What are your hobbies Jow Forums?

What are your hobbies Jow Forums?
You do more than just lift, right?

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Self-hatred, posting frogs

I enjoy fishkeeping. The most fun comes from setting up a tank. After that, it's just maintenance. I have a 26 gallon and a 10 gallon tank.

4xFale Julii Corydoras
5xPhantom Tetras
1xMystery Snail
1xAssassin Snail (he eats the pond snails in the tank)
Filter: Fluval C4 HOB

1xPlakat Betta
2xMystery Snail
2xNerite Snail
1xBrown Ramshorn Snail
Filter: Fluval C2 HOB

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those sound like mmorpg mobs

Do you have any recommended readings or videos for somebody who wants to start?

Me in the green

Ju jitsu
Playing guitar in a band with some friends
Pen and paper roleplaying games

Sometimes it feels like I'm trying to juggle too many hobbies between full-time work and maybe visiting my family, but I don't know which of those hobbies I would regret giving up the least. It's just as well that I won't ever find a gf, or I would have even less time. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

I listen to music and try to learn music remixes on the side.
Learning new instruments and also planning on making videos are pretty fun and fulfilling for me. I was very into video games, 40k, and anime, but ultimately it wasn't really productive so I had to minimize those.

There's a shitload of videos on youtube, but many of them say the same thing with basic care.

BigAl's and KGTropical are good. Also, Ryo Watanabe visits a lot of fish stores overseas, which is good for getting ideas on hardscaping. Just remember, live plants are the way to go. Amazon Sword plants are a bit of a monkey paw (they grow like crazy).

pic unrelated

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Cripes you sound like me. We choose hobbies that have no chance of encountering women.

Oh, and there's a aquarium general thread on /an/.

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I design/build/fly FPV racing drones outside of work and lifting. I've recently gotten into 3D printing which is a ton of fun. I'm slowly but surely acquiring tools to do carpentry work so I can start building furniture like coffee tables and nightstands too.

Get off of this board and go learn things frens

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Thank you!


I like to play poker casually and competitively, I also gamble and daytrade for fun. My only other hobby than that I can think of is singing sea shanties while swigging down old sailoresque booze.

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Anime figures

Vidya, and I just started reading again. I occasionally go out with my buddies and do various shit too.

can you post a picture of your fishies?



Play for my uni and club in the summer.

School full time, work part time, go to practice/games, lift.

Don't even see my gf much.

Yeah, I do calisthenics too.

Unironic bible studies
Wallowing in 90s nostalgia and living in the past

>Living in the past
>Bible studies
Checks out

I practise piano during the week and play as part of Sunday worship at my church. Used to play vidya but for some reason I lose interest after a few hours and just want to go out and explore.


I do bible studies to better understand God and His will and covenant with us—to come to live in a way He would most approve.
My other hobby is unrelated to the former, I'm just very nostalgic and sentimental.

Does anal masturbation count?
Based and aquaticpilled.

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based degenerate

bjj, freeskiing, hiking and fixing my shit car

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Don't throw mean buzzwords at me like that, man. :(

lifting is the only thing I have, there is nothing else I live for. I lift, eat, browse Jow Forums, coom and sleep. I should be going to school but I hate it, I used to be self employed but my parents pressured me into going. I hate going outside and I always feel out of place. The endorphins from lifting and my lifts going up is non-ironically the only thing keeping me from killing myself.
This is all actually true

Are these hobbies though? I think I'm pretty boring

I drive

>mountain biking
>playing violin
>watching anime
>being depressed

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forgot drawing

Im a student working part time and working towards self improvement:)

my hobbies are pretty shit
watching streams
sometimes bideo games but never enjoying them
I do watch movies listen to music and rarely anime but I dont really consider those hobbies at this point

>playing violin
Post performance.

basically me

Nice, I'm always into stats and probabilities, so this is pretty based.

>what are your hobbies?
>"drinking and gambling"

Way to shoot for the stars user

I produce music in ableton live when I have the energy. Otherwise as a grad student im mostly either immersed in academics, lifting or relaxing at home watching KotH.

Playing poker is more than just gambling, it's hard for people not into the game to understand. :(

Thanks. Chilling out with Jow Forums's /smg/ all day is a lot more fun than playing cards, I recommend it to anyone with the money to buy stock shares.

Hopefully buying a sailboat this year. I also do a bit of gunpla building and trying to get into painting. I like to draw but I'm not very good. I collected milsurp for a while but want to sell the vast majority of it and everything else I own to live a simpler life

Cool, I'll check them out, but the Jow Forums crypto meme really gotten me and I'm just avoiding it, but I'll check it out deffs.

I really enjoy hobby electronics. Making a chronograph and a coil gun at the moment. It’s really rewarding designing something from scratch and see it interact with the world around you. It’s also a nice priece of kind knowing that if the world ends it’s a good skill to have

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crypto is mostly just memery. /smg/ is a bit more level headed, albeit still with different shilling. I get my kicks out of buying into volatile markets and then screaming all day with everyone else whenever the market picks up or drops.

I make tie dyes and sell them at music festivals, sometimes just have fun and don’t sell stuff. Read, go to thrift stores, sometimes bicycle polo. Also taking psychedelic drugs.

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Sounds pretty fucking rad, I'll see you on the other side bro.


I think about killing myself. And xbox.

>spending money on vaginas
>not being a COOMER and use your hands, which is able to control sensation, tension, and pressure that maximizes pleasure, for free
But understandable, sometimes you just need a pussy.

I know a tremendous amount about serial killers. I know that lots of girls are into true crime, too, but it’s not really a social activity so I haven’t figured out how to leverage it yet.

I play children's card games

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i write software and study biology, combining the two is fun but also pays 30% less with a graduate degree in the field as opposed to a bsc. in computer science.

reading (mainly do it in the train)
Anime & manga (duh)
Cooking i guess even though i make the same shit
Self hatred/mental breakdowns

no Im ver bad

You legit sound like someone worth knowing. Good on you

drinking and watching movies by myself

I do too. are you from /dng/?

playing guitar, drawing, reading, hanging out with friends, hiking, traveling, going to gay-ass museum and shit and cooking. Some programming here and there. Also shitposting.

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I am, but its been seemingly worse in terms of shitposting lately. I'm playing in the Discord tournament tomorrow, though. You?

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>some anime
>shitposting on Jow Forums
im not that interesting OP kek

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If you want to try something to blend your drawing practice with your gunpla and model making. Create diorama scenes with your stuff. Take a nice photo of it and then use that as the basis for a new drawing. You get total control over the subject matter, lighting, point of view, and angles of your reference, AND you get to draw something awesome.

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I dabble in multiple instruments and I sing. I’m not terribly good at the instruments, but I have a decent voice and a pretty large vocal range. I’m also beginning to write lyrics. Might just be poetry if I can’t find good musical melodies for them though.