How do i stop thinking about the past?

how do i stop thinking about the past?
i can't stop thinking and reliving same painful moments of my life every day, like the death of my father, grandfather, when i got humilliated, when my crush fucked me off and all sorts of sad shit
i can't spend 10 minutes without my memories make my heart bleed even more

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probably lots of meditation, iam talking zen monk intensity maybe 2-3 weeks, but also making new positive experiences obviously, you new life should be intense enough not to think about the past

You simply deal with the pain

how do i meditate?
i am also trying to go out more and have more experiences, i have trouble finding good and reliable friends though
i cried every night before sleep for almost 10 years now unfortunately

Maybe stop being a crybaby bitch and man the fuck up. You think your grandpa wanted a pussy for a grandson? You think your dad wanted his son to be a weak bitch? If you really care about them, honor them. Be better. You got humiliated? Boo fucking hoo. We've all been humiliated at one point or another. Learn from it. Identity the mistakes that led to your humiliation and do not repeat them. Your crush was mean? Women are cruel. Learn and move on. You're just wallowing in self pity because learning is hard and you don't want to accept the truth. Life is hard. Life is not fair. No one is going to help you unless you help yourself.

i needed this, thank you

Imaj seks i ne budi peder

ne treba mi seks iskreno, nit mi treba zena ili ljubav
treba mi mir

Mir ces dobiti kad riknes. Do tad, ili uzivaj u voznji ili placi i dalje

ne znam kako da nastavim put odavde
celi svet mi je sjeban, nemam prijatelja nista, apsolutno nista
poceo sam vjezbat oko kuce u sumi malo, ali mi ne znaci nista kada nitko ne prica samnom

Sorry about your dad and granddad.

I write poetry about my trauma and that helps. Do you have a creative outlet you could use?

I say this with love; if you're still able to cry you then have no fucking clue how much worse it can get. You still care about yourself and others enough to be able cry. You're still human. You still have normal, healthy emotional reactions to things. So be grateful. Process your emotions and move the fuck on. Don't wallow in them. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get your shut together man. No one is going to do it for you and it's never going to get any easier. You just have to do it even if it's by sheer willpower.

>I cried to sleep every night for the last 10 years
>maybe Jow Forums can help me with this
Okay kid, fuck off

i am 20

ne seri nihilisto

Bukvalno sam u istoj situaciji. Ne postoji drugo rjesenje nego da izadjes iz kuce. Nadji posao, nastavi vjezbati, uzmi uci njemacki pa za godinu dana odi i radi neki crnacki posao kod svaba. To je barem moj plan

Get out more. I'm not memeing, time heals all wounds. You can't move on if you stay in the same place and keep picking at the same wounds. Worried the new girl will cheat? So fucking what, women are a dime a dozen. Miss your old man? Be the man he'd want you to be; would he want you to sad, missing him all the time? Bad thoughts filling your head? Unless you're literally schizophrenic distracting yourself for long enough will help.

Nula nihilizma u mom postu lmao

I’m saying Jow Forums isn’t the answer, dumbass. FUCK YOU


The brain neurologically is an organ that essentially lives in the past. The way we learn and become proficient at tasks is by committing something to memory, then becoming really good at remembering it. The more you drive, for example, the more familiar the task is, the better your brain becomes at doing it. Same thing goes for your thought process. Thoughts are associated with chemical processes in your brain as well. Your brain is so proficient at thinking negative shit that its become your baseline. You’re living in the past. To make matters worse, the adrenaline your body produces as a result of anxiety is addictive. Your whole body craves to be in this shock survival mode.
Only solution is to become more grounded in the present. Shock your system by trying brand new things, switching daily routines, learning new tasks. Most importantly your entire train of thought needs to change. Yes meditation helps. But, most importantly become aware when you start thinking negatively, and immediately block that. Don’t entertain those memories and throw yourself down a rabbit hole. Keep yourself occupied and think about the present. Even if its mundane shit like commenting to yourself about your surroundings. I usually will tell myself how thankful I am for the smallest things in my life RIGHT NOW. Walking down the street I could be thinking something really negative or remembering my pain. I insist on thinking about how nice the sun is shining, how pretty that girl is, how I have food on the table and a roof over my head. Start being present. Stop entertaining your addiction to negative emotion.

nece ti prijatelji nista pomoci ako te grize proslost. Treba da ucis od prosli gresaka i da nastavis dalje, bice bolje.

i don't know, i will try my best from today, i hope i am not too weak
ne zelim otic zivit u tudi kraj, samo balkan brate, bilo to u depresiji, boli, sreci ili koji kurac
i don't think i will ever forget about my father or grandfather, but i will try, thanks for taking the time to write and i will honestly try my best

sorry, i didn't read it all, didn't get lots of sleep
i will try to do this, i always believed if i processed the pain for a long enough time that i would become numb to it, but i didn't
i saved this post and entire thread
hvala brate

>samo balkan brate
Ne kazem ti da odes zivjeti tamo zauvijek. Otidji zaradi novac pa se vrati ovamo, kupi stan u gradu, isti iznajmi a ti se vrati u sumu i drkaj kurac. Ili kupi si ovce pa gaji, mos ih i jebat ako ti zagusti. I ne slusaj ove zalopojke, nego samo ovo od sad:

do you live in a big city? find a non-profit meditation center, either Zen or some other major Buddhist/eastern religion sect, your teacher must be somebody who meditated a lot in his life and can guide you. ask them, they should provide all the information and how you can practice.

be wary of new age esoteric centers that charge large ammouts of money or real sects, like a said an official temple of a major religion is your best bet.


There are some great techniques to deal with trauma. Some of the newer ones don't even require you to recount them! Worth $150/month to get your brain dialed the fuck in. GO!

>i hope i am not too weak
Weakness is a choice. If you consciously choose to believe you are weak, then you are weak. No matter how mentally, physically, and spiritually tired and weak you feel down to your bones and your soul, you aren't weak unless you give up, give in, and choose to stay weak. Work on yourself. Choose to be strong. Improve everything you can whenever you can, and never stop improving. Especially when it feels pointless and you feel the weakest. How do you think people in the third world live through hell and manage to end up more mature and well adjusted than the average American who's lived an ideal and sheltered life? They struggle. They don't have time to feel sorry for themselves because they have shit to do. Be like that. Get shit done. Eventually you'll stop caring about the things that don't matter and come to accept the things that do.

I jerk off

ne znam, mislio sam u austriju otic malo delat tu i tamo pa sam odustao
kod prijatelja u lici sam nasao neki posao na farmi pa cu tamo vidit jel sta valja
i don't, i will try to go to my church more often, i didn't confess my sins for at least 5 years now
also i need to be around people that are supportive
i don't have enough money for that
i noticed that i always postpone all of my activities until the end, everything
i even postpone my food just to sit in silence and dark
i don't know what happened, i was always a happy and full of life as a child
thank you for the advice

>i don't have enough money for therapy
They'll bill you on a sliding scale. OR go to a consultation, and tell the therapist you can't afford to come often: can s/he give you some free resources?

I promise you: the healthy path away from trauma is not easily discerned from within--and it's DEFINITELY not found on Jow Forums!

What city are you in? I'll help you find someone.

That procrastination alone will make you depressed, and forcing yourself to do the opposite will do wonders. Try it for just a week even and you'll see. If you can make it a month it should be a habit by then. It won't solve all your problems, but it will get you thinking more clearly. Stay as busy and productive as possible. Lift. Run. Stay physically active, stay busy, but most importantly do anything but wallow in self pity. Even get a second job for a while if you have nothing better to do.

i live in eastern europe, i want to fix myself by myself
noted, thank you man

Trying to fix your own brain is like trying to see your own eyeball. It sabotages itself.
Seriously just Google: [city] talk therapy
Call and ask for quotes.

brze dodje nego sto ode kekeke
aa pa gdje ste pederi

>That procrastination alone will make you depressed
This, get busy with work, don't get busy with your thoughts

That is the comfiest pic I have ever seen.

My dude, I have been in your shoes, tortured by my own memory. In fact I was recently suicidal and even spent a few nights in a mental hospital. I'm not an expert yet but I've learned a few things.

Your past isn't hurting you. You have a habit of calling up painful thoughts right now. What you're dealing with is an ACT of self-torture. You can ACT differently. You have a choice!

Nietzsche says somewhere
>the man who despises himself still respects himself as one who despises

Dwelling on regrets splits you in half. The part of you that knows better than to do X judges and punishes the part that did X. But it's an illusion because both are you.

Don't hurt yourself, man. The only worthy objects of your thought are the good things in life, and the good actions you can perform to enjoy them.

P.S. How often do you think about other people's cringe. NO ONE CARES, they're all self-aborbed like you

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>If you could see the you that I see
>When I see you seein me
>You'd see yourself so differently
>Believe me

I used to have this problem, the pain you are feeling is an internal reaction at the perceived consequences of your past actions. Once you realize that this pain is something you inflict on yourself as a misguided attempt at punishment it's something you can let go of.
It's something you do to yourself, no matter what it is that you think might be causing it (spilled spaghetti, personal fuckup, failed opportunity etc) this shame/guilt/whatever you feel is just that, it's all in your head.
The buddha/Nietzhefags have it right, it's not something that just "goes away" (because how can a reaction to stimuli that keeps gets triggered never happen again?) but it is something you can entirely neutralize through power of will and application of thought.

Sounds more like you have some kind of kind of social anxiety disorder op.

Fapping is the one of the best ways to deal with anything
The other is lifting, sex, drugs and Jesus

Learning new things and focusing ultimately on the now, not the past or what lies in the present
As it’s been said, so many small things to notice around you in the present
Nature is best, very distracting and in a positive way

What language is this where are you guys from?

I am learning srpski/hrvatski atm. Hvala to the exyugos giving me some real dialogue to translate!