>wear my tightest leggings to the gym
>Chad notices me
mfw I’ve made it
Wear my tightest leggings to the gym
I only work out at night because girls with leggings keep distracting me from my workout.
I actually asked around, and most gymbros pay more attention to girls in regular sweats more than to girls in leggings.
There's one exception, there's one varbie that dances between sets and we all stare at her.
This is a male-only board.
Fuck off back to TwoXChromosomes roastie.
post body
It's true. Yoga pants not meme leggings
What's the difference again? I think one get see-through when stretched during, say, hyperextensions.
I'm gonna coom
>>wear my tightest leggings to the gym
>Chad notices me
>mfw I’ve made it
Depending on how you look, it could probably be that it looks like someone stuffed cottage cheese into leggings and it looks gross as fuck. There are a few girls at the gym I go to that have no business in leggings.
>Wonders why girls don't come to our board.....
>wonders why any successful male comes to this board
You're the reason boys don't come here, all these stupid Anonnettes just post half naked guys and in jokes.
>wanting egirls
We don't welcome roasties here. Go somewhere else to white knight roasties online.
Don't you have twitch thots to throw your salary at?
op btfo
Legginga are skin tight, yoga pants are tight around the booty but loosen up down the leg.
>wants girls to come to our board
you are the problem
No girls on the internet, only traps, trannys, twinks and fags like you
>We don't welcome roasties here. Go somewhere else to white knight roasties online.
The fact you save pictures like this. Post body you he/she/it did I give you the right title?
Picture of an average white knight
B&R, leave something to the imagination
Why would we want women on our board?? Retard.
>B-b-b-b-b-b-but noooo everyone has to be everywhere!! no place can be someone's OWN place!! equality everywhere!!!!
good pic
A cuban girl I'm banging right now has a body like this and skin tone, she's even thicker than your pic and takes it into her holes like a champ, damn gonna hit that tonight again, I guess
Post body thank you very much
>look at me im having sex
good for you, now post her or fuck off with your bragging
He was probably just curious why is there an ugly balding freak prancing around in tights in his gym
It's more of a her having her shields up. There's nothing sexier than a girl in regular sweatpants and stretched out t-shirt, there just to work out and not get hit on. Make me want to hit on her right away. Something about a challenge, I guess.
>wear my tightest leggings to the gym
>forget to tuck
>Chad notices me
>forcefully grabs me and brings me into the locker room
>pulls my leggings and panties down
>tucks me back and redresses me
>he says "got you, bro"
>he leaves
>i bare get out a "you too" before he does
mfw I could have made it
Pic not related?
Can you name a real reason for wanting wimmins here? I don't think they have anything useful to add. And the more naive ones may actually take the shit posts seriously
>Based helping chad
What is tucking?
I assume theyre reffering to tucking in your nuts and penor so you look like gorl
To have a string of anal beads in ones anus while getting a handjob. Then, right before climax, the beads are pulled from the anus much like the motion of starting a lawn mower.
>wanting women on this website, period
You're the problem. Tits or GTFO wasn't because anons wanted to see mediocre tits, it was a shaming tactic for attention whores and actual women dumb enough to say that they were.
>beads are pulled from the anus much like the motion of starting a lawn mower
lmao my best friend did this to his gf
Imagine being this much of a beta virgin
Are they still dating?
You mean fat?
Shut the fuck up
surprisingly yes
Women cannot exist without mens validation
I sucked a dog's dick and then buttfucked another dog. Am I a stupid asshole for not doing both things to the same dog?
Went to gym and hit the squats, infront of the rack are 7 empty treadmills, girl in green leggings gets on the one directly infront of the rack, would of been rude not to admire the efforts she went to.
I thank you Ms Test booster if you're on this board.
Stop distracting me from my workout bitch, I’m trying to make gainz
Stop guessing faggot
>Chad notices the cute girl in his gym starting to dress like a whore
>wishes he can find a decent woman to be a loyal wife and a loving mother to his future children.
Remember the Goodbye Horses scene from Silence of the Lambs?
Wojane is so hot, ngl. Dreamgirl, even if she was mtf or some shit.
>i ask around which women people eyefuck inbetween sets
fuck off you larping shit
we want to use your 3 wet holes not your shitty brainlet opinions
Wow this is quite the post, and you're not baiting jesus man.
>a man shows off his dick or ass to a girl
>is sexual harassment
>girls show off ass with yoga pants
>is acceptable
damn right
>our board
males and females are very different. Women are pasive Men are active. Women are attracted to arrogance, confidence and psychopathy Men are attracted to feminity, cuteness and kidness.
Such is life.
>wants attention seeking roasties on our board
>>a man shows off his dick or ass to a girl
>>is chad
>>girls show off ass with yoga pants
>>is a whore
Giving women rights was biggest mistake of western civilization.
>be op
>make a joke about anything
>put anything female related in picture
>thousands of seething incels rage seeing vietnam flashbacks from all women in their lives that rejected them (that being mostly zero, because they don't even talk to women outside the scenarios in their brains)
based and truth pilled
you will never become mother.
adoption exists
I'm attracted to psychopathy to, one of my fetishes is being manipulated and molded by a woman
but I will become a mommy ; - )
thats not psychopathy. Psychopathy means you feel no emotions towards others.
jesus get fucked you christcuck, go masturbate to golden jesuses and tell yourself other religions bad
>be roastie OP
>make attention whore thread
>everyone shits on you and tells you to fuck off
>become confused and angry
>"t-this isn't supposed to happen, I have a vagina!"
>sperg out and call everyone an incel
i will pray for your soul
>Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.
sounds like someone who manipulates for their own ends
>Psychopathy is characterized above all by lack of empathy and other emotions. That lack enables psychopaths to be highly manipulative of others. Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.
It's chad because he brazenly does something gay as fuck regardless of the fact that 90% of gym patrons are male
where's the image of the fat guy looking at anime and saying he looks just like her?
That's just some jew shit right up this bitch. They redefine psychopathy for over 6 000 000 times. Worse than holocaust nom im sayin.
Christianity is a very pliable religion for the most part which might be the reason behind many random people dislike of it
>That's just some jew shit right up this bitch.
yeah and i love it, they are hard to find though because the vast majority of women are airheaded
very based
hEhEHehHEe Le reddit R/WOSH
Fuck off
The reason many "people" dislike Christianity is because it (and all religions) are the highest authority. How does a Jew brainwash the masses when what he preaches goes directly against the divine authority? Well, he can't. The only solution is to attempt to remove that authority. And we've seen how well that's gone in the past.
The guys that desperately want women to come into their space are never going to be the guys that get to fuck them.
You will suck up to her and she will not respect you. Then she will sit on the dick of whichever man is the leader of your space.
Meanwhile you and the other guys like you there will fucking destroy whatever the point of your group was in the first place.
The Alpha of your group will let it happen because he was really only a situational alpha, the head nerd, and he won't enforce standards because he will love fucking that 5/10 damaged goods you're all being nice to.
Imagine her sitting on your face and cooooooming on you, that would be totally disgusting haha!
>wanting women on Jow Forums
pls nerdy gym bro notice me :(
best time to go to the gym is 4-6am. no cutie patooties or retards walking around
>cares that girls come to our board....