When did you take the true redpill?

When did you take the true redpill?

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I was fifteen. Downloaded a bunch of punk discographies that came bundled with anarchist texts.

>get sent to reeducation camps after being thrown under the bus by your neighbours because your town didn't reach the Undesirables 'Rehabilitation' Quota
Still no NEETbux in gommunism

About 2 months ago. I was a diehard Jow Forumstard for years up until then.

>tfw your only ingestion is pill

People keep telling me to hate commies but don't provide REASONS. Hmm..

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>People keep telling me to hate commies but don't provide REASONS
yeah afwul right

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No reason at all!

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those stupid capitalists! right?

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Never giving reasons!

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Or maybe...

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you are just a shill just like op

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watch contrapoints on YouTube you wont regret it


Oh no no no

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Would never happen in an ancap society. Any violation of the NAP will be answered by the security, court or insurance.

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Papa got red pilled after someone accusedan him of rape and being a pedo. People don't like the truth, even though they say they want to hear the truth. In reality, the truth is what they wanted it to be.

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When I realized communism never fucking works, which might be why the only societies stupid enough to ever fully implement it on a mass scale have always been non-white.
>Any violation of the NAP will be answered by the security, court or insurance.
The security, court, or insurance dominated by the corporations lmao?

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When I made the realization that an economic system shouldn't justify greed.

We call it the "bread pill", and tankies get out

Name literally ONE (1) thing that Stalin did wrong.

Protip: You can't.

Everytime he took a breath to continue his miserable life is one.

t. Nazi salty cause Stalin dabbed on Hitler and the Wehrcucks