You can't keep doing this to me. Come on

You can't keep doing this to me. Come on.

Attached: Still Angry.png (600x600, 332K)

why are you angry now, lil aiste

I wanna fuck you up the ass aiste

Shut the fuck up already your threads are generating less and less attention. The quality of it is getting shittier too. Just fuck off now you ill tranny or make yourself interesting.

Jannie is being a meanie. Though I was asking for it, but still.
I know. I avoid talking about the things I care about now and mostly just shitpost now, so it's only natural.

Attached: 01-cats.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 190K)

I fear he's going to go all out shitposting in the near future, like catalog-wiping shoah. Of course ban evading and one-man raiding are different things.

I love you aiste! Our last convo was nice

nobody cares about you, why don't you kill yourself? you will not be remembered

lmao were u the desperate guy

What does your voice sound like, Aiste? Not asking you to do a vocaroo, feel free to link a random lithuanian YT vid with someone sounding like you. Hope you don't have no test voice like gunjy.

why haven't you just picked a video game to become addicted to? Git gud at a moba and farm attention that way, easy.

>implying he wants to change

Just wait until he gets into spambots and shit

Aiste, when you drop your discord make sure to tell me because I'll set u up in Norway

Attached: e5c43a2235c81f7f889964204e033923.png (365x325, 192K)

Hey there. I liked it too.
I know. But I just don't care enough to change. I have nothing to lose. Even if I get just 1 reply, that's good enough.
>Hope you don't have no test voice like gunjy
I'd probably prefer that. I don't know. I'm pretty quiet and raspy since I barely use it. I can give a political speech though haha.
I don't like media that much.

I keep wondering what's next. Yeah spambots sound about right, but it won't be any spambot, behind them there will be a gracefully coded Markov chain of pure cold autism tea.

How do you do that? I'm not very smart, so I don't think I could figure it out.

Attached: The Me.png (600x600, 378K)

I love you! Let's live together.

if you spambot i'll seriously love all the love i have for u rn :o

Coding isn't very intellectually demanding, it just needs a lot of dedication. Idk about the spambots, I mean Googles Captcha has many ways of detecting automated posts so you have to step in sometimes, it becomes a semi automatic process. You'll have better luck looking into the blackhat services marketplace, you have money to spare after all.

Would you really do that though? I mean is it not love and attention what you're after? If machine made posts getting the love/hate you receive is not an issue for you while not get a Replika and be done with this?

I don't want it to replace my regular posting. But ever since some trannies wiped the whole catalog a few weeks back, I wanted to do something similar. Perhaps as a parting gift to the jannies or the like. It could be that it was a coordinated Discord attack though.

Why would you want to shit on us who has been with u for so long :1

What do you mean? I'm not shitting on anyone.

you could supplement your regular posting with it by necrobumping your threads or spamming threads you don't like to bumplimit. wiping out the entire catalog is rather pointless though

Yeah that's what I thought. I did not see their attack so I can't say whether it was spambots or a Discord raid, I'm going to assume it was the later because if it was the first I'd see it more often be it by themselves or by tranny false flaggers. You should ask on 8ch tech board, our Jow Forums is pretty much /v/idya and satania posting.

When did the tranny shoah happen btw? I missed it.

Fuck your shit fun things are fun. Fuck this board full of zoomer trans gay psyop fembot crap.

It was a few weeks back. I don't remember exactly. The whole catalog was filled with pictures of some girl.

Look at you manipulative freaks, pretending to care about Aiste just to emotionally leech off him.

Oh no! Aiste is mine, we're destined to be together.

>pictures of some girl.
And a discord link? yeah that definitely is a spambot. Doesn't help that jannies are so irregular in their duties.

I want to hug you from behind and never let u go.

I don't think there was a Discord link. Just a picture of some Asian girl.
That's nice, user. You're a kind person.

>Fuck this board full of zoomer trans gay psyop fembot crap.
If you wipe the catalog mods delete your threads and the catalog gets filled with the same bs as before retard

OmG!!! These MANipulative FREAKS are lEECHING off muh AISTE-CHAN!

No shit sherlock, its about giving the middle finger to this pathetic board, even if absolutely nothing changed as soon as the same shit populates the board 5 minutes after the attack.

Who are you again? I've seen your avatarfagging every time I've come to the board recently but it seems you have a ton of fans