Couldn’t do a single pull-up

>couldn’t do a single pull-up
>been lifting for 5 weeks
>can do 6 in a row

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even at my weakest and fattest i could do 8

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/larp/ general

‘grats user keep working hard! YGMI brother.

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>he has to think i'm larping to save his ego from realizing that crushing fact that it's really weak

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Well done, keep it up!

I fell from my peak of being able to do 17. Got weak and fat. The other day I did 5x5 with perfect form. Couldn't do any extra on the last set but probably could have done 8 on the first. Want 20 before I die.

At least he's not posting anime pictures user

no one fucking cares. you come on this board to gloat about your stupid fucking pullups?

>not being empowered enough to post anime girls

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when will the irony hit you that OP did the exact same thing

you seem like a massive faggot irl

Saying I can do 6 isn’t gloating I know it’s shit
Just like sharing improvements with fitbros while I’m resting between sets

>dropped all logic
>resorting to plain insults within minutes
what color is your purse sweetheart

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Pullups are literally the best exercise and sharing progress is what this board is all about

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Imagine actually being this triggered by an animeposter, post body faggot.

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OP didn't gloat.
>Hey I never been able to do pullups
>Just hit 6 in a row
>Feeling pretty good :)
To which someone replies,
>Lol faggot i did 8 when just starting
Who the fuck cares how much you did this is about improvement not looking down on others who are pursuing their goals even when they're not at the level you are.

You're doing good dude keep it up!

based pull up chad

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>can do 10 pull ups
>can't do more than 2 reps without feeling like I wanna throw up
its all so tiresome

Fucking legend

I can do 10 and I don't work out
Stats: 5"9' 165 lbs

I just wish I had the discipline to so ao

It's not even logic. You legitimately sound like a bitch.

Post body


Proud of you, user. Keep up the progress!

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Congratulations! Do you use a bar or some rings?

grats man, feels good

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I used a bar. I actually haven’t been doing the exercise at all because I was worried I couldn’t do one and I’d have to shame walk to somewhere else but I tried and I can do it now

On weight lifting days I do sets of 10/8/6 with a 45 lb weight then two sets of 10 unweighted. On calisthenics days I do sets of unweighted 25/20/15/15/10/10 pullups and chinups.

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i used to be able to do 12
then I got fat again :(

I'm at the point where I can do 4 sets of 5 pullups, and then follow it up with 3 sets of 5 curls with 40 lb dumbells. Right now i'm 6'1" and 170 lbs.
Any recommendations on how to make bicep gains?

fucking kill it king

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took me like a month to even do 2 proper pullups. 3rd month i can do 3x5. but i feel like i cant do more than that :(

>dropped all logic
Its painfully easy to tell that you're an insufferable faggot, please for the love of god correct this before you post here anymore


post body or die

ayy lmao

I'd love to see your pull up form

Ask me how I know you kip and do your pullups with 1/16th ROM

Ayy lmao