The world is fair

Loneliness is God's punishment for evil. If someone is alone, it is obvious that this person is a shitty person and deserves all his suffering.

This can be thought of as a kind of cosmic gang tattoo. If you see someone with gang tattooing, you can conclude that this person is very likely to be involved in shitty things. If you see someone who has done bad things on the general level, you can conclude that this person is a shitty person in general.

Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people.

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There is no God. You are not the center of the universe. Things happen to you regardless of how you behave.

how is the bottom panel even a nihilist when his raison d'etre is to make a lot of money

also what if someone chooses to be alone and is completely content with being so?

youre actually fucking retarded and should think before you post bullshit and embarrass yourself

>There is no god
Neumann, greatest mind yet to exist thinks otherwise
>Im not the center of the universe
Objectively false, I AM the center of my universe
>Things happen to you regardless of how you behave
No wonder you browse r9k and are q lonely little shit

Man you're fucking retarded but i'm gonna throw a spike at your "logic" anyway
>baby us orfaned at birth. Never gets adopted or has anybody who loves him/her. This person grows up alone and lonely for something that was completely out of their control
please explain how this person being alone makes them "evil". And that's just the begining of the holes i can find in the retarded "good things happen to good people" argument

>greatest mind eva thinks x!!
not an argument dummy. God isn't real

>Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people.


You naive just world fallacy believing cocksucker.

The baby was clearly born twisted. The chances we get to meet people might not be equal but they still exist for everyone. The fact that the lad went through schooling and oprhanage alone, both of which are filled with people that come from same backgrounds prove my point.

Those other kids from the same orohanage got friends because they werent born shitty

>x says otherwise
Who cares what some schizophrenic Jew thinks.
>Objectively false, I AM the center of my universe
There is no your universe, there is just the universe, of which you are a part.
>No wonder you browse r9k and are q lonely little shit
Such vitriol is typical of mentally ill people.

>the baby was clearly born twisted
you have room temperature iq and i'm done talking to you or bumping your thread. retard

Nobody is born evil and all are pure through Christ. Your supposition only wishes to further push the downtrodden, begone from here satan the Lord stands with me and with him I shall never feel alone.

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i'm not even a christian but their are plenty of religious stories of bad people setting their path straight after seeking redemption, and good people having bad things happen to them as to "test" their faith in God. So even by your own faith your argument is unvalid and retarded

universe is a fractal, yes but to a certain degree. To think that a toddler getting ran over by a car is ok because "he deserves it" and "its probably karma" is just fucking stupid. Go and neck yourself OP

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Why the fuck does God need to "test" someone's faith? He's omniscient, so he already knows if you're faithful or not.

>Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people.
*Blocks your path*

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>Bad people become good
So they werent bad, just good people who got carried away by circmstances. Evil are those who do not repent or do evil based on their inate urges

>God ruins a good man's life just to prove a point to fucking Satan

Slight correction: he lets his life be ruined.

God created Satan knowing beforehand everything that Satan would do. Therefore anything that Satan does is God's will.

you really don't understand people do you. The world isn't black and white, devided into good or bad. Bad people can do good things and good people can do bad things. A lot of bad people do monstruous things and live unpunished for their actions

This thread is a mess, I can't help but think OP's has spent the past decade eating lead paint chips

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Whats your point here? Everyone who died went to heaven anyways so its not like they suffered

Maybe women would be more interested in you if you didnt partake in such twisted subcultures

>Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people

>Whats your point here?
You're reaching levels of brainlet that shouldn't even be possible.

Not an argument.

You're right, dear brainlet, it wasn't. Why would I waste the effort on you?

Well this is obviously bullshit but nice try.

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I know! Isn't it great?!

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>how is the bottom panel even a nihilist when his raison d'etre is to make a lot of money

Because nihilism is the denial of objective meaning, not the denial of subjective meaning.

I agree the bottom is retarded but the top is funny enough where I think OP is justified in posting it

Imagine believing in some bearded sky man based off jewish fairytales it's pathetic. Well this is the same fucker that think free will exists and that the world is fair. Nobody chooses to be have environemntal factors outside of their control dictate how shitty their life is. Karma doesn't literally exist it's just a figurative thing, if you do good things good things should happen to you (not entirely true but whatever). Christcucks just sound insane anyway. No good things don;t happen to godo people, good and nice people are trampled all over and abused this manipulative materialsitic cunt earth, bad peopel are teh ones who do teh trampling and exploiting and get to live a happy easy life because they were born with a silver spoon up their ass. Life isn;t fair, upper class people get a better life than you or I no matter how trash they are, while people in your own country starve, if you think this is just in anyway because some karmic fairytale jew stories I hate to say it but you are the fucking asshole here, you are the delusional evil christcuck. Yeah they deserve to suffer because my sky man wanted him to Donald trump must be the nicest guy ever! Your logic just makes me think all right wingers and christcucks are bootlicking fuckers who hat everybody who is less fortunate than them. Honestly christcucks and right wingers need to be strung up from lamp posts that is my gift to this world.

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Open your eyes and accept your mistakes

"Imagine believing in some bearded sky man based off jewish fairytales it's pathetic."

God isn't a bearded sky man, God is eternal, omniscient and ethereal, I hate catholics so much because they brainwashed faggots like you into believing he looks like an old white dude thanks to their stupid paintings of Him.

"Well this is the same fucker that think free will exists and that the world is fair"

Free will does exist, you have the ability to make decisions and discern between what is right and wrong, if you didn't have a freewill you would be a robot and you wouldn't be able to think at all.

The world is fair, the thing you pseudo-intellectual faggots don't understand is that God is a God of justice, he punishes evil and rewards righteousness, simple as that, the problem with you is that you're trying to understand the Lord using you're own delusional understanding of life.

"Nobody chooses to be have environemntal factors outside of their control dictate how shitty their life is."

If your life is shitty it's your fault faggot, you made stupid life decisions not to mention you're too much of a lazy coward to change anything.

"Christcucks just sound insane anyway."

If we examined your life and your daily routine, we'll come to the conclusion that you're the biggest cuck out there, it's easy sitting behind a keyboard a calling people cucks, but you've already demonstrated how much of a cuck you are by not taking responsibility for your fuckups.

"No good things don;t happen to godo people"

so now what ?, we should all be miserable pieces of shit like you ?, fix your grammar and learn to articulate better, I thought atheists were smart ?

"good and nice people are trampled all over and abused this manipulative materialsitic cunt earth,"

You say that because you're a little bitch, you never fought and struggled for what you wanted in life, this is what happens when you choose to not believe in God, you end up a miserable mess wallowing in shit.

>just world fallacy

>Life isn;t fair, upper class people get a better life than you or I no matter how trash they are, while people in your own country starve

You have nothing because you're a lazy unproductive piece of shit, it's that simple, you envy people who are more successful that you, that's why you're so bitter and sour, maybe if you stopped being a butthurt little bitch and work hard you would have the same things they have.

>if you think this is just in anyway because some karmic fairytale jew stories I hate to say it but you are the fucking asshole here

wicked people end up suffering in the long run and they do burn in hell in the end so I simply don't give a fuck, start worrying about your own problems and instead of bitching about the world, start coming up with solutions to your problems.

>you are the delusional evil christcuck.

the Bible says that evil people will always consider themselves righteous(Proverbs 12:15), the Bible also says we're all evil(Romans 3:10), you pretty much fit the bill of an evil piece of shit, you're angry, selfish, bitter, unbelieving, dishonest, hypocritical you think good people are just like you ?, stop taking the moral high ground and take a good look at yourself.

"Your logic just makes me think all right wingers and christcucks are bootlicking fuckers who hat everybody who is less fortunate than them."

now everything makes sense, so you're a leftist faggot, so it's obvious you don't believe in hard work, you just want to sit on your 300 pound lazy ass and feed off the government as you bitch and moan about muh oppreshun.

You're the one who's a bootlicker, better yet you're just a useful idiot, your side wants to destabilize society so that these evil oligarchs rule over us. Yeah you sure are the freethinking renegade.

What are you doing for the less fortunate ?, are you donating to charity ?, are you donating food or clothing to the poor?, no you can't even take care of yourself let alone wipe your own ass.

>Honestly christcucks and right wingers need to be strung up from lamp posts that is my gift to this world.

>calls christians evil
>wants to murder and kill innocent people

Bible never ever even mentioned the term "freewill" in any book or chapter, not even once. But: Psalms 139:16
Isaiah 46:10
Ephesians 1:11 and a fuckload of other verses make it plainly clear that there is NO FREEWILL, from the biblical standpoint. And do I even need to address the scientific paradigm on freewill? It's proven it doesn't exist. OP you are a hateful and hypothetical piece of shit, just like all of christurds are. I hope you suffer one day or maybe in the next life if there is one, so then maybe then you can shut the fuck up with your self righteous just world fallacy bullcrap and you'll finally see what it's like to be on the receiving end of misfortune and suffering. If the world really were fair and karma existed then it would be people like YOU who suffers horribly

Just stand back and look at the venom dripping from those words you posted. And you consider yourself a good person? What a dishonest dumb fucking pile of shit of a person you reveal yourself to be by making this thread. If heaven really did exist, I'd rather burn in hell if it meant I didn't have to live among "people" like you for the rest of eternity. Get rekt, bitch


Even when i only partook in pure sub cultures, women did not like me

I knew a guy who would make bully the retarded kids in school. When he was 16 he went out with and fucked a 12 year old. Now he's a millionaire because he put some money in btc.

Life is not fair. Its survival if the fittest. A person can be born crippled before he is old enough to be aware if his own existence

Think of college frat boys. They're some of the worst normalnigger degenerate pieces of shit to walk this earth, but you know what? They don't even experience loneliness at ANY point during their lives.