Post ITT
>how many cloves you ate today
>your workout today
>if you also eat turmeric and ginger
upper body cables and pullups
Where my Garlic Chads at?
Other urls found in this thread:
>1 a day
>Bench/Incline db press/Grip training
tfw i used to eat 3-4 cloves a day until Mum said she could smell it on me when i used to walk by
I eat 40 gr of garlic, every day, with two raw onions. I dont use shampoo or deodorant and I smell like sulfur all the time, but I live alone and only go out to lift at 3 am in a 24/7 gym, so its ok.
4 cloves
5 sets 500m concept rower sprints
5x10 FAT GRIP pull ups
4x10 JM press @ 60kg
then some curls n lateral raises
what are they good for ? juat bought some and have no idea how to consume them. I have a girl dont want to smell like sulfur. can be cooked for same effects ?
make sure to press and rest for best results. Use a garlic press and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. It fully activates the garlic and gives the best benefits.
Garlic, onion, ACV, turmeric, cinnamon. I like ginger but haven't had it daily for a few months.
>Leg day
Squats, calf raises, farmer carry, lunges, SLDL, burpees.
elaborate bruh wtf you talking about ? redpill me on garlic
>how many cloves you ate today
zero unfortunately, I was sick, usually eat 2-3 a day
>your workout today
again I was sick
>if you also eat turmeric and ginger
I eat ginger too, I try to incorporate turmeric, I hear it is great for your teeth
They boost test and rapidly accelerate weight loss.
To consume them there are different ways.
The best is raw but it is also the hardest. Peel off a clove (a single bulb in the bunch), and cut the bottom off with a knife. Then peel the skin off of it (plenty of videos on it on youtube). Next you just pop it in your mouth and quickly chew it and swallow it. It will have a significant burning feeling so have water ready.
You can also cook them, which is good too, but not as good as raw unfortunately because it denatures the protein. The upside is though that it is easy to consume this way and tastes better
Garlic supposedly releases it’s chemicals when you let it sit, I’ve had the best results with straight raw though
this the newfag initiation?
based garlic op is at it again. 5 cloves for u, son
naw, garlic is for people who want gains rapidly, it’s not for everyone raw. I warn you, it burns like a bitch and I recommend eating garlic then chasing it with raw ginger while drink a carbonated water. Also it has a weird vasodilation effect that makes it like a drug almost. Literally the best weight loss supplement I have ever taken and it’s completely natural.
You can be jacked as fuck without ever eating garlic your entire life, it also feels manly as fuck to eat
Heard that as well.
Know poos use it for snakebites.
I found it really tempers the heat of super spicy food.
If anyone is a faggot like me and can't handle the straight garlic taste, then mix it with raw honey for honeygains. Masks the taste, helps the burn, slides down.
I used to eat 3-4 raw cloves pressed in olive oil, chased by a glass of water. The oil made it go down easier, but i would still get the stomach cramps for 5-10 minutes afterwards (even if I took it with a meal).
Didn't have any noticeable effect on my lifts, energy, mood or anything else. I took it religiously for 3 months.
Being sick is even more reason to eat garlic
what are the benefits?
harder boners
estrogen blocking
good for blood flow see 1
Ginger alters your morality which is why faggots use it as an aphrodisiac for their degenerate activities.
Warding off the undead
i think fags just do molly and ice
Why do you guys chew it, why not just swallow it with water without chewing?
I had an Indian man sit by me the other day and it was eye-watering.
This shit is something I'd only try on the weekends.
Because chewing is part of the digestion process you FUCKING RETARD.
People are actually this fucking dumb
I don't think so, your stomach acid will take care of it
masticating it activates the allicin which is a hugely important part of what makes garlic so good
"The action of crushing, cutting or chewing a clove of raw garlic releases the allicin, leading to the theory that raw garlic may be more beneficial for health than cooked.""
So just crush it instead of chew it kek
Eveybodys always on by back for eating garlic but Im not gonna stop
That's why it's common to crush garlic before using it for anything. Foodlet piece of shit.
It boosts T and gives harder boners? Imma swallow 5 right now!
is this the next meme? fuck you guys will fall for anything if someone says it "increases test"
Your mom increases my t
Not someone
A study done on rats
>They boost test and rapidly accelerate weight loss.
How hard is it to google "garlic effect on testosterone study" you lazy fuck
is there any scientific evidence bros?
>guys, garlic boosts test
>I-I don't have one, but you can look for one!
Next you'll claim that nofap boosts test.
>is there any scientific evidence bros?
Garlic just kills off microbes, bacteria and parasites this is why you have boners and "test booost", what is really does is cleans up all shit in organism.
Different user but basically you're a fag. It's in the same family as onions and has similar effects in a smaller and arguably easier to eat form, though i will say that it can burn quiet a lot and it does smell a lot more
So where's your source that it boosts test then, retard? Kill yourself.
Nofap doesn't boost test, but does make your androgren receptors go back to normals levels.
and as for the garlic
How new are you monkey? There's been at least one thread about onions up for the last few years at this point.
>still no source
Fuck off insolent newfag unironically lurk moar
>do I fit in yet?
Okay that's pretty cool, didn't know about that study
0, going to eat 3-4 cloves in the evening. This way you won't smell like garlic the whole day
google the source on you having a small dick lmao
smash and fine dice, swallow down like a pill
how is eating veggies a meme tho? yeah these faggots love obessing over something from time to time but you def should eat garlic often
Well to be fair there's a big difference between eating garlic with meals and eating raw garlic. Let's be honest eating raw garlic is weird but that doesn't stop me tho
Is ok if the garlic is really cold? I always put them on the fridge
I don't see why that would be a problem
who here loves garlic smell on fingers too?
OG knowledge time. When you crush garlic the alinin turns into alicin which is what you want that’s why yes you need to let it sit 8-10 mins but no longer and yes cooking it destroys the alicin that’s why it’s gotta be raw.
If the garlic is stored it Citric acid it specifically it keeps 80%ish of its alicin content. Costco brand is the only one I’ve found that stores in citric.
Who /black garlic/ here?
>Rest day
I love eating marinated garlic cloves and my gf loves it too but is it OK for a girl to eat as much garlic as i do? should i stop her?
What about pickled garlic bros, same effects?
wtf my brain just adapted and isn't smelling garlic on my fingers anymore, feels bad
The actual fuck. Does it just taste like regular garlic?
why not crush the glove then swallow it with water? No bad smell and easy to take.