Wtf i hate rich people even more now

Wtf i hate rich people even more now

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That's why you should live life as a Roman.

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if you're poor you're an NPC fax

so wait the only place to escape is suicide then?
I'm not joking i thought I had a chance to get rich but this is serious?

pseud ass nigger

Yes Glaucon but have you ever considered that Philosophy may hold the key to a better life?

Didn't watch but rich people in capitalist society are objectively shit.

Not only is it a rich guy but it is an insectoid talking like he cares. Its just ten minutes but jesus fucking christ you only need a minute to figure out what kind of elitist shit face he is.

have you ever considered that being an insufferable pseud is the reason nobody likes you?

Yes however I'm quickly led astray by rationalizing my few yet very meaningful relationships. Maybe if you weren't unnecessarily aggresive you might learn to lead a better life instead of wallowing in your own self pity.

im pitying you, not myself.

Well then I must say why i thank you for your emotion, I find them misplaced. I'm in a comfortable position in my life and only wish to spread success to the people around me. Planting a seed and hoping to return to a tree is better than burning a sapling and hoping for a forest.

>hating rich people

You hate rich people because you're a low IQ slacker. Try building a business or studying a STEM field you fucking idiot

>bro just get a loan lmao just have a good idea lmao

Haha more like rich "people" lmao
haha thanks for the free shit

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imagine a mass assasination on rich people would it be better for the world or not?

Top 10% pays 68% of all income taxes and bottom 50% pays 3% of all income taxes. Say goodbye to your Obama phone if there is a class war t. bernietards

fuck off you 2 digits IQ idiot

that is the idea I don't even have a phone for years

Right wing bootlickers think trickle down works but then wonder why significantly poorer countries have a better quality of life than america.

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wow people with disproportionate wealth they attain by exploiting the nation pay more taxes, and it still isn't enough if they can afford a yacht and shit. Donald Trump gets a million dollar loan from daddy to invest in real estate and right wing bootlickers think we live in a meritocracy, please don't tax the wealthy of the money they totally earned!

correlation isn't causation retard. also by "quality of life" you mean happiness, which is affected by lots of things besides income inequality

are there actually anime or manga about drugs?

I have honestly been looking for over a year and havent found any. But im not a good researcher so take that as you will.

Try doing any of that without being a privileged upper class silver spoon boy who gets a start up, connections, and educations because his daddy made more money than yours, actual self made people come from countries with free education, not elitist income inequality shitholes like america which is just a never ending cycle of passing the privilege torch. I can think of a few counter examples though where geniuses die penniless due to rampant capitalism. While dumb fucks like donald trump fuck super models because daddy stuck a silver spoon up his ass from birth. He even became elected over much more qualified people because he is a rich celebrity who tricks poor fucks to vote against their economic interests and have less of his upper class friends shit redistributed to lower classes, it's sad how people starve in america while others are obese, it's jut an example of our gross misallocation of resources, let chadlets inherit their upper caste daddies privilege. Right wing bootlickers are actual unironic cucks, they want upper caste chad to get a better life than you and will attack you if you want to fairly tax the wealth he steals from the nation his daddies company exploits. We can't tax the rich or raise the minimum wage think about my bosses bottom line and the gdp and how much wealth he an hoard while we espouse how great trickle down is as the upper class hoard the surplus value of our labour. All while countries with a lower gdp and income inequality gap have higher standards of living, less crime, more public services.

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Heh, did you notice how he starts out complaining that 'the system' teaches people to be poor. But then later in the video, he straight up insults poor people and says they are greedy and produce nothing?

I think that video is rich-people-propaganda.
HOWEVER, i thought two things were indeed very inspirational. First, his statement about sentences closing the mind, and questions opening the mind. I thought that was very true, because often I give up very quickly. I often just say "oh, i can't do that..." rather than thinking "what can i do to make this possible?".
Second, the argument that you need to give something to get something, which is very true and can be applied to relationships as well, in a way, not just money. To the virgins in here complaining they can't find a girlfriend, you should ask yourself: what can you personally offer to a girl? What's in it for her?

my god what a shit tier conspiratard victim complex galore cringe vid

If you're poor check out Valuetainment.

>poorer countries have a better quality of life
what countries?

You sound extremely autistic dude. Go outside or something, holy shit

Maybe he means "countries poorer than the US", which is technically every country if you use GDP as a metric of wealth.

$19 an hour is below the median wage in the U.S. ($21 an hour). It's not that hard user. Don't spend your money on useless shit, save, and invest your money in an index fund. You will continue being a loser with that attitude