>tfw you will never lose your virginity a second time
Tfw you will never lose your virginity a second time
>tfw you will never lose your virginity a first time
Try butthole :-DDDD
>tfw 19, Jow Forums, and attractive
>tfw crippling autism prevents me from social interaction
It was arguably not very nice and every time having sex since has been better and better, why would you want to do the awkwardness etc of the first time again ?
Because its pure and that vagina smell the first time mmmm
>it's pure
My every time having sex has been with the same woman, because I love her, every time has been pure, just better and better since the first time. (Also the smell is the exact same, at least to me)
Lost my v-card almost exactly a year ago and haven't put ponos in vagoo since.
I think you actually get it back after a year of no sex.
It's like a probationary period that discounts your first time as a fluke if you can't repeat it once for a whole year.
>tfw virgin 2.0
Nice theory retard
Pretty much this.
For women it's even worse, if they don't bang in a long while (i think it's like 2 years no intercourse) they bleed again after having sex and the whole schtick.
It's the same with drinking. If you take a one year break from drinking, you'll get drunk again in like one to two shots.
I have this other theory about breast size preference and how it relates to breast feeding as a child.
Basically it goes;
>anons who weren't breastfed or were breastfed sparingly prefer dfc since they never spent their formative years with tiddies in their mouth, never made the connection that breasts = joy
>anons who were breastfed normally or even past the normal range prefer cowtits since being breastfed is a joy that they never want to lose, as well as the fact that typically a mom's breast is bigger than your little baby head, providing that your mom is not a chestlet
Happens before that too.
Can happen with any woman if you're big enough though.
>I think you actually get it back after a year of no sex.
The more you have sex, the smaller that returning margin becomes. I have turned into a complete robot in such a short span of time
I'm 25 so its already over for me if I stay in the USA.
>tfw I'll never lose it
>It's like a probationary period that discounts your first time as a fluke if you can't repeat it once for a whole year.
That is a very elegant way to word it user, I agree with you.
males re-gain their virginity after 1 year of being celibate
Does a bj count as losing penile virginity?
But also cucked at the same time
Are you me?
well, at least is closer to losing your virginity than not getting action at all
I fucked a dude for the exclusively test boost (no homo)
does that count?
I love bjs desu but could never top. Guess I'm never losing my penis virginity then.
I just want mine back
wait, WHAT?
Was it from a woman user
Good, i lasted like 10 seconds on my first time. Really embarrassing desu.
>had multiple long term gfs before having sex
>fool around, do everything except vaginal penetration
>tell myself I was saving sex for marriage
>high school girlfriends all would get fed up and throw down the ultimatum, sex or break up
>would break up with them right there on the spot
>dated 14 girls in first two years of college
>would immediately get to fooling around
>they’d catch on usually pretty quickly and do the same thing
>meet future wife, a unicorn by our terms, 10/10 blonde
>start dating
>fuck 3 days in
>fuck every day for a few years
>date for 7 years, propose
>get married, been married for two years
I wouldn’t change a thing in my case because I popped on the absolute hottest and best girl I ever had a snowball’s shot in hell with. What no one prepared me for was how many women would make advances on me after I was married. I swear wedding rings must be a thot magnet
Gemposter more like gayposter
are you me user?
makes sense to me
>What no one prepared me for was how many women would make advances on me after I was married. I swear wedding rings must be a thot magnet
Seen it too. Women used to find my ugly mug creepy, and they’d be afraid to talk to me. After I got married, it’s like the creepiness vibe was taken away, and women now feel comfortable talking with me.
It’s like the wedding ring is some kind of sign the dude is an acceptable catch, a good privder/protector, a good father, good in bed, etc. And other women want that, even though the wedding ring is the symbol to society “this one is taken, seek elsewhere”.
Also maybe the fact you’re married and (theoretically) off the market and not looking takes away a neediness and/or predatory vibe some women get off single guys looking for a gf or fuk appeals to women.
>”wow, he’s not objectifying me, he’s not looking me up and down like he wants to fuck me right here and now....that’s so hot and I want to have his babies!”
haha fucking same here bro
I think you’re exactly right.
I don’t think I’m super attractive but really hot girls come on to me now, to the point of me thinking it’s more of the ring than being Jow Forums. When I introduce my wife, women love trying to force a million conversations with me. They’re probably wondering how I landed such a babe. Wife says she fell in love with me because I’m extremely manly, which seems like a cop out. I know I’m 5/10 at best, so I think it’s the combination of being passable by Jow Forums standards and having a good job
>you will never get to throw away your “virginity rocks” tshirt
i lost my virginity to a fat & big titted black prostitute
kinda regret it desu
> doesnt know the diamond poster
neither of you are special
Gemposter pls show me your ass desu
lmao you still have your virginity beastiality doesn't count
>implying i haven't had sex since
>finally lost my virginity
>came to early to enjoy it
>two years pass, nothing happens
Now I live in constant fear that it'll happen again, maybe I should just get a prostitute but I feel like that'd damage me more.
Nah. The truth is women like talking, and if they know you’re married you fall into the category of “I can have a nice conversation with this guy and he’s not gonna hit on me”
I couldn't even coom my first time, I tried for like 20 minutes and it didnt work
worst part was my first time I was trying to pretend already not to be a virgin, so when I couldnt finish she wanted to know why and I just said I wasnt turned on enough, which made her cry
>staying with beloved woman
explain, user ?
Nah I was breastfed sparingly and love tits fake or real.
jerk off 2-3 hours before the fucking, oldest trick in the book.
drop the "a second time". it's cleaner