How do you actually get to 10% body fat...

How do you actually get to 10% body fat? I've been trying to cut there for years but the lowest I get is 15% and I hover between 16-18% normally.

Attached: BogusCelebratedBullfrog.webm (720x900, 1.37M)

I'm 5'10", 164 lbs. How many more lbs to lose until I'm 10%?

Attached: me.png (768x1024, 1.06M)

Get to 15% and then lose 5% of your body weight in fat.

I've got a real question: Is there any reason to exist except cummies?
all religions promise eternal cummies if you forsake cummies in real life.
athiests think that humanities only exist because cummies coincide with babies being made


tiifym on instagram. She's always bouncy, and wears way better stuff that this one.

>lmao 1pl8

How do you end up above 15%? Put down the soda and candy bars

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Let's say you are 17% BF at 164lbs
17% - 10% = 7%
.07 * 164 = 11.5lbs
164 - 11.5 = 152.5lbs
Let's round down because you will lose a little muscle mass too. So 152lbs should be your goal weight as long as you keep your protein intake up while cutting

Good job pulling the math from your fat ass

Is the math wrong?

How the fuck do you squat that deep without breaking your knees?

By having regular human knees.

She's also using lifting shoes, which help your ATG even deeper due to greater ankle range of motion.

You're assuming 100% of the mass lost would be fat. That's extremely unrealistic in dropping to 10% bf, especially sans steroids

Nobody here knows how bf% works

Nah. I think muscle lost while cutting is exaggerated. As long as you up your protein intake and keep working out, muscle loss will be minimal. Getting under 10% is different, at that point you will lose your muscle.

I don’t have an IG so I need to figure out a way to save the thots I like

Bookmark it faggot

become a rock climber

Wife goes through my phone. Guess I’ll just try to commit it to memory

I'm a web programmer, and I always think about making this too. How to save instagram accounts without making an account

could call it thotstagram

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