is it actually a good program?
if anyone has done, would you care posting your review of it?
Naturally enhanced
Wouldnt you rather go with some program that was written earlier, and already was proves countless times to be effective? I mean what does this guy know about this shit. Its not so hard to sound smart, bu it takes years of experience in training people, and education to actually know what you are talking about.
most programs are either strength oriented or bodybuilding boomer stuff that requires being in the gym at least 4 times a week
neither is my goal
>less than 4 times/week in gym
Actually, alexander recommends 2 days of conditioning on top of lift focused days.
The main takeaway from this program is the benefit of having higher exercise selection, but it's not good for carry over. As an example, T-bar presses and DB presses have very little carryover to actual overhead presses. So you would still kind of have go figure it out yourself but most people don't have enough experience to do that
>bodybuilding boomer stuff that requires being in the gym at least 4 times a week
lmao just give up already faggot
> t. sub 1/2/3/4
Mini workouts feels good tbqh
Guess you're right as far strength concerns
I'd like to know how it works for gains as well
you don't want a strength oriented program, or a bodybuilding program. What are you trying to do? Train for a specific sport or event?
It's just a basic progression, it works if you eat and sleep and put in the effort.
>> t. sub 1/2/3/4
>Naturally Enhanced is the definitive system for real naturals wanting to get huge.
>to get huge
goodluck getting huge without volume
post body pls cuz i already know you've been lifting for ~6 months fucking dyel
get out
It's just twice a week full body training
Day 1 you focus on low reps with high intensity, e.g. 3x2 @85%
Day 2 you focus on high reps with low intensity, e.g. 5x10@50%
after you finish the week you rotate the exercises you're doing to a slightly different variation e.g. bench press > pause bench press > close grip bench press > pin press > bench press with bands etc
theres nothing special about it save your money
also instead of your chest and biceps you focus on your
Thanks bro
Sounds good enough
I've actually got the PDF for free but it's 400 pages long and less than perfectly written
>you've been lifting for ~6 months
Not really
It was ok, but honestly it's barely even a program and I stalled on it pretty quickly. You literally have to do all the work he just tells you the order to do the exercises in and lays out some very vague basic rules.
5/10 and that's only because I liked maxing out often, trying new variations, and I like writing programs.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess no. I've been watching a lot of recent videos from Alex. They're good videos. He's now stopped with over hyping those stupid meme excercises and is preaching basically what Practical Programming book by Rip says. Just do Texas Method 4 day if you want a good intermediate program and read PP 3rd edition. Don't neglect isolations at the end of workouts and youll get big doing it.
>constantly switch up your exercises so you never perfect any of them
What a shitty idea.
This program is absolutely shit. It doesn't even include a single calisthenics movement. Get a pair of rings and learn to build real muscle rather than use shitty programs.
You clearly have never read it at one point he was the biggest calisthenics shill on youtube and I'm pretty sure he was going for a 1 arm pull up record at one point