Why do you care about sex so much?

There are so many more fruitful things you could be putting your energy and mind towards, such as excelling in education, building friendships with others both online and in the real world, building your skillset to be more likely to get accepted into more jobs, building your creative skills to be able to one day make something great, etc. By hanging yourself up over your appearance, or the fact that one or two girls were shitty towards you throughout your life, you're actively wasting away your potential to build yourself into something great. Reject this blackpilled doomer bullshit and take your life into your own hands.

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>such as excelling in education, building friendships with others both online and in the real world, building your skillset to be more likely to get accepted into more jobs, building your creative skills to be able to one day make something great, etc
Who gives a fuck about any of this shit? This is what you really live for? You think you're capable of greatness?

Doesn't apply to me but the answer is pretty obvious: hormones.

Guys in their teens and early 20s literally can't help being girl-crazy. They see everything through pussy-tinted glasses, it's evolution nigger, if they weren't like that the human race would die out.

When you get older though you see everything a little differently, part of it's becoming a jaded old boomer, but part of it is literally that your test levels start collapsing, enabling you for the first time to see what everything is really like when your body isn't deliberately trying to get you to fuck everything in sight.

Pity you have to literally start becoming an impotent piece of shit for this to happen, but there you go that's life.

t. 35 yo boomer

Most men are motivated primarily by securing wealth, and women in the end.
This is another reason the hikki/neet phenomena is on the rise, why bother to do anything if you know already you won't have any of that.
The others that sitll bother either are those that were bound to be successful, or those that cope and those that do not know when to give up.

If I can complain about things out of my control I feel better about the fact that I do nothing to change my current situation

You're talking about things that are actually within our control, those are scary.

because sex makes children and that is our end goal

i only want sex so i have offspring

I leave those fruitful things to some fruitcake like you and rather have the girls.

>This is another reason the hikki/neet phenomena is on the rise, why bother to do anything if you know already you won't have any of that.

so fucking true yo

For people who haven't had sex before.
>It is hyped up by normies, and it feels like missing out on a fundamental aspect of life most people experience.

>People think it will stop the feeling of emptiness inside them (it might temporarily but not long term)

>For many people sex is the carrot on a stick for "self improvement" related actions.

Regarding "taking control of your life"
>There is a great deal of people who simply do not have ambitions, they would rather accept circumstances as they come rather then engineer a life purpose because they have no direction and they don't know how to find one.

>True drive and ambitions can not be forced, the individual must want to change and for their own reasons. Most don't want improvements when the system they have currently works well enough or if they know they can accept the alternatives at their disposal.

>Thus the risks or time spent pursuing ambitions (should they be found to begin with) is not appealing.

I'm a literal sex addict. My happiness is tied to porn and sex, I find nothing in life happy but this.

i am a 22 yo who owns a house, a car, and has a stable job, and yet i think i am worthless because im a virgin
i dont want to think about girls at all but i cant, life is pain

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I had sex. It seriously doesn't change anything.

What you really want is Chad characteristics like being muscular handsome popular smart or whatever. I feel literally no different being a sexhaving (sexhad?) (failed) normie. I actually felt a little dirty afterwards DESU SENPAI

>had sex
i think he wants to have a wife and a family, not sex, there are already enough whores for that.

all i want is to stop thinking about sex and women alltogether and just self improve
but i cant because hormones and fear of being social

i dont want wife or kids
i just want sex but i will never get it because im literalky afraid if women lol

Then fuck you faggot.
get a prostitute and fuck you.

I don't even care about sex and never really did I just want to be able to look in the mirror without getting depressed

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>paying for sex
origigi comment

i feel the same...i am like "how can i decrease my libido" or something all the time. Fuck i wish i was a robot :p

>wants to just have casual sex
At this point just pay for it, anything else is not worth the effort.

how is it not worth the effort to become a master at flirting and getting free sex whenever you want?

You either look good and need minimal amount of flirt, or you have to really put in effort and a lot of failing, it's not worth it.

or you look good but you are a massive uncalibrated weirdo who is afraid of girls like me

Go fuck a paywhore, the type of sluts you look for aren't much better, and if you're alone and with a job, you probably have a lot of money in store.

I try to flirt all the time. I have tried everything user, from trying to stop a gorilla from escaping from a zoo to being stuck on a planet with a bunch of bikini babes. They don't like my advances of "hey baby" for some reason. I think it has to do with that girl scout who constantly follows me around, that and my bitch of a neighbor. Nothing more of a cockblock than the people around you.

I am not afraid of you, girl user, and would love to get in your pants. I mean, who better to rest on your shoulder than me, a gargantuan amazing man with amazing pecks. You and me, we go together like bread and wine. You are the nice soft bread and I will pour my wine all over you baby. So how about it?

>thinking women give a fuck about that

meh I lost my virginity to an escort and since then I only vist those its way better than having a gf imo they look hot as fuck and you can do any fetish you want there
22 atm giving a break on sex so I can buy a car , just got my driving license

shut up fag im playing runescape

well, you have some comedy going for you

Poor Johnny. Remember that time you were captured by Amazons and they stuck a giant needle up your butt?

It's not about the sex, it's about what never being able to have sex means.
Everyone around you can do something you can't, you feel subhuman, no woman has ever thought "that man is good I want him inside me" of you, or however you want to word it.

Why yes babe, I am a certified comedian. I tell the jokes while you sit there laughing. Ever hear the one about the chicken crossing the road? I reinvented it and smeared it all over a pile of pancakes. But text can't compare to the ever amazing world of human limitation-literasisms, so why not come by my place or even better I go to your place?

Push away bub, can't you see I am busy with thew babe?

I did all that, made friends, developed skills, started a business that made a lot of people happy.
None of it matters because I feel left out never having been liked by a woman. Every night you go to bed miserable and lonely.

Why are women the barometers of your self-worth? Everyone agrees their criteria are shitty, why even try to live up them?

That's how you know incels aren't really that smart

They also reject a ton of warnings that getting a girl won't fix whatever is bothering them.

Young men are bound to be obsessed with whether or not they can have sex. Again, if they didn't, people would die out. Unusual young men who don't care about having sex will be selected out of the gene pool, which is why the overwhelming majority of young men do care about it.

It's deeper than that man, the feeling is inherit and biological. You can rationalize it that way sure, you can build up all the evidence in the world that you're not a worthless person through your actions, but when supposedly 50% of the population doesn't see any value in you it cuts pretty deep. The copes only last so long.

Humans are social animals, we want to belong.

Why should the overwhelming majority be your barometer, either? We can both agree we're surrounded by beta retards, so just don't be one of them.

I'm not saying that anyone should or shouldn't be obsessed by it. I'm just saying the explanation for why men feel bad about being celibate is blindingly obvious. Overcoming it is biologically difficult for most men, for the same reaon most men want to eat food or wear warm clothes when it's cold.

having sex is not the same as having kids

No, but under the conditions that people evolved for 99% of human history and prehistory under, it was pretty much the same thing.

That's why most people will be a little weirded out if you do your sister no matter if she's on the pill or you're wearing a condom.

why do you care about one of the most fundamental things in life, the thing our bodies are programmed to do and chase, the very foundation of our existence
why do you care?

I wonder how low iq OP is. My bet is 60 iq or around that.

Sure, and huge numbers of people across the world have to overcome those obstacles to live a decent life too. If your biggest problem is that girls won't talk to you, you're already in the top 20% worldwide because you're not overwhelmed by finding food or working your slave job. A lot of impulses are natural but that dosen't make them any less maladaptive in 2019. Thirst is just one example.

OP's iq is for sure higher than yours.

Not really. OP is basically pretending to be "more evolved" or le deep thinker than other guys.

This is a stupid question for anyone who knows the first thing about evolution and biology. The answer is obvious: lust is not a "rational" desire, but then again neither is anything people want, including the desire not to die.

>lul why do you want to not die so much? If you really think about it, not being alive would be a lot easier and you never know it could turn out that if you weren't in this world you might be in a different universe and experience a completely different reality, if you're not happy here in this reality you should at least take the chance that there's another world your soul would go to if you die.

*le touching chin deep think emoticon*

Every dude RATIONALLY knows that women are spending his time and money, that being a father is a massive burden and that every sex act risks pregnancy, that virginity doesn't change anything about him biologically, that women can carry venereal diseases blah blah blah. But sex isn't a rational desire and yet is powerful all the same.

because we have all been denied it.
basic human reaction to being denied something is to want it.
you are a dumb dumb plz post nudes now