The struggle paying off yet guys? Where are you currently? Losing/Gaining weight? Dietary changes?
Twink Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself aids ridden faggot
Fuck off faggot
Gas yourself fag
Drive off a cliff immediately
golly i wonder if these are different posters
think is the same person
Make Jow Forums gay again
Post more twinkie boi
die faggots
Is there really noone else?
That's why I said every once in a while. Making this a general is stupid.
Well to be fair, I also got little-to-no responses from actual twinks and how their routines are working out. Unfortunately.
You also made this thread in the middle of night
Stupid fags
neck yourself faggot
Keep that homo shit off of Jow Forums, we are a straight and non-homosexual board
You are addressing a thread at some fetish subset of the already small gay population, and specifically at the subset that probably doesn’t lift all that much. Not too surprising you don’t find many people to participate in the thread then
>The struggle paying off yet guys?
didn't noticed yet, i started 6 days ago. cardio's being a bitch though, i'm really out of stamina
>Where are you currently?
185lb, 13%bf
>Losing/Gaining weight?
losing. my plan is to reach 176lb with 8% maybe 171lb if things goes alright, don't want to lose a lot of muscle mass
>Dietary changes?
replaced rice with carrots, stopped eating peanut butter, replaced normal milk with skimmed and i'm eating more veggies.
still, i'm getting my 2g/protein/kg alright. going to check my weight on saturday, i hope i lose at least 500g weekly.
i'm so glad that God created aids to take all the faggots like you straight to hell
>you unrionically share a board with dick-eating faggots who have no respect for themselves, their bodies, or God
Kill yourself
Aren't tattoos against the law in Pakistan
i want to put my babies inside of her
why so mad bro?
dunno, i'm not from there
>we are a straight and non-homosexual board
then how come most of Jow Forums is shirtless dudes
Becoming a twink is one of the few goals I have in life right now. Sucks to be a sugar addicted fuck.
That's a porn model though.
Slowly change from chocolate/cookies/w.e to less energy dense sweets like ice cream and then slowly reduce the amount you eat. That's how I managed to do it, now I just buy some sweets as a treat ever other week. Just a discipline thing, completely depriving doesn't work.
Anyone knows her butt routine?
look at yourself in the mirror every time you feel like eating something sugary. maybe that'll motivate you, and remind you of your progress.
Why don't you kill yourself now knowing your life will be shit?
>you're gonna be disrespected by other men.
>you're gonna be disrespected by women.
>not even your parents will accept you 100%.
>you cannot "achieve it" as a woman.
>best chance to get some decent amount money is camwhoring or cosplay
>by the time you get 40yo you'll be a disgusting piece of a human being (it all goes during your post-teen years)
End your life already.
>please God let me meet him ;-;
Twink reporting in. Struggle is not paying off as I'm seeing even more bone than ever in my hands, feet, and wrists. I'm gonna have to get used to actually paying for food, not snacks, but food. Are protein bars based, guys?
Holy shit. You guys can make a fat thread, you know? Don't be the reason reddit exists.
>>you're gonna be disrespected by other men.
My dick respects them.
You're mixing up twinks with MtFs idiot.
Only thing worse then fags are fags in denial with all this feminine shit.Dont get me wrong, you sodomites are going to get the rope when the day comes but being so much of a loser that you cant even be a proper homosexual male and instead try to pass yourself as a "feminine boy" shows how much of a failure you are at being a failure.
The only kind of gay fag is the kind of faggotry this thread
You know the rules, twink.
Pics or gtfo
>Please let me find that perfect twink I know exists
More like “please let him meet God”
>He's sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do, perhaps even is on this site itself.
my favorite thread now
twunks >>>>> hunks >> twinks
Pls don't post traps
It's been argued that Jow Forums is gayer than /lgbt/.
There's multiple gym thot threads you can be posting in right now. Why come to the single gay thread to cry?
The only board gayer than Jow Forums is Jow Forums.
>The twink who won't secretly think I'm a loser, the twink I can cuddle with (even if only possible online) and spend nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness.
>the twink I can cuddle with (even if only possible online)
Fuuuck I'm turning gay. Guys how do I still thissssssaa AHHHHHHHH. I don't want to be degenerate faggot. I want wife, family and kids but AhHHHh these bodies man. I don't know what's happening anymore, what's good and what's bad! I feel like I must turn back but I can't I just keep looking at these cute bodies... That's bad man, it's very bad!!
Lmao look at this newfag, Jow Forums has always been giga gay. No homo though
OP from the previous thread has me seriously considering downloading grindr
Feminine things make caveman brain light up. Which is why you like traps. The logical half of your brain has to tell your animal half that traps have benis and wont give you offspring or a happy, stable life in your later years. Unfortunately it seems youre predispositioned to risky behavior, which makes you more likely to partake in sodomy or drugs. I suggest finding a religion and joining its community to keep yourself grounded psycologically.
Traps =/= twinks, no place for the mentally ill here
That OP needs to post more pic related
Pretty sure grindr is the fastest way to get aids dude idk about that one
>no place for the mentally ill here
It's a copypasta you dip
Jow Forums is edgy "haha I'm so gay xdddd"
Jow Forums is actually gay
There's several type of gay on Jow Forums, including the traditional gays and closet homos.
>no way dude I’m straight, I like chicks and I want to marry a girl and have kids but there’s just some twinks that make me diamonds haha I’m not gay tho it’s just an occasional fetish dude haha
Checking in
>The virgin fetishist vs. the Chad bisexual
A day isn't complete on Jow Forums until you see fag shit that doesn't serve any purpose other than to show some degen fetish that no one gives a shit about.
Being openly bisexual makes chicks think you’re gay and have aids and is looked down upon by gays as well
Just tell twinks you’re gay and tell thots you’re straight
Tell people whatever lets you clap those cheeks, but don't lie to yourself
>tfw 24 so unable to lose weight to become twink
when I read these I immediately thought of that video of yoda saying this shit
i want to have a twink to creampie everyday
Fair enough
Sad Kunt spotted, stop making excuses and do whatever the fuck it takes to reach your fuckin goals
Don’t we all, haha no homo tho
So are there really no straight twinks? Are all if you gay?
You won't find many girls outside of the rare art hoe that pegs if you're a straight twink
I wouldn't mind finding a man to share my life with, bros.
>an absolute state of Jow Forums
That’s kinda gay dude...
I want love idc if it's gay fag
>tfw no cute art hoe gf to milk and peg my prostate
why even live
But those exist plentifully
check your straight privilege
that guy was posting in r9k a year and a half ago
he lives in alaska. sucks to be EU shit
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, janitor?
Why are threads about women still up?
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, mod?
Threads that are marginally about twinks fitness and aesthetics are more on topic than your stupid varbies
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, janitor?
This user has lost his composure. He can't get over his tranny obsession
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, mod?
This user knows what's up
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, janitor?
>i'm so glad that God created aids to take all the faggots like you straight to hell
>god did anything
i wanna coom inside of you
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, mod?
Why is this retarded off-topic thread still up, janitor?
I dont understand why everyone thinks twink bodies are trans or trap related
because it's the same thing really.
they're all submissive sissies who have no desire to use their penises and commit themselves to purely be cockhungry bottoms who want to take miles of dick up their boipucci.