of the American cottage industry

Lol are you going to marry a roastie that you find in a dating app!?
She had been probably fucked countless of times in the more depraved ways
Also when she gets bored of you (and it WILL happen) she will re-download it and cheat the hell out of you with chad and even worse tyrone

Please don't be a cuck do not marry that roastie whore, remember my words if you do it.

An apt summation.

>I only have my own anecdote buy it's universal and a law of the universe

You're just going to go
>lol Wikipedia
or something, but it literally is a law of the universe regarding any form of distribution

Its not your fault that you are alone user. The species just isn't doing so hot anymore

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No it didn't just stop using tinder and go have a talk with a girl you moron.

You don't understand what the Pareto principle is, do you? Now explain why the 80/20 meme doesn't actually mean that 80% of men have sex with 20% of women. Because it makes way more sense that way.

>a platform that gives an average guy way more options than ever before made it impossible for him to get laid
Imagine the mental gymnastics needed to believe this.

Women are the commodity
Explain why 80% of wealth doesn't own 20% of the richest people in America

Found your problem. You put pussy on a pedestal, you worship women and consider them superior beings to you. Hence this delusion where you project your own weakness on all men.

>Found your problem.
Damn, that was fast thanks bro

More internet porn and the endless amount of entertainment available.

I had sex once and I don't feel the need to go out of my way to do it again.

>It's porn that is making men weak

It's porn that took away women's ability to cuck men.

It's the other way around. YOu say this universal fact does not exist based on feelings you made up, which fly in the face of objective reality. Go kill yourself. It will probably be ok as long as you deny the fact that suicide is harmful to health.

Op here

The chart in my OP is from a survey that was reported in the Washington Post. It is not fake.


This particular one is not fake but it is still misleading. The main problem is not separating by race (sexlessness is driven by nonwhites only) as well as 18-30 being way too big of an age group to make accurate conclusions.

Lmao fucking incel. I feel bad for you. I really do.

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>Piloted economic crisis
>Women forced even more to work
>Men failing to find jobs and end up poorfags wageslaves or neets
>Men no longer able to provide women with their own money
>Smartphones and social media raises women expectations from males and puts men from all over the world into competition instead of having a local competition
>Birth control changes women physiology making them frigid and less attracted to all males
>inability to have a stable home and relationship with money to back them up creates an enviroment of eternal children fucking each other as a game without any duty of raising children attached

It's a mix of things, but a deadly mix.

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There hasn't been a massive influx of brown people big enough to account for a triple increase in incels in just a decade.

The age group is useful because the survey looked at all age groups by decade. More 18-30 yr olds were incel than people in their 50's - something researchers were astounded by.

Before the Internet was a good 20 years user. Why are you in your 30s and still here?

18-30 is way too large because it includes ages where most are virgins as well as ages where very few are virgins. It should be divided into much smaller gaps to get a better picture. Most likely it's a shift in the youngest people because people are losing their virginities later.

>not having sex in the last year == virgin
>virgin == incel
Here we go again.

So you think guys over the last decade decided to purposely wait to have sex until their mid 20's or later while women keep having sex at the same earlier age as before? Lol.

It nearly doubled though.

It was minecraft. Even if women like to fuck chad, they still have plenty of time to fuck charlie. the problem is that incels play video games all day and nobody knows they exist.

Let's be honest though, video games are better than women anyways.

That's the best part. The gamers get what they want, Chad gets what he wants, and everybody wins.

Video games have been around for more than 10 yrs user.

Let's face it. The problem is Tinder. It came out in 2012 and that's when the problem got bad.

How many people are actually using tinder, are there ay numbers on that or does the company not release that information?

It wouldn't actually need to be that high a number to have a serious impact, but I'd like to know

>Developer here
Can you explain something to me?
I will download the app and get like 10 matches in a day
Girls are attractive
I stop getting likes, stop getting matches
It comes to an abrupt halt
Why tf does it do that?

The problem is clearly video games actually. Let's just agree that incels are clearly never around girls. You advertising for tinder is a whole nother story.

Ignore that idiot.
I watch TV occasionally, although I don't like the shows, I watch it to educate myself on the current social conditioning going on, so that I may explain other people's behaviour that I witness in this society.

Probably more social conditioning on Jow Forums.

Is it really a bad thing though? I probably shouldnt reproduce anyway.

When will this species just end? Reading this you realize what a disgusting vile bunch of apes we are.

I am an incel and I spend plenty of time around women

Im more interested in the social conditioning of normies, since I'm hardly likely to meet an user in real life.
I've met like one guy who seriously used the site, not counting frog posters. Who I think only used the site for 5 minutes and ran.

lol that's like an oxymoron.