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what happened?

He finally rip his dick off or something?

dont coom too much in one day is the lesson. cooming too much will make your dick rip at the base.

too much cooming

He came, he saw, he coomed

Came so much he ended up in hospital. This is true dedication.

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Dehydration from cooming

In his moment of pain, we can finally see some humility in his eyes.


a part of him lives in every one of us

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who will be the newcoomer?

I love how this guy could have inoperable ass cancer and still has that stupid ass grin stuck on his face. Say what you want about him, but you can tell that he's content with what he's got. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about.

prostate cancer

Why don't we buy him a night with Lexi Belle or something

Poor guy

rest in coom

Holy shit it's real

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>hello doctor!
>sir, we have some important issues to address
>okay, what’s up?
>how can I say this... the X-rays came back
>I’ve never seen anything like it, there is literally semen flowing throughout your blood vessels
>wow that’s remarkable!
>no. No it isn’t. The veins connecting your testes have become infused to your blood arteries.
>so weird, how does that happen?
>I was hoping you could tell me
>when you gotta go, you gotta go?
>sir this isn’t a laughing matter, are you sexually active?
>you can say that
>that’s now what I said. Do you have sex with women regularly?
>you can say that, some of them are really quite attractive
>them? You have multiple partners?
>now you’re coming around doc
>something we also saw in the X-rays. The skin pigments in your palms are textured differently, smoothed, as if god himself just stretched the skin there and draped it over your bones
>god didn’t have a hand in that doc

What the fuck

How exactly would they determine exactly how many times he coomed


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Coomed too hard

cam tips

coom here to say this

You cut the dick in half and count the lines.