Mother's husband asked me if I'd watch his daughter

>Mother's husband asked me if I'd watch his daughter
>his very very cute daughter that stares at me non-stop whenever she sees me
>just us alone for a day
>I accepted
convince me not to do it guys. you know exactly what I mean.

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How old is the daughter and why do they trust you?

Ages? Describe yourself, if you are less than a 7/10 you will definitely scar her for life.

hey if shes begging no point in not giving amirite

Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it

HA! bet u couldn't do it you tried. FAGGOT!

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7. because I'm my mother's son
I'm 19 and I am attractive enough that a couple of females in my life has said so. I don't really know how to rate myself though.
she isn't begging though

>mother's husband

He will cut your balls off with a rusty dinner knife, and when you get to prison you will promptly be shanked by a group of Aryan Brotherhood inmates who kill child molestors without hesitation. That last part isn't hyperbole: child molesters get murdered in prison all the time.

she's 7? She's not fucking attracted to you you psycho.

okay you don't have to call me names

>stares at me non-stop whenever she sees me
That means she likes you. In the way that a 7 year old likes someone. Which is not sexually. Do you understand the concept of trauma, like at all? Do you get that you can do lasting psychological harm to a person, especially a child?

so I should wait a a year or two?

OP u can cuddle her but don't touch her no-no spots

cuddling is perfectly fine, and anyone who disagrees is a sad, pathetic individual that simply does not want you to ever feel joy

It's only traumatizing if they remember

Which they won't because kids are fucking dumb

But this thread is larping anyway. You normies will literally believe anything. His mom's husband works at Nintendo too. Isn't that weird?!

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That's not weird at all. Nintendo has 6000 employees, you're bound to talk to someone who knows someone who works for them.

dont hurt a little girl. why? theres no reason. it cant be rationalized. just have some morals. and if you really need it. you will go to prison and they will kill you. and no you dont want that despite what you may say.

If u do decide to play with her give her 1/4 of xanax bar so she has no memories of it.

Deservedly so.
OP if you diddle that kid you deserve a fate at the same end of a noose but far more painful.

No but you can make wholesome memories with her which will keep her high impression of you

Pic related.
An hero user.

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try 9-11 years depending on state.

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Seduce her. oreganioloidkdld

Moralfaggots, moralfaggots everywhere.

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reminds me of when i would take care of my kid cousins when i was 16
One of them really liked me when she was about 9 and every time I'd go visit them we would play children stuff like hide and seek and do spooky stuff. One time we were all in their room and the lights were off, all the kids were scared and spooked or whatever, but she was sitting on my lap facing me holding me around the neck and grinding on me. She was really just jumping up and down out of excitement for the games and shit.
Told her to keep going and she did lol
Well, over the years she grew up and so did I and we drifted apart from engaging in kid stuff, but i still catch her staring at me from time to time when I go visit. I guess she is sort of shy around me now that she's of age and stuff
I'm 21 now

she's 7 my dude, she doesn't want your cock. if you think there's even a chance you will end up molesting her, cancel. the only pedos who get away with it are the ones with money, connections or charisma, which if you're some NEET you definitely don't have. going through with what you're undoubtedly planning will ruin both your life and hers (though yours far more so)

Fucking white people...
Cunny is for protecting, not molesting.

For today, just play a kid friendly game or maybe chill depending on what mood she's in. But the day after, you'll have to tell your parents the truth and ask to be separated from her.

In another 10-11 years, maybe do a quick follow up, just to make sure her interest was legit or not.

>Fucking white people
blacks are more likely to molest children also middle easterners have child marriage

>Which is not sexually
You should have seen me when i was around that age. I always "dropped" my spoon in kindergarten to crawl under the table and check out the piss-stained panties of the girls. In elementary school, we used to spy on the old girls in the shower.
And then there was this girl in the first grade who always used to spy on boys in the bathroom and never missed the opportunity to grab your tiny dick and balls.

That reminds me of when I was 15 and watched BokuImo for the first time. It's kind of weird to say, but that intimate of a closet bond seems comfy as fuck (minus the age gap and legal stuff, crossing that boundary is too much)

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You'll go to jail forever, user.

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Being curious about the anatomy of the opposite sex and wanting to fuck someone are two very different things.

Just kill yourself before you are met with a fate worse than death loser

Least someone has some sense in this bait ass thread