Jow Forums btfo for all eternity

Jow Forums btfo for all eternity

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>implying any glove wearing faggot would actually say shit

>harry potter book
was it really necessary to give an example title?
i'm willing to bet this guy doesn't know the existence of any other books

and then everyone clapped. niglet wants to keep those hands smooth for giving handjobs to old white perverts for that crack money.

why a harry potter book?

is that what he thinks is verbose?

>when a low IQ ape tries to make up a situation that didn't happen

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It's the biggest book he's never seen

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Wow this really happend. I bet his 8 year old wifes son gave him a high five as well.

I love when things really happen

I don't get it

>owning someone by referencing a harry potter book

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Because that way your hand Braille reminds you to always stretch your legs.

Seriously though, you should wear gloves

> I told him I'd prefer it if my hands didn't feel like Harrz Potter book in Braile
>tfw when you larp some mogging and it will turn out even more faggy
nice play faggot

I mean, you only really get calluses at the base of your fingers on your palm.. the rest of my hand is fine as far as I'm concerned and I pull over 400+lbs.. I'm sure they'd be softer if I moisturized them but that is the g a y.

>not wearing gloves and having scrub-hands
Ishygddt. Looks like shit, feels like shit, girls hate it (inb4 hurr manly hands, no, they like strong grip, not awful harsh skin). There are no valid arguments beside some boomer "your hands must look like shit otherwise youre not a man!" crap.

>not working the WHOLE hand to the fucking bone

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>Having callouses is bad
This is your brain on women.

Kek, I see you.

No, moisturizing them wont help in any shape or form. Nor will chalk which I see morons say all the time.

If you want to avoid getting rough hands from lifting or just improve grip gloves are the best way, its not the same as other methods because there is a mechanical difference and friction difference. Moisturizing just softens the skin which will just lead to more calluses and chalk literally makes everything worse since you dry your hands out.

Doesn’t every gym have at least one large black man who lifts in jeans and wears leather work gloves?

mine does for shure, he looks faggy as fuck

My hands are like 50 shades of grey, women fizz at the slit when they read them

Moisturize you disgusting ape

>making up stories for twitter clout
your brain on social media

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Why do people need to make up shit for likes? Dammit get a hobby, like building shit, models, DIY simulator stations, paint the house, something productive.

You always know these stories are bullshit because the dialogue goes on for far too long.

Strangers just don't do this, maybe if you were gym buddies or even acquaintances.

You don’t get calluses from dry skin

He'd know callouses don't look like braille if he had worked a day in his life.

but how will i give myself nice handjobs and coom with callused hands

I know this story is fake but the idea that someone just stares at their hands for ten entire minutes after that lame ass insults is kinda funny


Why though? Are there any benefits?

Probably the only callouses he ever had were those tiny ones from helping his mom around the house.

Less likely to get bacterial infections from the damaged skin

Pros: your hands will remain smoother and your boyfriend will enjoy the handjobs. Also, they can make a killer set with your purse
Cons: worse grip

If you've never ripped your palm ur a girlscout

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lmao how bad is your form if you get calluses anywhere but the base of your fingers on the palm, and below the first knuckle out from the palm?

And then everyone clapped.

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It's a joke dude not supposed to be a real story jesus yall are autistic


Women LITERALLY prefer rougher hands and that's all you people INCLUDING ME care about

Why is nigger humor so bizarre. What the fuck does Harry Potter have to do with anything. Is it just the only book he could think of?

I notice with blacks that their humor just incorporates relating things to other things. Typically some corporate or mass produced so everyone gets the joke.

>dis bitch doin’ her hair like a burger mascot from wendy’s
>u smell like a used pair of air jordan’s
>u sound like a fuxin’ Honda Civic with out a muffler
>nigga be lookin’ like Oprah Winfrey reviewing a book

Basically blacks learned how to use similes and everybody has been laughing ever since

>and then everyone clapped
Of course not, don't you know that gives you calluses?

>this thread
can everyone just stop being a faggot?

I've got incredibly soft hands. I work with them pretty regularly, I split wood and garden, but I wear gloves whenever I do just about anything, so I have pillowy-soft hands all the time.

The only time it bothers me is when I'm shaking someone's hands who I actually want to impress, I worry that there's an immediate subconscious judgement there.

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yeah they really love it when you scratch them with your calluses

My gf doesn’t, she likes my manicured nails and smooth fingers, maybe your rougher hands will create more friction when you’re cooming

this is how you look when you lift in gloves,
the choice is yours.

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heh, he's never felt the absolute COOM that is sitting down any deadlift above 3 plate bare handed

Never seen a strong person use gloves

hi bloom

[thunder gaming] yeah not taking any lifting guff from a scrawny nerdy faggot

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Yeah because the kind of guy that would flex and talk shit in the gym would also be insecure about his hands

What a retarded nigger

Just wash your hands, what the fuck. There is no excuse for this post 1950 in the West.

And that person was... Albert Einstein

You're supposed to wait to become a faggot after you get swole.

>Also, they can make a killer set with your purse
Rippletits pls go

then its even worse because it was a shit joke

>Then everyone dropped their weights and clapped.

He's just modelling them for money.

>harry potter

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dude you're here for the gains, the no glove guy was just a faggot though.

Fucking kek