How to achieve this?

How to achieve this?

Attached: ideal male body0.png (640x480, 437K)

work out

Be more specific

work out a lot and eat better

lift weights

no idea i'm here for the memes and nude pictures

Train arms by choking me

Attached: dia_sweat.jpg (644x422, 69K)

Get his number and hit on him babe.

total body workout
chest press
overhead press
bent over row
farmers walks

add pullups and lat raises and its a date

Please kys

Based on his right to left imbalances and lack of arm development I'm going to guess he does mostly barbell compounds for strength

no thanks I want to be able to use my delts

Thats the easy way faggot, its better get rid of pornografy and do the no fap, have more testosterone until you fuck pussy.

please fucking elaborate. Please.

Push/pull/legs 6 days a week

At this point, I really would like to.

Newbie here. What do you do to correct that symmetry?

Who is this? This is exactly what I want to look like desu


Step aside, mortal.

Attached: i1.jpg (679x960, 144K)

Unilateral accessories

Be short and play with angles

Be a manlet with a small benis.

>imagine wanting to actually look like this

Achievable natty?

This is gross. I bet he gasses out after running up a single flight of stairs and awkwardly lumbers around wherever he goes.

>not wanting to become art

ABSOLUTE UNIT. Can he even fit through doors?

I do want to become art, just not modern art.

>roidniggers think this looks good

work out
make sure you're eating healthy foods only



suk cok