When the straight boy won't take no for an answer

>When the straight boy won't take no for an answer

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all dykes should burn

youre a filthy sodomite, sexual predator

Lesbians are generally way more fun than straight girls. Life is a dumb joke.

>when the gay boy won't take no for an answer

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How butch are you? I want a butch gf.

Lesbians are psychotic. Never dating another one again.

Darn I was hoping you'd say 'should be stoned'
I'm no lipstick lesbian but I'm not exactly butch

This. Dykes can be bro-tier friends.

I wish a cute lesbian would touch me like that

Do any of you know how to have sex with a girl without getting her pregnant? Thanks

Heck yeah, I don't get all the hatred to lesbians on here

Shes not gay, you retard

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I don't get the hate either, but it's more a disappointment thing for me. For some reason I'm more attracted to lesbians than straight women. I dunno what it is.
I guess it's the same kind of disappointment when I see an FTM, there could have been something. Probably not, but maybe.

Fantastic gif, that should be 5-10 minimum

When a girl says no, it means no

put the peepee in the bumhole

posting because sailor moon thread

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If the testicles are pushed back inside the body for long periods of time, they'll be too hot to produce viable sperm. I wish I had a gf who made me wear her panties to tightly hold my balls inside myself so she could aggressively use my penis without worrying about it making her pregnant.

>I wish I had a gf who made me wear her panties to tightly hold my balls inside myself so she could aggressively use my penis without worrying about it making her pregnant.
That's some cuckbro science if I've ever heard it

Theres no reason a dyke and a straight guy cant fall in love with each other because love is love.

>If the testicles are pushed back inside the body for long periods of time, they'll be too hot to produce viable sperm.

Mine do this on their own.
My body wants my genes to die out.

seeing Makoto in OP's pic was the only reason I looked in this thread

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It's literally why testicles are outside of the body instead of inside like ovaries and why they get all loose when your body gets hot. They have to stay below the average body temperature otherwise the sperm dies or goes retarded. The panties are just a fun way of making sure they don't come back out unexpectedly.
Like actually inside or just up against your body? There's pockets in your abdomen where your testicles developed that they can actually be pushed back into and leave you with an empty scrotum. I kinda doubt your body just does that automatically.

I kinda like moe shit is sailor moon worth getting into?

I didn't even read the thread t b h
I just take any excuse I can to sailor moon post

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It's actually way more than just moe IMO
but normally girls like it more than boys
it has a lot of nice stuff going on, good life lessons and it's just a nice thing to watch
plus it's reallly gay unless you watch a dub for some reason

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Very based and even more redpilled

Who was your first crush, I've had a thing for girls like Jupiter ever since

I think you should. but because it defined what a magical-girl series should be for years and years it might, ironically, seem like something not all that great - because you've seen a dozen animes that copied all sorts of stuff from it because it was new and different back in the '90s.

It's like a zoomer watching Seinfeld.

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Fags are worse than thots. Why is Elliiot celebrated but not this man?

I really like girls who are like that. A bit angry and cold on the outside but still friendly underneath that

Uranus turned me so gay
painfully gay
she was for sure my first crush

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Cuz he isnt white and ever since Jow Forums infiltrated this board the cucks here would rather deepthroat a Chads dick if he is white than side with a fellow robot if he is not white

>when lesbians think they are living in a cartoon
>when you use tumblr


>it defined magical girl

I wouldn't just so you don't accidently meet the fanbase online. They are insufferable special snowflake cunts, all of them. They all project the ideals of modern feminism onto the show ect ect.

I only project lesbianism onto sailor moon, thank you.
also the majority of the show deals with issues teenage girls phase and then some comfy magical girls sprinkled in.

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>used to hang with a real tumblry crowd because i was a dumbass
>had several lesbians come on to me and date me and say that i was the first guy they were ever attracted to
>my last gf told me that she was never really a lesbian, just desperate, and i was the reason she realized that
that was a pretty fucked up and weird time in my life

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Spoiler: she's gonna ride hard that Chad

based mugen poster

It was a weird time. Im a zoomer (18) and i was in middle school at the time. I was in a polyamorous relationship with three girls at one point.

What a complete degenerate.

Yeah i really need therapy

i usually find moeshit repulsive but this was actually a decent show.

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I thought you are born gay orr did you initially like boys and then switch? I guess the broader question is, is one born homosexual or is it due to experiences? I don't mean to be rude just genuinely interested.

I watched it so young
I wasn't into anything before watching sailor moon
I think people could probably become gay but a lot of other gay people wouldn't like me saying that.

How'd that happen? Were you friends with them first? or was there clear attraction from the beginning?

Would you ever date a guy?

This isn't moe you stupid fucking newfag

I started out as friends with most of these people.
Ill go in order
M was the second girlfriend i ever had, she was really small and cute. We had the same interests in nerd shit and we got along together in a bantery angsty kinda way that we both enjoyed. The only issue with M was that she hated physical contact and was an asexual (most likely because we were barely pubescent at that point). I however, was in critically horny teenager hormone mode, so M told me shed be fine with opening up our relationship so i could fulfill myself physically.
Keep in mind im 14.
So i knew these two lesbians named S and G. S was a year younger than most of us, kinda dumpy and not super pretty, but she had a nice smile and was really sweet and kind of a freak. G was a thick, short Brazillian chick. G had been flirting heavily with me for several months, including asking to touch my bare chest through my shirt. I however, was and still am a major retard and didnt understand she was coming on to me. I realized it eventually and me and G convinced our partners to start a poly relationship. S became interested in me pretty quickly after this started. This relationship lasted for a couple months with some real cringy teenage sexual experiences in it.
I met L at a cosplay ball at an anime convention a couple years after the previous relationship. I wasnt really tumblry anymore and was an edgy retard. We danced in shitty Homestuck costumes to cringy music and just connected. We both loved art so i took her to an art gallery and lunch for our first date. She loved me so much that it scared me, i felt i wasnt good enough for her. Shes the only one i regret losing.
H had been my best friend since 7th grade. We ended up dating last year, in 12th. She was definitely not the prettiest girl, but she did genuinely care about me and i didnt want to lose her by rejecting her. She enjoyed the sex, i really didnt.

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sailor moon was probably one of the first moe anime ever done, you clearly don't know what you're talking about, don't embarass yourself even further faggot

your last gf is the reason I hate heterosexual women
t. actual lesbian

What can I say? I really like your pixie cuts. Just close your eyes and let me eat you out.

bishit genocide soon user, don't worry..

I'm painfully gay user

What about a girl with a penis?

Depends on if we see sexuality as binary or not. I see it more fluid, like I'm not going to stop myself from finding a guy hot. It's just far far far less likely. I