The real dystopia doesn't exis-

>the real dystopia doesn't exis-

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I like Brazil because they admit they're a dystopia. The United States is still trying to keep up this charade that everything's ok.

Brazil is still considerably better than Mexico, and Somalia is infinitely way worse than Mexico

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Being a robot on this hellhole fucking sucks, at least people here aren't mean

>Mexico is worse than Brazil
No way, I refuse to believe it. No place is worse than this shit.

>Brazil is still considerably better than Mexico

A Koreanon once said that Brazil has kind of a positive image there, whereas Mexico has a bad reputation and is often depicted in a negative way, I think it's because of the US influence over there, not because we're better because we're not, statistically speaking.

Chile looks like a nice place in Latin America. Is this a misinformed perception?

Everybody says chile and Uruguay are the good places of Latin America.

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No one really talks about Brazil outside of samba, beaches, thicc women, anal sex and trannies. No one really talks about Mexico outside of tacos, drug cartels, poor illegal immigrants, cholos and MS13 despite them not even being Mexican.

You mean Argentina right?

Well, yeah, but is there any truth to it? I'd like to believe but I've never been there.

Argentina is just a bunch of Indians larping as Italians, no one actually likes them.

>thicc women, anal sex and trannies
Sounds like heaven.

Uruguay is just shit, Montevideo is ugly and there's nothing to see there.

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Heh, it's not that bad if you know the exploits

>is taxed
>gets no benefit in return
>wants to buy vidya to spend some time and forget about the world
>taxed again
>wants to fucking kill myself
>no easy guns

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It's like a meticulously crafted Hell.

>tfw you live in Brazil


the endgame of multiculturalism


>we are in a borderline dictatorship, Mexicans at least have sustainable democracy

>somalia is worst
Africa doesn't count

>>we are in a borderline dictatorship,
Spotted the retard.

Olosco bixo, Br(obots)azilians rise up

>South Africa
>Literally all of Africa
>Other parts of South America

>el salvador

i hate living in this shithole the women here are all whores that literally
fucks with everyone else except me and the average man is a fucking shitskin manlet who dress up as a literal ape

Are you so fucking ugly? We live in a paradise for 5/10 6/10 men because of the reasons you just said

>the average man is a fucking shitskin manlet who dress up as a literal ape

>is an absolute loser
>still believes he's superior to anyone because muh """whiteness"""
lmao kys yourself

The apes here really are subhuman thrash but they fuck all the girls because they have a ton dis-inhibition etc. plus they don't have social anxiety.

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Dunno dudes, it's pretty chill here in the south. And I managed to overcome the social autismo shit you guys have so ask me anything.

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while brazil is pretty shit, nothing in the americas can even come close to this unit.

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imagine being a robot in brazil it must be hell

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> the average man is a fucking shitskin manlet who dress up as a literal ape
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? It means no competition whatsoever for a white man that pumps iron.

The most ugly, basic, flavorless Brazilians I've ever seen in my life. Christ.

Less than 10% of the women here look good. The rest are your average niggerized mutt skunks. Some of them may have good bodies (THICC) but that's all there's to it.

>counting countries run by black people

How's the weather in the south? How hard would it be to become an English teacher?

The base wage for English teachers is 1500 reais, with this money you can eat bread 5 days a week and eggs on Sunday.

I've learned to love it. I traveled around but I can't imagine living anywhere else.

Unlike the supposed dystopia where the propaganda would say that everything is great while living in a literal hell, everyone here says that things are shit when it's actually quite fine. Even robots have a chance to find a nice life here.

The dystopia is great. I won't recommend to rest of the world to follow our steps but it's okay to have a country or two like ours.

The real dystopia exists in my brain because no matter where I go, I'll still be miserable.