Started for the nutrition, stayed for the taste

Started for the nutrition, stayed for the taste
Who /legumepilled/ here?

Attached: legumes.jpg (1230x630, 260K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>shit protein quality
>needs to be heavily prepared in advance

Nah, I think I'm taking the dairy pill instead.

Attached: m_znu0080745910003.png (440x390, 28K)

>colon cancer

Enjoy. I'll be here when I'm 80 munching on my beans dude.

Attached: journal.pone.0020456.g003.png (4169x2952, 46K)

desu some people complain about dairy doing the exact same thing
Truth is, whatever you drop in the tank, these things will stop after a week or two when your gut flora adapts to it

I lean towards carnitard thinking but I have trouble believing beans are bad for you. If someone could debunk the whole phytates and lectin thing I would gladly eat lots of beans

>literally 1,000s of studies showing relationship between red meat and all forms of cancer and heart disease
>you: "Git me a bean study, ya darn libtards"

>needs to be heavily prepared in advance
Do you refer to putting them in tap water before sleep or work and leaving them there for anything over 6 and bellow 12 hours?
There are also legumes that dont require soaking at all

dont you dare turn my well-meant thread into some vegan shitshow
Beef and pork go excellent with beans and cured fish with lentils

>m-muh studies
Yeah it's really interesting how you can find a "peer reviewed study" to support literally any fad or trend diet that you want. Seems like a totally legit way to make important life decisions. Just find a study that supports your bias and you'll live till you're 100 all the while feeling smarter than all the superstitious plebs around you.

>M-muh "lack of scientific consensus"

Yeah, small studies find varying outcomes for small questions. Welcome to 9th grade remedial science user.

I am not talking about small studies. I am not talking about small questions. And I'm not talking about varying outcomes. I'm talking about thousands of studies with millions of participants.

>lift weights hours a day 5 days a week
>muh health and fitness
>refuse to eat legumes
>refuse to forgo or reduce red meat
>die earlier than you should have from poor diet

Makes sense. You do realize that bodybuilding has ZERO impact on longevity - right user?

>be indigenous tribe in the Arctic
>eat literally nothing but red meat
>have healthier hearts and live longer than most westerners
really made me think

Glad you're part of that tribe and have their specific genetic heritage, user. I'm surprised to hear that indigenous people without health insurance, doctors, or hospitals live longer than westerners, though.

Oh wait you're completely full of shit, forgot about that. But it's all good, you seem to have a 9th-grade tier education in science, so you'll STAY full of shit :) Enjoy those colonoscopies.

Everybody loves a study until science says eat leads meat then it’s all hurR DURR muh meats

Based thread.
Vegetarian pajeet here and get all my proton from legumes, dairy and whey.

Imagine being this mad and self-unaware. My point is not that eating whale for every meal is the best diet for everyone. My point is that your Sciencism does not take into account the millions of different variables that determine one's state of health, either individually or as a group, including but not limited to genetic heritage.

Moreover, the very notion that something that we've been eating for a million years and the very thing that lead us through our particular evolutionary path and turned us into self-aware human beings capable of debating our own health is bad for us is such a retarded notion that you would literally have to be brain damaged from a lack of protein and b12 to believe that shit.

Attached: huntergathererdiet.png (817x919, 716K)

Basically this. if the science showed that vegetarianism increased mortality, I'd preach that. If hundreds of studies showed that pasta was associated with colon cancer, I'd fucking POST THAT SHIT EVERY DAY.

It's none of those things. It's just meat. Red meat. Chicken is OK, and fish is excellent. Red meat is just bad news for your body, it sucks, but it makes sense once you realize that we were never meant to consume it in such LARGE quantities.

Look at a wolf. A wolf eats meat, you think, right? Great diet. But it isn't the whole story. What is in the stomach of a herbivore? Partially digested plant matter.

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I never said whale was bad for health. I said red meat, every single post I said red meat.

Your ancestors ate 5 ribeyes a week while working office jobs?

You're full of shit. You know it, I know it. Our ancestors fucking ground up wheat husks and ate potatoes and mashed vegetables in bone broth soup for the vast majority of their meals.

Whale is red meat you brainlet. Whales are mammals.

>Your ancestors ate 5 ribeyes a week while working office jobs?
Nope, and neither do I. Now if your argument were that eating 5 ribeye stakes a week while leading a sedentary life was unhealthy, I would have no issue with this. But that's not your argument. Your argument is that red meat is inherently unhealthy, which is indicative of brain damage as I already explained.

Attached: vegansbtfo.png (812x937, 892K)

>Whale is red meat you brainlet. Whales are mammals.
I am no expert but me thinks pork is considered white while duck is considered red

>look mom I posted more powerpoint slides about tribes with an average life expectancy of 25 years

Whale meat does not have the same makeup as red meat, has not been studied as extensively as red meat, wasn't the focal point of my argument, and isn't what studies mean when they refer to or define meat as red.

>Nutritionally, whale meat is a bit of a mixed bag. Both the tail and belly meat are lower in fat and calories and higher in protein than most cuts of pork and beef (although chicken breast and fish beat the mammals in all three categories). Whale is comparable to fish in omega-3 content. Studies, however, have shown whale meat also carries dangerously high levels of mercury and PCB.

Meat. Is. Bad. For. You. Deal with it, user. The news is in. Eat salmon.

Our ancestors fucking ground up wheat husks and ate potatoes and mashed vegetables in bone broth soup

what? potatoes and wheat/were way less calorie dense and tough to eat hence we don't have big molars, so probably they weren't a major food supply.

And how did ancient ancestors make soup when the first pot was under 10k yrs ago?

humans are recently (last 1m yrs) top predators hence our grip strength and throwing power and the fact loads of large animals went extinct when humans arrived.

Then look for systematic reviews/meta-analysis dummy.

Imagine the smell

The Inuits are in terrible health user. Mummified remains show extensive arteriosclerosis.

They’re the only people whose life expectancy rose upon adoption of a standard American diet

But the media told me eating lots of red meat was manly.

Was I lied to? Does that mean drinking excessive amounts of beer doesn’t make me a tough guy or smoking doesn’t make me look cool?

>shit protein quality
They are cheap af, versatile and delicious
Must suck to be you, stomachlet
>needs to be heavily prepared in advance
Vast majority of the cooking time you don't even need to be in the same room. Also, you don't weekly meal prep after Sunday family time while cleaning?

Doesn't have to be beans. I believe peas and lentils are superior.

Fucking THIS, How you fags do it? Or I'm just a stomachlet?

>whale meat also carries dangerously high levels of mercury and PCB.
This has nothing to do with meat's inherent qualities though. This is a man-made pollution issue.

>Salmon flesh (muscle) is not meat.

You just went full retard.


Im sorry but vegans just absolute fucking faggots. Look i get it eat veggies 99% of the time. But being unable to share in a group BBQs and such means your not part of the tribe u fucking faggot. Nothing better than the smell of meat over charcoal. Gets the primal juices flowing.


Nobody said not to eat it at BBQs. Just don’t eat in generally in your everyday diet.

>post dairy which literally has an inverse association with colorectal cancer due to the action of lactose in the gut of mammals literally protecting it
>proceeds to have a meltdown concerning red meat

you ok bro?
depends on the person
if you can digest dairy there is no reason to avoid it
>There are also legumes that dont require soaking at all
and all of them have varying degrees of toxicity
the ones that don't require soaking need to be cooked regardless
you don't need to cook milk, you can just drink it, easy to consume and 17g of protein from milk which is like 2 cups almost maximally stimulates muscle growth post training as shown hereand in pic related
keep in mind this is isolated söy with barely any phytoestrogens left due to processing so it is the highest quality protein in the legume kingdom possible and it still gets destroyed by skimmed milk.

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I was reacting to your criticism of legumes, not your advocacy for dairy. Dairy can't be your only protein.

I almost exclusively consume dairy for protein and my digestion has never been better, it doesn't even matter what kind of dairy I consume, pasteurized/UHT/raw, it really doesn't even matter, I digest all of it and I get no gas or bloat.
If I eat even 20g of protein from legumes in one meal I get problems for the rest of the day.
I fucking drink milk WHILE I'm training and my digestion and energy levels are amazing, meanwhile if I eat a plate with meat or beans I get bloated.
Nothing can compete with the food of the gods.

>Meat. Is. Bad. For. You. Deal with it, user. The news is in. Eat salmon.
Why are vegans so consistently stupid?

>Promotes salmon and fish
>WhY aRe vEgAnS liEk tHis

>thinks fish isn't meat
>thinks red meat is unhealthy
This is your brain on s()y

Attached: vegan.jpg (700x473, 70K)

>me from alien culture
>me no no understand language norms

>Most often, meat refers to skeletal muscle and associated fat and other tissues, but it may also describe other edible tissues such as offal.[1]:1 Meat is sometimes also used in a more restrictive sense to mean the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, lambs, etc.) raised and prepared for human consumption, to the exclusion of fish, other seafood, insects, poultry, or other animals.[2][3]

I think I finally understand why you're so dumb

Attached: babyishappy.jpg (500x500, 39K)

Are insects meat, user?


And that's the word you use, anticipating that others you communicate with will think 'ah yes, insects too' when you say the word meat?

I've never met anyone irl who doesn't consider fish to be meat. You're both technically incorrect, and being an autist.

I fucking hate the legume family of foods.

Mostly because deadly I'm allergic to them.