Bloomer Thread!

This is always filled with negativity and people believing the worst shit. Any fellow bloomers out there?

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I want to relate to the bloomer but i'm a trap so i'm not looking forward to a wife

I wish i wasnt this way. I keep trying to stay positive but fucking hell is nothing working out. Theres no reasom for me to try with how incomplete i am anyways to be honest.

I'm sure you could relate to the bloomer if you really wanted to.
A Bloomer isn't really something someone can just be by becoming X Y and Z. I feel like it's a state of mind in some senses. Knowing that things may not always be the best and that we can't change certain things, but still looking on the bright side of life and being happy with it instead of sulking.
Not saying it because of what you said, but I feel like sometimes people forget that being a bloomer doesnt mean you're ignorant to the shitty things in life.

Explode yourself tranny. I'd say you're a bloomer if you live past 30 without committing suicide. Why wait though

Anons, you dont have to become a bloomer to find happiness. Bloomers are born, but you can always find hope to keep you going as a doomer

Read the thing that said.

Calm down bud. Sounds like you got some personal shit to figure out.

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Everyone tells me I'm the happiest person they know. Some real shit has been slung my way and I'm trying to keep rolling with it. I love every single day and opportunity I'm given and I try to help those around me.

The bloomer meme always makes me smile. I want to be like him.

If that's the case my friend I'd say you're like the bloomer :) I'm happy for you user.
You got a good head on your shoulders. Don't lose that

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I have a broken mind that can only make broken thoughts. How do i even begin to change that?

I can't tell you how to be happy as it changes for everyone, but using what you said about how you said you have a broken mind.
What I'd do is.
Take sometime for yourself. Think about what makes you feel like you're a broken mind, and think about how you can fix it/what you can do about it. Don't make happiness your goals. It's something that comes and goes just like other emotions. I think at the end of the day it's just about self improvement and finding inner peace.

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Thanks bud. I'm trying.
Thanks for making this thread. I wish there was more stuff on here like this.

yeah, he really strikes as a cool, friendly, positive guy

That is the most cringe shit I have ever seen. What a thinly veiled attempt to try and make a right winger a role model.

Hey man don't mention it. I wish you the best in your future endeavors and I hope that you're able to find what you're looking for. I know that you can :), and thank you!
I'm glad I'm not alone, honestly this place is just filled with negativity and people giving up. Gotta look on the brighter side of things instead of sitting in a pool of self pity and choosing the drown, instead of choosing to get out of it.

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LMAO alright bud, sorry for not being an edgelord like you.

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I dont know. Ive been trying to find our what i can do and how to improve but i am just naturslly low test and short that it feels like i cant make the grade like everyone else.

Aye man I've been there before and I know how you feel, but honestly. Don't compare yourself to other people. Everyone has different shit going on their life so you're just being unfair by comparing yourself to others. Some are more fortunate than us, and less fortunate than others.
The way I look at stuff when it comes to self improvement is, as long as you're doing better than you use to, or as long as you're making an effort to do better than you did before that's what matters at the end of the day.
We all go at our own pace.

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Wverykne tells me that but it doesnt make me feel any less hurt over how everyone is living their lives without me. Its like i am working harder for less

Ive embraced the bloomer meme and im only twenty im done trying to be this sad sack who takes thing for granted the world is beautiful and so is everything in it i just want to get out there and meet people and spread positivity to all that i can

I'm sure there's people out there who are glad to have you in their lives, and if you aren't that social or have a small friend group I'm sure you could meet some new people with similar interests as you. Whether it be online or irl.
I don't know you all too well, but I'm rootin for you man. Results may not come as soon as you want, but gotta keep up the hustle

Aye man that's fucking beautiful to hear, thank you for sharing!

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Thanks bro it hasn't been easy tho but ive stopped comparing myself to others and just see everyone as equals

Ive had thid mindset for so long i just dont think its possible to make me a different person. A better person. Its not like im not trying ethier its just the results are so minimal that its like it isnt changing at all.

Don't mention it man, and hey if it was easy everyone would do it. Things that are worth while usually take time to get, and only those that are willing to go through the pain end up getting those things.

Well I mean in the end. It's up to you man. I can say a lot of positive and nice stuff, but at the end of the day. It's your choice with what you do with your life, your mindset/approach to life, etc. Whatever it is that happens. I hope it's for the best man.

I fucking love AND hate bloomers at the same time, I don't want to be near them but I still admire and try to think positively on my own

it be like that sometimes. everyone is different.

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I rather consider myself a mid twenties suicidal doomer

I'm sure you could change that if you really wanted to, but to each their own. Some people are alright with being classified as Doomers.

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that's a good point.
I'd really like to be happy without being ignorant. It's very important for me because ignorance is a thing I just can't stand. I want a form of happy intelligence, intelligent happiness.

After all, I need something to stand on in order to bloom.

Good for you, you've got greatness coming your way.

I am more a doomer but i'm finally starting to come into my own. A lot more confident, gained some weight, starting a job this week. Just need to work on my sleeping pattern and stay positive while at work, not let it get me depressed again.

I wish. I try pretty hard sometimes, and I'm considering taking medication for my current emotional state. Jow Forums seldom has people like you, and you sound like good things are heading your way.

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keep fighting the good fight brozzer

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>I'm sure you could change that if you really wanted
I think you don't understand the doomer meme

Will do brozzer, you too

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Yeah, I've found the older (26 atm) I get the more bloomer I become. Life is unforgiving, unfair and merciless. That understanding gives me somewhere to start and from there I know all my sacrifices, trials and achievements are mine alone and that gives me strength despite the struggle.

Seems silly on here since if I were to become a bloomer first thing I would do is to fuck off this place.