/L9K/ Lefty General: bad faith actor gishgalloping covert racism edition

/L9K/ Lefty General: bad faith actor gishgalloping covert racism edition

Discuss leftist ideas ITT.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=books on the american labour movement

how 2 drink poopoo water from asshole directly?

this thread only exists because a tranny in another thread got triggered someone said that men aren't women and then called them a bigot. See

How about you get the fuck off my board and stop shilling your inane nonsense?

Nancy F. Cott "the grounding of Modern feminism" (from a review of the book since book isn't free)
>And, as part of a diversified "wo-
men's" movement, they meant to promote a social revolution that would include, Cott says, "freedom for all forms of women's active expression, elimination of all structural and psychological handi-
caps to women's economic independence, an end to the double standard of sexual morality, release from constraining sexual stereo-types, and opportunity to shine in every civic and professional capacity."

Anti-trans is anti-feminism

All leftist issues, besides topics dealing with classicism or racism, prejudice
are E V I L
and the right gets the other issues correct, except prejudice, racism and classicism

seems reasonable to me. why do you think terfs think what they think?

Left wing big dumb imo

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can you elaborate on this? what issues are are you talking about by example?

Autistic nigger faggot, here's your (You). Now stick that meth up your ass okay buddy?

TERFs are just reactionaries. They were raised in a time/with ideals that are from a different time period.
Obviously not all of them were from the 50s, but Beauvoir specifically defined womanhood around childbirth and other such things women experience. Other feminists that I'm not as familiar with/aren't as easily digestible to Jow Forums dive into the subject, but in the end it boils down to basing womanhood on culture and biology. We are currently in a time where womanhood is being more defined by culture than biology. (I.e. just because you can't have kids doesn't mean your experience as a woman is invalid; just because you have PCOS or XXY chromosomes doesn't mean your experience as a woman is invalid)

>Modern neuroscience and ideals of womanhood which are traceable in feminist literature starting with intersectional feminism lays the groundwork for why trans women are women.
so is feminism dealing with the discrimination against individuals having "feminine thought patterns" rather than strictly biological women?

I have three problems,

Hoping someone can answer them.

1. My wife wants to start having sex with black men, but I live in a whites-only gated community. How do I find a bull?
2. Also, is there some sort of card I can get the bull to sign that says I'm confirmed to not be a racist? I'm very sensitive about this.
3. Is there any way to unlock a chastity cage if you've lost the key somewhere? I can't wash it properly and there's a lot of residue building up

>tranny samefags his own threads

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>the only genuine "leftist discussion" in this thread is about trannies and feminism.
Lol, it makes me happy to imagine Marx looking up at the earth and realizing his dream is fucking dead.

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>feminist thought patterns
Neurobiology shows that female brains and trans woman brains are better matches than male brains and trans woman brains.
Since your brain is where your very existence and perception comes from, this means that trans women have the same existence as women in many aspects, except for having a vagina or having the upbringing of a woman.

clinton is a lizard

the frogs are gay

genderqueer teacher gets 60k after colleagues don't call her 'they'

Marx did not invent leftism, are you a retard? Marx isn't even necessary for leftism. His whole dream was that the 1848 revolution would spawn an international Communist League. It never did. His dream died while he was alive. Only right wingers and tankies think Marx is essential to leftism.

the dream isn't dead, don't worry

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>they're women except for everything that makes women women
>but they like dresses so that makes then girls

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Care to present an argument for neurobiology being irrelevant to gender? Or are you just gonna strawman because you're biologically incorrect?

>female brain patterns
Isn't that kind of sexist lol? Lile you can't say women are equal to men and then turn around and say that oh no actually they got the girlbrain and if you're a dumb fag that makes you a woman.

>b8ing this hard
Tranny hate thread.

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I came into this thread to post Pinochet because i knew communists hate him but there aren't even any fucking commies here. Just a bunch of losers who want to cut off their cock and pretend they are a girl. Someone (you) me when the actual leftists show up so i can nae nae on those retards. Its no fun bullying someone who already has such a high suicide rate due to buying into degenerate NWO memes. They clearly have it bad enough as is.

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>brain patterns
Brain shape and section sizes.
Cab drivers in NY have severely enhanced brain structures in very specific areas. Musicians develop an Omega symbol from muscle training. I find your lack in scientific understanding disturbing.
Women and men are not exactly the same and only a fringe, extremely radical feminist would argue that all differentiations are oppressive and should be dropped.

OP can originally get the fuck out at anytime

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we are the future bigot, also WE ARE THE TRUE LEFT, fuck tankies

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Try harder tryhard

>brains make you a woman but bodies don't because I said so

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>I came here to troll and it failed
>thinks there are no communists here
Argue against communism any time friendo

>we got this
Yeah that 40% in the bag

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>strawman argument
Define womanhood (originally)

>We don't have women brains.
>but actually we do when its convenient

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person with a vagina

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This shithead communist told me I had to argue with Destiny or else I was intellectually dishonest.

Here's a trans vagina. Therefore trans women are women. Anti-trans argument defeated.

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>women aren't defined by their bodies
>but they are when those body parts are the brain
>but only sometimes
>and I won't post citations

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anons please, name a single good thing the left has done, please

>argue with a people that want to genocide your entire social group and destroy all that is good in this world
It is much easier and more convenient to simply remind them that they will never achieve power, and that if they try for revolution they will be absolutely massacred like the vermin they are.

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That's not a vagina the same way a Halloween mask isn't a face
>>>>only rich people who can afford surgery can be women

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>women are defined by their bodies
>but not the part of their bodies that creates the experience of the rest of the body
You're arguing against your own argument. Kthxbiiiii

The soviet union killed a lot of communists

amazing how is actually a fetish, ALL of it

Revolutionary communists are not all communists.Most communists are not violent.
This is just a bunch of ignorant word-salad

>creates the rest of experience
yeah lol when mudslimes stone bitches its cause they had bad thought

I think you lefties are just projecting

>trying to be cute

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What do you think of centrists OP?

>having a vagina makes you a woman
>but having a vagina isn't having a vagina
Circular logic

>everyone who makes me look bad is not part of my group

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just let it die user, there are more chances for fascist dictators than for communist goverments in the next centuries

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Real vaginas don't need to be propped open. Pretty sexist you think a vagina is just a hole for men to have sex with, you feminists types never think too hard

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Not all Nazis worked at concentration camps. Most Nazis are not violent. This is just a bunch of semetic word-salad

>literally any initiative ever undertaken in politics to improve people's living standards
how about you like read a fucking book you retarded cunt? Minimum wage, welfare, the 8 hour day, worker's rights movements, public housing, subsidised healthcare, subsidised education literally any political initiative you can think of that's benefitted people has come about thanks to the left wing. It's right wingers who would have us back under feudalism if they had their way and don't pretend otherwise.

>has no idea Marx isn't the only communist thought
Who is Moses Hess?
This is not an argument against communism. Try again. You Jow Forums shills got desperate quick.

>because a bunch of labour activists made everything better you gotta suck my girldick

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>Gibs me dat fo free
He said good user

actually user revolutonary communists are the only real communists im so sorry

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Killing people is wrong user, sorry.

>how about you like read a fucking book you retarded cunt?
Sorry user, can you suggest a book telling me why every single good thing in politics (even those done by christian) are somehow left?

>we don't all support violence but also antifa isn't bad and we'll make hour long videos shilling their views

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How do you guys feel about Justin Trudeau?

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But unions did it before they had gone left, in the 50's. Why unions haven't helped workers after the become strongly left?

Strawman argument.
Most members of the Nazi party were civilians fearful for their lives from an authoritarian government. Hitler even forced many "Nazis" to hide Jewish bodies before concentration camps and found that they often would be traumatized by the experience.
>strawman fallacy disguised as a no true scotsman fallacy
Who is Moses Hess?

>transwomen are women
>anyone who disagrees is a literal nazi

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Where my ECO-Fascist and/or Mosley bros at?

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jesus christ what has this place come to

Explain how its a strawman (male).

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>im edgy arent i so coool?


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>But unions did it before they had gone left
>before they went left
>the unions
please be ironic, no one is this retarded

Logical fallacy, strawman argument. I know "members" of antifa and they're generally awful people who have been arrested several times for wearing masks and carrying assault rifles to protests.
Trudeau is marginalist. Not much different than Obama, spouts leftist platitudes to placate leftists who only vote for him because he's "the lesser of two evils". He's basically the old guard and his views will become conservativism in ~20-30 years

Lefty general is a good meme. We need to make more of these threads in future

user, be honest with yourself

>please be ironic, no one is this retarded
No user, unions were a mixed bunch until the 50's. in the 10's Christian unions were as common as socialist unions.

I'd suck Contra's dick desu

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lmgtfy.com/?q=books on the american labour movement
for your consideration

save this fresh gem from this thread

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The solution is to drop redpills.

>OP posts Contrapoints in this thread
>also says Antifa is bad

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yeah hardly considering most right leaning movements such as the fascists, the tories and any other leadership figures were desperately trying to smash unions, face it the left is the only one who cares about you, it's sad but it's true, any right wing movement wants to fuck you over and make your life worse for the benefit of corporate overlords. Or maybe you're a cuck and you like it that way

The first strawman was a strawman because I never said a vagina is "just a hole for men to fuck," nor did I make an equivalent argument. I just showed a picture of a trans vagina.

Second strawman was a strawman argument because it's meant to "parody" my argument. He's attempting to say that I'm claiming non-violent leftists are the only leftists when my actual argument is that the majority of leftists aren't actually Marxists.

>transwomen are women so sucking dick isn't gay

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>yeah hardly considering most right leaning movements such as the fascists
You know Hilter, Mussoline, Mosley, ... were all member of unions before funding their parties

>any right wing movement wants to fuck you over and make your life worse for the benefit of corporate overlords.
Can you say anything beyond, left is evil? The modern left agenda is 100% pro corporations too.

>implying OP
Don't make assumptions. They just make an ass of u and me.

>hole to fuck
Hey dude there's a forest not just trees. My point is that a """"""trans vagina"""""" is different from a real vagina - namely in that it's made from a dick, fills with hair, POPs, is manmade, and can't produce children.

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Are you saying you disavow them, then?

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why do lefties shill r9k so hard. just go post on Jow Forums or something retard no one wants this shit here.

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Turns out leftist thought is beneficial for reformed incels

can i get a peer reviewed study on that?

Communists not only deserve death, but it is the duty and responsibility of every man that lives in a sovereign and free nation to water its soil with the blood of would be communist revolutionaries. These heroes should and will be remembered fondly by history. Even a single night behind bars is far too harsh a punishment for simply cleaning your nation of its filth and grime. Commie killers deserve Medals and a pat on the back, not the despicable harsh prison sentences they are often given.

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>Hey dude there's a forest not just trees.
Make your argument without memeing and making a ton of fallacies
>My point is that a """"""trans vagina"""""" is different from a real vagina
What makes a vagina a "real" vagina? 'Cause I'm about to debunk your list pretty quick.
>Namely in that it's made from a dick
Sperm comes from a dick. Sperm fertilizes egg to make baby. Thus all vaginas come from a penis.
>Fills with hair
You can just simply have laser hair follicle removal beforehand if you wanted. Also women can grow hair on their inner vulva
Gonna have to explain this acronym for me
>is manmade
All vaginas are manmade. The word you're looking for is "synthetic"
>and can't produce children.
Neither can many women with PCOS.

Also, just curious, are women who have hysterectomies still women?

How? Incels think the sexual revolution enables hypergamy

Exactly, Nazism is the regime of peace. Hitler was misunderstood, and I'm sure if we gave Nazism another chance, we would achieve utopia. All those "Jewish bodies" were just an isolated incident. The same couldn't be said of red china, however. You can't hide 50 million dead civilians murdered by an incompetent leader inculcated with the most idiotic and blood-spattered ideology known to man, no matter how short they were.

>literally a bunch of exceptions that prove the rule

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why are trannies even a fucking thing its ridiculous. fucking stupid clown world hell earth

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Because once they wake up from that sort of right wing ideology they realize that things aren't as bad as the incel echo chamber has them believe. In addition they become more attractive to women because they're not giving out mysoginist vibes anymore

Commie here, I want freedom not for "nations" but for the actual people who live in them and currently have to wagecuck for a living.

Leftist voter demographics show women support democrats more than Republicans. Understanding the political beliefs of others allows you to more successfully interact with them.
Disavow who? OP? Probably, thread wasn't started by a lefty as far as I know.
Disavow antifa? No, I disavow violent actors. People in antifa that I know are just intimidators, not violent.
Disavow contrapoints? Also no.

> In addition they become more attractive to women because they're not giving out mysoginist vibes anymore
> vibes
Anons you want 100% certain pussy, go to Islam

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>false equivalence between vaginas and a penis remodelled into a vagina like thing
>false equiavlence in comparing inner vulva to scrotal hair clumping at the back of the flesh hole
>doesn't know about the POP
>semantic bullshit that doesn't even address the "synthetic" point anyway because they're derailing
>women who literally have a disability are the same as people who became disabled through their own choice
A person who is blind at birth is different than a person who gouges out their own eyes. They had no agency.

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>"single mothers are the number 1 predictor of antisocial behavior"
>abandons his son in Nebraska to fuck women in California
Destiny really is a piece of shit. During his NoBullshit debate about incest, they were obviously in agreement that incest isn't necessarily morally wrong. NoBullshit even said you could find niche scenarios where it's okay. Destiny could've just said, "Exactly. Incest isn't necessarily morally wrong, but most real incidences of incest are probably morally wrong." They could've ended it right there. Destiny is so full of shit when he says all he wants to know is what is true. He fucking LOVES to argue. That's probably why he had so many domestic disputes with his ex wife and got into fucking choking matches with her.