What do you do to cope?

I like to take kratom and listen to 90s R&B. It makes the clown world a bit more bearable.

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Suicidal thoughts and remembering that any day now nuclear war will wipe out everyone

Cut my wrists and watch my arms bleed and convulse

that girl is cute
this is very unlikely

>cant recognize Mariah Carey


What is this and does it make you look like a zombie?

you think I listen to pop music?

No. Neither do i.

She was one of the biggest R&B singers of the 90s and early 2000s. If you were alive back then, you'd know her.

not op but it's basically heroin lite (very lite). Just makes you feel good and blocks feelings of pain (emotional and physical) and gives feelings of contentment. That said it has downsides.

>tastes disgusting
>tolerance builds quickly
>makes you less motivated (if you're content with how things are, why improve>)
>lowers testosterone
>can make you feel sick if you take too much

i done it on and off over the years, and eventually decided to quit it for good.

Funny. I experience all of that simply being chronically depressed.

beer and weed since 15 , i used to smoke cigs heavily then vape heavily , but i feel much better without nicotine and with weed and beer , much healthier anyway

90s tech/dnb/electronica and weed > kratom and dreaming about heroin abyss of rnb stacys

It's only addicting if you do it irresponsibly. I've been using it since 2017 and have never felt dependent on it. I just use it when I wake up in the morning within that shitty feeling, usually Mondays or wednesdays, when I realize I have two more fucking days to go.

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Weed makes me paranoid unfortunately. And R&B is kino as fuck.

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weed used to make me paranoid , but once i started smoking it at home , alone , it gave me the explosion of ecstasy and happiness , combined with a beer or two and a good electronic or doom album and you've got your self most fun you can get for 20 bucks

beer a trap music and sometimes old music for nostalgia

Then kratom is probably for you

What about ASMR while on Kratom?

ASMR annoys the shit out of me. I don't get it.

I fantasize about suicide only to remember that I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself

If Kratom is "not illegal" in my country does that mean I can just buy it safely online?
Do people generally just order it online the same way you'd order something from amazon?

I personally order online from Krabot. You pay through Zelle. It can be a bit iffy since it's so informal but you can email the owner of the site if there's an issue and he'll respond quickly and sort things out within a day.

I try not to "cope," and actually deal with my problems. Key word is "try." Discuss further here: cA7nmcQ

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yeah that's true. 2-3 days a week probably won't hurt you but a lot of people like the way it feels and go full degen on it.

drugs don't help me when i feel depressed and suicidal, it just makes it so i can't enjoy the drugs

i have no copes, i just feel the pain

I would thank you to not post discord links thanks

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>Gets basic history fact wrong
You think im a nerd or something?

You mean like this one: X5UEVz ?

kratom, cannabis and caffeine are my major copes lately

I used to masturbate to Mariah Carey upto 5 times a day as a wee middle school child

I did too user. Her, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Janet Jackson. Early on, my love for black and latina women was solidified. I never had a chance. The game was BLACKED from the start.

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Curly hair is so fucking based, i just wanna stick my nose in there.

If I'd discovered kratom at the height of my depression, I'd be addicted. Fortunately, I found out about it when my only issue was this general dissatisfaction I have with life.

Edibles and JRPGs.

She looked so perfect in the 90s. She still looks great today for a 50-year-old woman with 2 children.

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of course it's heavily regulated in my nanny state shithole

I drink, smoke weed and have the occasional cigerette. I used to take tramadol but I don't anymore.