Give me 1 reason why i shouldnt eat pizzas for gains
Give me 1 reason why i shouldnt eat pizzas for gains
this image makes no sense
no youre just retarded sorry bro
>explain to me why I shouldnt run the next time I need to travel far!
because there are better alternatives.
The brainlet asks if the Aryan Superman needs anything. The superior being says yes, because he does have needs. He needs water, shelter and food. But the brainlet is confused because he meant anything from the store. Of course the improved man does not "need" anything from such a vile place.
Because Costco sells whole rotisserie chickens for 5 bucks a pop.
One a day bro.
Dang i might try one of those. Btw the specific pizza I was talking about is those $3 frozen pepperoni pizzas from Kroger.
dirty bulking is a meme but feel free to do it anyway so i can laugh at you when you just get fat
umm what's the point of that pic?
It still doesn't make sense.
Does the Aryan Superman have autism?
if you're bodybuilding, i dunno it will probably delay your time to get to your goal. if you're doing strength, pizza is the only way to go
Oh god this is good.
This topic has become too meta for me. Do I even exist? Am I the meme?
the real question is what are you going to get from the store dumbass
fuck thats not what i meant
i mean the chad wants food from the store because hes hungry and wants food
Is this how the autistic brain works?
How many levels must we go!
Because your mother drank too much semen during pregnancy and messed up your digestive system. You can't digest pizza the same way us normal humans do.
carbs don't build muscle, duh
Mayhaps. I have intestinal ulcers.
I don't get it
good job