Deadlifts build muscl-
Deadlifts are health-
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What an idiot he wasn't even close.
Ive never watched this with sound. Screaming FUCK at the top of his lungs is they cringeyest part
what are these blue things?
Literally just tape
Used to train with injuries
At least all his muscles are still all attached where they should be.
>do exercise with shit form
>blame exercise for injury
What a fucking faggot holy shit
>mixed grip
What did he mean by this? Am I getting trolled?
hahahahahahahah that scream, sub 100 iq for sure
lmao what a fag
He still lifted way higher than I expected, is there more material on this dude?
what's wrong with it?
he has an insta, he's a personal trainer lol
when i see people with a rounded back doing deadlifts and having their whole upper body covered in broscience muscle tape or whatever that shit was called, im just hoping theyre going to snap up everything for not doing a bit of research before acting like a dumbass
They’re cope
>Look at the plates
>Look at his legs
I like when he girl goes, awwwwww
lmao, this video gets me every time. Imagine being him though. This is such an embarrassing moment that I would not walk into my gym ever again.
>power fatties will defend this
Are deadlifts primarily a back exercise or a leg exercise?
Lol he could have gotten it
The bar got stuck at the fabric of his sleeves (that's one of the reasons you shouldn't deadlift with knee sleeves)
> yes
Nobody says you have to lift heavy, lift the right amount of weights for your current situation.
And looking at his body, he should not be lifting more than 2 plate?
It's hard to tell because of all the accessories which he's using as crutches.
He uploaded it to the internet on his own volition. He wants you to see it. He sees it as demonstrating his grit and determination
You know how ecologists sometimes band animals in the wild for research purposes? It's like that but for retards that fall for gimmicky bullshit.
No way that's 675lbs, that bloke looks dyel af, plus Ive seen many boasters use fake plates at commercial gyms for their instagram shitpages and all of them are those dodecagon (had to google kek) plates.
I was gonna say - my arms/legs look just like his and I'm weak af
What? So... both maybe?
Conventional focuses on your posterior chain, i.e your back
sumo focuses on your quads, and legs
>Are bench press a chest exercise or a triceps exercise?
Yup, they're called compound movements for a reason...
and I envy him. Being able to not think anything of such a spectacle event is inspiring. Sometimes I think of times back when I was a kid and I will start to wish I was never even born.
literally & unironically wtf was that shit?! Ive never seen anyone deadlift like that before. 200% retarded
> Wears knee sleeves
> Tape all over body for reasons
> Wears a weight belt but back is still bent as fuck
> No shoes
> Wears stupid muscle rag that barely passes for a shirt
> Has people film him to show people later
> Loud for attention
This guy is all of the worst parts of gym goers put together
>fully equipped
Where do I find the legendary gym equipment bros? All my shit is just the top-tier stuff from the shops - diamond sleeves, diamond gloves, diamond singlet, diamond shoes. My stats are high but suck shit for the post-1/2/3/4 workouts.
someone post the webm
lightweight baby
Is this a candlejack thre-
man the memes of old were so fucking lame
>with straps
For what purpose?
It's an advanced powerlifting technique brainlet.
>forgetting to pick up the diamond belt and adamantine chalk
the devs also put legendary stat boosters in the game, but they come with some debuffs
Post body.
Post body.
Post body.
Post body.
Post body.
Post body.
No, what is candlejack? what are you talking abo-
Post body.
if someone posted a body that was better looking than yours, what does that do for you? It still doesn't take away that video and how people are laughing at you.
Post body.
Body was posted.
post peen