Bros I'm not gonna make it

I can't stop eating

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fucking same. I’m so weak and pathetic

Try eating small meals every 2 hours then. You'll be feeling full and constantly be eating you won't even feel hungry

Well then eat oats and rice. Work out more.

Carbs are the devil
they make you hungry.

you might be doing it as a nervous habit. try biting your nails instead

I like eating full, proper meals. Like a big plate of rice at once. Not snacking on a few hundred calories every other hour. I can't do that.

substitute your carb cravings with fats and protein.
>Coconut curries
>Spicy soups, especially Korean, Malaysian and Vietnamese (capsaicin helps boost metabolism)

My nerves are fine, I just get hungry, weak and nauseous unless I'm stuffing myself thrice a day. Or twice a day if it's a super stuffing.

Life sucks without sugary sweets, milkshakes, chips, biscuits, burgers, sandwiches, pizza, pasta, rice, and the like. I'd rather rope myself than live without those.

talk to your doctor

once you take the umami pill you'll realize sweets are dull and no longer stimulating

You’ve already given up, right before it started. Fucking retards

I have hypothyroidism lol

its either one of these three things. 1. you are bored. 2. you are dehydrated and should be drinking water 3. you are taking antidepressants and suppressing your satiation or full feeling.

stfu faggot it's about CICO, I'll eat how I see fit. You wouldn't enjoy eating on my schedule, would you?

>I can't do that.

Yes you can.

It's not about me getting fat. I've been maintaining my weight for almost a year, it's that I can't cut consistently because deficits drive me over the edge.

Maybe that’s why you’re still a fat fuck? You seek advice on a board because of your eating habits, and you throw away suggestions that may cause an improvement because you “can’t handle it”. You don’t even bother trying the suggestion. Faggots like you are weak willed.

Why don't you just stop fucking eating?

now tell us about your genetics

whenever you feel hungry drink an entire 16oz of water. if your still hungry then have a small bowl or oatmeal or a banana no joke faggot.

No I actually have hypo lol

Not all of us enjoy eating 300 calories every two hours, that's beyond retarded. Get that gymcel bullshit out of here. CICO reigns supreme

Do the opposite. One big meal a day a few hours before your workout. No snacking/eating outside of that.

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Nooo Cole you mutt I can't do it my genes are pure only mutts can do what you are capable of including eating rotten meat and drinking piss

>Because deficits drive me over the edge.
It drives me nuts too. That's why eating small meals frequently helps. Just try it for a day. Eat at 200~300 calorie deficit from your TDEE but separate it to 4~6 small meals.

is this bait?

low carb, high protein, eat slightly under maintenance and do cardio to speed the process?

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>Coconut curries
>Spicy soups
Got any preferred recipes? Ive looked around but most seem too fattening

get the fuck off my board. fucking pathetic

Then try not being a weak willed faggot and having the impulse control ofa refugee near a goat

yea you fucking porker? doesnt seem to be working out for you now does it

Give me the umami pill then you fucking faggot

>deficits drive me over the edge
When I was cutting, every time I thought about food I would drink onion juice. It was pretty effective.