Anyone wanna talk to a femanon in pain? i might be boring but the company would be nice

anyone wanna talk to a femanon in pain? i might be boring but the company would be nice.

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sure what do you want to talk about

as in, over a voicecall? or in this thread? or in direct messages?

please say voicecall

Yeah I'm here. What's up user, why are you in pain?

pain from what? your tinder dates dick after anal?
stop having sex with guys that wont commit

not sure. tell me about your autistic interest.


I'm bored as well, feel free to shoot a message. If you don't feel like talking over Discord, that's fine. How are you in pain, femanon?

maybe not a voicecall but either of those are fine.
i have some form of chronic pain
okay ill add ya

That sucks. Is it too bad or bearable? How often do you get it?

im going to pretend like your some super cute blonde with huge tits mmk?

how are you sweetie?

its bearable right now but sometimes it can be very painful. hows your night going?
sure you can imagine me as anything you want~

It's okay I guess. Trying to pull an all nighter but the more time passes the harder it is to justify it to myself. I can stay up and talk to you a bit more though. What do you usually do to distract yourself from this stuff, come here?

why are you trying to pull an all nighter? and i just try to distract myself by talking to people.


cool, anything you want to talk about?

My sleep schedule is out of whack, there's a bunch of mindless stuff I need to get done that I don't need to be all there to get done so I figured I might use the time for that. Are you from Australia by any chance?

Show me your tits with a timestamp and I'll solve all your problelms like a genie

got any plans this weekend? i still have to study for some finals.
no but i do love australians! ganbatte user. hope you can last all night.

I'm pretty sure I'll get more awake when I get up and about. But I'll be around still.

visiting some family rn. going to see endgame with them. go back home monday and start up a new semester. you?

hopefully i can pass out soon so this pain goes away. :(
im so ready to neet it up for the summer.

Awww there there user. I hope so too. Are you in bed right now?

What's your major for college?
Also what's causing your pain?
Do you like Math?
What's your weight and height?
What is i^3?

yes super comfy with my heating pad and lying with my dog. got any pets user?

That does sound pretty nice. I do have one doggy but she's in the other bedroom right now. She doesn't like it when I'm up late.

Very Lol @ this thread.

Im a half neet i guess. im living with my family rn (at 23, they're wealthy and cover all my expenses) it's really embarrassing when I tell people I still live with them because I look older than I am.

It's a local trade school so there's really no need for me to move out. I had my own place for a couple years here in town and decided to move back to save them money. no bully please

pls user i dont wanna be doxxed
what breed is she?
wow pretty lucky, great parents you got. What are you going to school for?

Hope it gets worse, you stupid whore. I guarantee that you deserve it more than the robots on this board who are suffering. You must be so fucking retarded to be failing life on easy mode, LOL.

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She's just a little mutt. What breed is yours?

yeah i feel like one of the last to have a modern nuclear family, it really is a blessing I didnt deserve. Aircraft technician, i hope to have enough skills to start a small business in the future, id be fine not making a ton of money off of it so long as I didn't have any fucking bosses.

Last time I did, she kept me up all fucking night then just completely ghosted me afterwards. I didn't expect her to suck my dick or anything, but it would have been nice to be updated on her situation. I still worry about her and hope she is ok.

Where do you live? What's your condition?

How would you get doxxed from those questions? What's your major at least?

cute. i have two spinger spaniels. their hair requires so much upkeep and their energy.... whew
sounds pretty comfy. when do you finish?sorry, that sucks user. hope shes doing well. maybe she didnt want to burden you?
usa east coast. doctors cant figure it out so im just stuck with it. where are you from?
major is applied math. you going to college, user?

>where are you from?
New Zealand. I'm a med student so I was curious if I knew about what it is you had, but I guess if doctors don't know there's no way in hell I would.

oooo fancy. i mean anything could help. do you have a discord so i can tell you a bit more about whats going on?

But it's nice to just cuddle with your doggo often and clean them up ins't it?

11 months, than ill be a young independent man with great ambitions. what are you studying cutie pie?

I'm also in an Applied Math major, Actuarial Math specifically. I'm guessing since my questions were math related you must have thought that I actually knew info about you or something, but it was a coincidence since I happen to like Math a lot.
Also I'm about to finish college next week, so that's exciting probably.
I'm in a east coast state as well, though I'm in the mountains right now, not near the coast.

yes but its a whole chore.
ahhh and then you're free.... i still have a while to go. im studying applied math.
>Anonymous 05/04/19(Sat)01:58:03 No.52249277
WOOO thats great!!! i was actually thinking of becoming an actuary but sometimes i feel like an absolute brainlet and the exams are gonna kick my ass.

Yeah sure. Not to comfortable posting it here though so email me yours

[email protected]

join our comfy server /pxS2KC

like for a financial setting?

yo bby you want some fucc
Honk Honk#7713

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Yeah, the Exams are tough. I'm probably going to have to do a ton of practice problems just to have a real chance.
What do you plan on doing with your Applied Math?

well if im too brainlet to become an actuary then ill settle for a data analyst or something. the degree is pretty versatile anyways right?

not sure, but i guess if you just tell an employer you're good with numbers they should have a position for you. not really my expertise, i like working with my hands. just make sure you put school first so you can gtfo and start your future. what do you want the most in the future?

Oh hey, I'm east coast usa too. Do you enjoy the woods out here, that is if you live near them. I hope so, the woods are fantastic.

Probably, but I'm too paranoid to do a degree that is general and not specific to a single career. I like knowing exactly what I'm going to do, and having things all planned out.
Also if you're in math you should know how to do i^3. Remember i is the square root of -1.

i want to be able to make lots of money to afford my hobbies and interests. i am not hands on at all but it is a good skill to have.
yeah! i used to love exploring the woods behind my childhood house. catching minnows in the creek. its already getting so hot here. hows the weather there?
im the opposite. im too scared ill fail at my first choice. yes i remember imaginary numbers

It's getting pretty hot, but a bunch of rain has came in so I'm enjoying the cooler days, as long as the wind and thunder aren't too terrifying I'll still brave walking around. Catching minnows in the creek, that takes me back, feels like forever ago and yesterday at the same time.

can relate. alot of the things I want to do cost alot of money so I have to pursue something that pays well and will support a family. let your man handle dirty work, we enjoy taking care of our women, it's what we do.

it was thundering earlier here. great weather to nap in. i went out for icecream today with my dogs.
ahh yes feel free to do all the dirty work. i dont mind

we do it for you sweetie ;) just give us a reward when we're done

I live somewhat deeply in the woods (one day I hope to live even deeper) but there's basically just woods and trails outside my house. Today I walked and got some pretty intense nostalgia to a time when I was a kid and the weather was similar. I cherish those moments when they come because they really help me through the days.

that sounds super comfy. id love to have a nice little bungalow house with lots of land and cool weather some day.

what size are them puppies btw?

I'm trying to pursue that in a way, but I still would like some power ideally from renewable energy and internet. I'm too passionate about music to go of the grid so completely, but ideally I want to become more connected with nature. You mentioned that you were trying to get lots of money for interests and hobbies, what sort of interests and hobbies do you have? For me most of mine don't really require much money, or at least I can get by for a little while without it while trying to make those hobbies what actually makes the money in the first place. I decided not to go to college so that I could have more time to pursue the natural life and learn about plants and stuff in the area.

always great to have renewable energy. what kind of music do you listen to? i love reptiles, aquariums, and fashion so they can definitely get expensive. what are your interests?

Reptiles and aquariums are respectable things to spend money on lol. I've got a pool outside which is an unintentional frog habitat. I listen to a lot of ambient and electronic stuff, but I like something in most genres. I guess my favorite bands are swans, current 93, and autechre, but there are lots of other things I get a lot of enjoyment out of too. I'm extremely into music and it ties into nature a lot with me and I love to listen to music when I walk in the woods it gives me some great spiritual feelings. I'm also interested in technology despite being pretty afraid in the direction we're heading. I haven't done much physical stuff for a bit but I definitely wanna get into electrical stuff. Right now I'm really into programming and trying to figure out ways to make that a semi career to fund myself.

id love to suck on those tits baby, you'd make my cock so fucking hard

are you lonely?. I'm feeling pretty alone myself and wouldn't mind making a friend even if it's online. I'll drop my email if you want

do you hear a lot of frogs at night? that'd be comfy to fall asleep to. im not big on music but its great that you are.
sure user drop your email

I wish I could cuddle you and let you cry into my chest while telling you that everything's going to be ok

cool. Pls don't get put off by the dumb email name i think that might be why nobody's ever messaged me so far. It's just the first thing that came into my head [email protected]

Yeah I do hear the frogs at night the pools directly outside my room lol. Speaking of sleeping and hearing frogs, I really need to go to bed before I wreck my sleeping schedule. If you want to talk to me later tomorrow or something Ill live discord and if not that is fine edgyzero

Reminder for anons: any woman who advertises her gender on the internet is either lying, or not worth talking to in the first place

hahahah lole i hate you so much stupid fucking roaste FUCK YOU

ahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha LMNAOOOOOOOOOOO LMAO LM AO MAO LOLEEEEE
I FAILED LIFE LOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck you thot fucking idiost whroe WHORE

ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhah(i failed life pls help gais i feel so sad and alone)ahahahahahahahahahahahahah


discord tranny out!!!