Redpill me on oxalates

redpill me on oxalates

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gives you kidney stones

just cook it a little, dont eat it raw

Cool your veggies and eat them with meat

I’ve been eating raw kale and spinach am I losing gains?

Yes, green vegetables contains anti-nutrients that steal your gains

Why should I believe you. Ever since I switched to this new diet I’ve been feeling great.

Also I didn’t mean to sound so condescending, I’m genuinely curious.

Look up the oxalate content of different greens. Spinach, beet greens and swiss chard are quite high, kale and other greens are literally not an issue.

calcium. dairy. easy

Hmm I’ll look into it. The only thing there I’ve been eating is some spinach in my salads.

I've been eating about 500g spinach every week, am i in danger of kidney stones?

cook them and drink enough water

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They will give you osteoporosis, rotting teeth and kidney stones. nothing personell kid

They are fine user. I eat ton of them raw mixed in my salad. Ask yourself, who do you trust? Boomer Popeye or some random faggot zoomer DYEL who is afraid the spinach ghost will steal his zero gains while he's asleep at night?

>just lose all the nutrition bro
Imagine not just pouring lemon juice on that instead

You were probably deficient in some nutrients that those things provide. But oxalates are present in raw spinach especially.

Same here. Lots of veggies and seafood and my dry eyes, cramps and arthritis feel ten times better.

t. has-been-boomer-trash

Figure it balances out if I add sourcream or some such thing to the spinach. i.e. creamed spinach

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>sour cream added to spinach
Aside from sounding gross how does that balance oxalates?

They denature when you cook the spinach.
>inb4 so do all the other nutrients >:^(
No, not to any extent that makes much difference.

gross? a fool like you will never know :^)

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Oxalates don’t give you kidney stones, the kidney stones are produced by the oxalates already in your body. The thing with oxalates such as spinach is that it limits calcium absorption.